Succubus' Life in Another World

Chapter 163: Event No. 1 Death Bridge 1st Half

Chapter 163: Event No. 1 Death Bridge 1st Half

Now everybody! Attention! Attention please!

In contrast to the boisterously excited audience, knowing my actions beforehand and being present during the rehearsal, Sharl calmly called for the audiences attention.

By the way, Sharl is a former class D and now a class B mage. Her family is of the purple peerage and is a member of the neutral faction. As visible here, her voice is highly audible, shes considerably carefree and uplifting for a noble-born, and shes so flexible that she immediately gave an okay when we asked her to be the host of this event.

With Sharl as the main host, she wears an outfit I prepared, unlike the other students I invited for the event management, and shes completely on display on the midair monitors. As the live host, shes wearing a ladies tuxedo kind of thing. Naturally, one showing a lot of skin is what Id like to say, but being both a student and a noble, I went with a modest one.

Even so, Sharls breasts are about Urania size and shes also relatively tall1, so the tinge of eros seems to have caught the male students attention.

The event stage is now ready, so I will now proceed to the explanation of the first event, the Death Bridge Run! As you can see, this is the Death Bridge, running roughly 700 meters long from one end of the venue to another! The participants will be running through this construct!

Half of the floating monitors in the air are displaying Sharl while the remaining others show a sweeping shot of the bridge from end to end. Here and there are suspicious holes and boxes but, yeah, thats how it is. Incidentally, I only thought of half of these while the remaining half are by the min- no, the earth attribute students2.

Naturally, this bridge wouldnt be named the Death Bridge if it was merely an ordinary bridge! As you may observe, this bridge has a variety of traps laid out and each participant will have to overcome them using their own wit and strength!

A new monitor appeared behind Sharl, displaying super deformed participants and the bridge. The chibi participants attempt to run past the bridge but a variety of traps block their way and only the one pink-haired chibi model manages to break the finish line. Wait? Is that supposed to be me? On closer inspection, the first one to retire looks similar to Glen Its prettily made

Having said that, Im sure its still difficult to understand the rules with this simple explanation. Which is why I would like to show a demonstration! Give your applause to these three brave mages challenging this Death Bridge that is yet to be challenged by sorcerers!! Whoaaah!!!

Engulfed in cheers, three students line up at the start of the Death Bridge. Theyre wearing a mage-ish looking robe or rather arent, what theyre wearing is the tracksuit I prepared. To fend against serious injuries, I used magic to put monster leather on the joints and chest for protection. Bloomers? Too bad, Im in the tracksuit faction!3

Well then, as it seems like our three challengers are well prepared, let us start immediately! Death Bridge demonstration match! Ready? Go!! Uwoooo!!!

Oh her signal, the three simultaneously broke into a run. Naturally, since were going out of the way to demo, I also prepared prizes for them. For every obstacle they overcome, they get one magical tool, and in the unlikely chance that they reach the goal, they will receive the privilege to join the hot spring trip with the winning team. Obviously, Im shouldering the expenses. Theres no prize better than this. And perhaps thanks to that, theyre tackling this with all they have.

The midair monitors display the camera shots that are tracking them from behind. Due to that, well also be able to see the obstacles impeding their path and now in front of them is a large towering wall.

Behold the first obstacle! The Wall Climb is now in sight! As you can see, the goal cant be reached without overcoming this towering wall! Now, everyone! Please climb over it!

As Sharl exclaimed, this tall wall is the first obstacle. I dont remember ever giving it a name, but since its hyping up the audience, Ill allow it. This vertical tall wall does have some bouldering-like protrusions, so as long as you have the stamina, it is actually possible to overcome this even without magic or magecraft.

Well, obviously these magecraft inclined children of nobility wouldnt really have that kind of stamina, so each of them challenged this obstacle with magecraft. One of them used wind magecraft to levitate herself while another one used earth sorcery to raise his own scaffolding. The last one, oh, is using ice to increase his footholds but thats a bad move, isnt it?

