Super Electric Eel Avatar

Chapter 170 The Gulf of Aden

Chapter 170 The Gulf of Aden

The clear liquid, like a broken pearl necklace, trickled down the throat of the white mastiff.

In the beginning, the white mastiff was still clearly struggling, but after tasting this sweet and refreshing liquid, it immediately whimpered. Its two small paws were holding the bottle tightly as if it were grabbing a chicken wing.

"An animal is an animal!" Chen Fan shook his head and stood up from the ground. He had tried to feed it just now and the mastiff had rejected it. Now, he could not take the bottle from it.

After carrying the dog with its bottle into its cage, Chen Fan dusted off his hands and looked at the time. He was ready to go on a trip to the deep sea cave to deliver the rest of the equipment and then to take some traditional Taisui soaking liquid out.

He went into the cave with the same method. Chen Fan went to the third floor of the stone tower, dragged open the wall cloth stuck in the resin, and quickly inserted a hose into resin wall. He let the liquid inside flow along the pipeline into the eight-liter, transparent water bag he had bought at the supermarket.

Holding the water bag, Chen Fan looked at the turpentine wall and dreamed. No doubt, there should a big Taisui, though he was not sure how many years it had been living there. If he wanted to take a peep at the Taisui, he needed to export more than half of the liquid. However, there should be no waste, and that required a large, flexible water container.

Ah, I hope this Taisui did not evolve into a monster and eat people as soon as it was released! Shaking off his speculation, Chen Fan tightened the filled water bag and replaced it with a new one.

He bought five of these eight-liter water bags in one go, ready to take enough to give the mastiff to drink.

When all five water bags were filled, Chen Fan took out a rubber stopper from his pocket and stuck it in the turpentine wall. This time, he brought some necessities like firewood, rice, oil and salt that he bought at the supermarket. There were now only the water and electricity problems left to be solved; then the shelter hidden in the deep sea mountain would be officially completed. Of course, it would be perfect if he could get internet in it.

Back home, the small white mastiff in the cage did not incur any unusual condition. It was still alive and kicking. Chen Fan let it out of its cage and continued to feed it with the Taisui soaking liquid.

In the evening, when Yunmeng came back from school and saw that they had a "new family member" at home, she was extremely delighted. She held the small, fluffy, white mastiff and hugged it like a child. Her unique women’s aura was perfectly shown.

"Brother Chen Fan, does he have a name?" Yunmeng asked. Sitting on the sofa, she played with the paw of the little white mastiff, coming near Chen Fan’s cheek.

"No!" Chen Fan’s eyes were fixed on the television. About five seconds later, the corner of his eyebrows lifted. "Let’s call it Xiao Xue!"

"But it’s a male!" Yunmeng couldn’t stand Chen Fan’s joke.

"Who asked it to be so white? Just call it Xiao Xue!" Chen Fan smiled at her.

After continuously feeding Xiao Xue the traditional Taisui soaking liquid for three days, what surprised Chen Fan was that not only did it have no adverse reaction, but instead, it grew particularly fast. Just a few days passed, and it had grown five kilos heavier. Even the texture of its hair was shiny. When it laid on the ground, it looked like a big marshmallow.

During these days, Chen Fan also bought 24 lead-acid batteries, a voltage stabilizer, and a charger.

Using this when the electric eel rested, it could adjust inductance to more than 200 volts. Holding the positive wire in its back claws and the cathode wires in its front claws, it could convey the voltage to the voltage regulator, sending a stable voltage to the accumulator.

Of course, the electric eel slept only in nearby lakes and had limited time on land. Chen Fan bought two wires more than 1,000 meters long and dragged them from the lake to the first floor of the stone tower.

The electric eel’s lower body had the positive discharge organization, while the upper body had the cathode discharge organization. Two faint volts spread in dozens of meters of seawater would be too weak to assemble together, so he did not need to worry about short circuiting. As for the leakage of electricity at the junction between the electric wire and the electric eel... The loss of that little amount was nothing to the electric eel.

Now that electricity was available, all that was left was fresh water. Chen Fan had just brought a small Marine desalination machine from the shipyard this morning. Although it was considered small, the capsule could not hold that big thing which was three meters high and five meters wide. Fortunately, the problem wasn’t too much of a hassle. After putting plastic wrapping on the outside, the electric eel could carry it in its mouth.

Twenty-four lead-acid batteries—if he didn’t connect to a desalination machine and just used it to play on the computer and to cook, it would last for half a month. With the water desalination machine, it could only work continuously for five hours to desalinate a ton of water.

The basic shelter had been built, and the only thing missing was the network that connected to the outside world.

The problem with the network was supposed to be easy to solve. It would be settled as long as he bought several dozen kilometers of long, corrosion-resistant cable to reach to the outside world. This kind of cable was sold in any Zhongyun hardware store, but it was a little expensive, costing 20 RMB a meter. The problem that can be solved with money, is not a problem at all. The key was Chen Fan had not thought of where it would be safest for him to connect the cable to the internet.