While I did say that this can be climbed over normally since there are protrusions, I dont remember saying that there arent any traps among them. Elevating the ground itself below you with earth magecraft and levitating with wind magecraft is good since they dont touch anything, but increasing the surface area of the protrusions for a better foothold would still end up activating the trap that makes the protrusion itself fall off.

Losing his foothold near the summit of the wall, a challenger fell down raising a pitiful shriek. RIP. While praying for him in my mind, I make sure that hes not actually dead. Yup, got a broken bone, but thats it. With this, there shouldnt be any problem as long as I Heal him before leaving him to the relief team.

As I was looking after the student that retired at the first obstacle, then I heard an ear-splitting shriek from the audience seats. I quickly looked at the monitor and saw the wind attribute mage getting caught in the second obstacles trap.

Annnd! Our challenger was swallowed by the second obstacle, the Needle Fang! Now that looks painful! However, worry not! Lady Lily is also responsible for the relief aid, so even if you lose an arm or three, youll still be healed in a blink of an eye! Oh, but dont ever let your guard down!! After all, a terrifying trap will be activated soon! Look, see!

Sharls commentary is filled with her rising energy, but I really dont think that there are people with three arms, you know? Well, that aside, the trap that is the reason this bridge is called the Death Bridge has now been activated. This time it was activated three minutes after this start which is quite some time but on the event proper, its set to activate after one minute.

At the starting area, a large jaw appeared out of the floor. This time its only half the width of the bridge but this too is set to be a lot bigger on the event proper. This jaw chomps in place three or so times before suddenly gnawing on the bridge with insane speed. A speed thats difficult for our noble mages to shake off.

Its the ruler of the Death Bridge! Our dear Bigmouth! Youll get eaten if it ever catches up to you, so please run away quickly!

In contrast to Sharls cheerful commentary, the remaining earth attribute mage began running away in desperation. Which is completely understandable, theres no way he wouldnt be scared after seeing a giant jaw gnaw a hole and eat through the tall wall and the maw-like needle obstacle that he just passed through.

hGhGhGhG Hi-hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!

The giant jaw chomps on the floor while slowly catching up. The mage frantically dashes onward but naturally, there are still more obstacles right before him and upon failing to create a magecraft scaffolding on the collapsing floor zone on time, he falls from the bridge. Ah, Im glad that I installed a fall-catching net just in case.

With this, the demonstration is now finished! Whooh boy, its quite loaded with difficult traps, isnt it! Our mages couldnt pass through the third obstacle, but how far will our sorcerer friends be able to go!? Dont miss it now!

Hearing Sharls commentary, the deathly silent audience once again burst into excitement. This course was originally meant to be for sorcerer use, so its only natural that mages would have difficulty reaching the goal. Still, it seems that the audiences were rendered speechless by the deviousness of the course. At that rate, it would have dampened the mood of the audience and made this event feel desolate and miserable, so theres no question that we really were correct to scout Sharl to be the host.4

Nonetheless, every single obstacle is pretty shrewd, arent they? Moreover, Bigmouth is there to add a time limit too. As I thought, making things with the late night high is really dangerous. Well, sorcerers should be able to clear the course, so there shouldnt be any issues.

Now then, as I was occupied with those thoughts, it appears that the participants for the event proper are now ready. Among them, as I expected, is Urania as well. With this being a school event, betting is absolutely forbidden, but if it wasnt, theres no doubt that I wouldve bet my every asset and being on Urania. Still, most of the other students might do the same though.5

Now then, its time for the real deal! Event No. 1, the Death Bridge!! Ready? Go!!!

On Sharls signal, the participants all ran at once.

  1. Lyly: Its Lady Dimitrescu all over again!
  2. Lyly; Now, I dont know if this is supposed to be the alchemy students or if most of the alchemy students are also earth attribute students, but this is how it was.
  3. Lyly: Kek Bloomers v Tracksuit: Which faction are you? Silva: Bloomers, obviously! Youre not a man of culture if you choose tracksuit! Fire: Both are good, just at different scenes and timing heh
  4. Lyly: Some guy just almost got eaten by a giant mouth, of course theyd be scared speechless, lol
  5. Lyly: Her normal physical abilities plus her focus on using magic to augment her physical abilities really makes this an easy pick.

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