He just simply stopped thinking because he couldn’t think of anywhere for the time being. Chen Fan took a long time to take the desalination machine into the stone tower and was tired. He laid on the stone bed to rest for a while. While resting, he controlled the electric eel into the lake, looking for a few crocodile dragons to abuse, then got into the capsule and returned to land.

As he drove to the garden, Chen Fan was attracted by the phone advertisement on the bridge. He found a way!

He could just buy a few mobile SIM cards, make the USB interface more than 2,000 meters long, drag it into the cave, and voila. The internet speed would be a little slow, but he could just avoid playing games! In addition, as early as 1995, Zhongyun city had covered 35 kilometers of the signal area by the sea. Now, it had been upgraded to 110 kilometers of signal area.

The SIM card with the network, in fact, was the same as the USB disk but with an antenna a few centimeters longer and a very small shape. He could use his computer to make phone calls and send text messages, which was also good for helping him to hide his whereabouts.

He acted immediately after thinking and went to the place where they sold computers. He bought five mobile SIM cards and USB slots in one piece. He also bought the machine card that didn’t need to insert phone SIM cards but that was bound to a number.

More than 2,000 meters of long cable... Chen Fan went to the hardware store specifically to buy three, three-kilometer cables and prepared to reserve the other two.

The tools were complete and the rest was about connecting them. Chen Fan scratched his head and drove to the shipyard.

Several workers responsible for cable were confident that they could do it when they heard Chen Fan’s request. Just extend the antenna to two meters long and let it be in the sea. Revealing only an antenna five millimeters thick would be okay.

The problem of making it waterproof was handy and effortless work for these experienced workers. Simply connect it to a cable, connect that to a network card and float it a meter under water.

It would take about one day for the five network cards to be rebuilt. Chen Fan explained a few things to note before driving home.

The next morning, Jiang Shui called and said that the network card had been modified, the connection of the three cables had been completed, and the cables could be easily replaced.

Letting them take the things to the dock, when Chen Fan arrived, he pulled one of the heavy bundles of cables into the white yacht and drove it to the rocky sea.

The buoyancy of the cable itself was not high; it would slowly sink into the sea. So, the shipyard workers calculated its weight and the time it would take to sink and installed a suspension device in the end where it was connected to the wireless network card. This was so that it could keep the depth of 1.5 meters of underwater suspension.

Reaching the top of the reef, Chen Fan sank the end of the cable connected to his laptop into the water, then controlled the electric eel to swim up, gently holding the cable in his paw and dragging it into the cave.

Including the distance between the bent road and the stone pagoda, the water’s surface distance was a total of 2,500 meters. With three kilometers of cable, it still could have 500 meters extra. He could still set up their wireless network so that even if someone came here guided by signal tracking, he need not fear. He could let the electric eel drag the cables in or just bite them.

Waiting until the electric eel swam to the front of the pagoda, Chen Fan started the yacht and slowly drove more than 400 meters. He threw the two-meter wireless network card—including the 10 centimeter circumference floating device—into the sea.

The main material was a foam floater and was painted sea blue. It dropped vertically to a depth of 1.5 meters and could not be seen at all. As for the thin, soft 0.5-millimeter-thick, non-reflective metal antenna, the chances were about the same as winning the lottery that someone could find it in the vast sea and pull it...

Of course, the person would only pull down the thin antenna...

After settling everything, he drove the yacht back to the dock. He then cut off a piece from the used plastic film and wrapped the two cables in it. He took the four wireless cards and dove down again in the capsule.

After the electric eel took the submarine tank and the wire to the cave, Chen Fan moved everything from the capsule into the stone pagoda. He dragged the cable to the second floor, taped it in position, and then connected it to the laptop.

He pressed the power-on button and waited for the laptop to enter desktop mode. The signal was good and after surfing the net for a while, everything else was normal besides a little lag when watching videos.

"Great!" Chen Fan excitedly patted the stone table. He didn’t need to worry about communication when he was in the cave. As long as he hid inside, even if tomorrow the ship sank in the United States, he could send an email telling them he was the one who sank it and still not need to worry about his safety.

What if they traced his IP address? If they had the guts, why not grab the wire and come into the cave and see what is inside it!


North latitude 11.43.42, east longitude 43.32.15.

At the junction between the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea, five huge oil tankers sailing in a row were making their way to Saudi Arabia.

About 1,500 meters behind the five tankers, a 10,000-ton bulk carrier flying a Japanese flag was also sailing.

"Are the heads of the captains of these five tankers filled with sh*t? How dare they not even follow a convoy, sailing without arms in the Gulf of Aden?" In the cabin, the 38-year-old captain, Maruyama An’na, had an expression of, I’ve never seen such idiots before on his face.

Maruyama An’na was the captain for the carrier of Japanese Inoue Mining Co., LTD. Because of the time, their ships did not catch up with the convoy fleet. He was worried at first but suddenly, he unexpectedly saw five large crude oil tankers sailing side by side in the distance. This made him extremely excited. As long as their carrier followed behind the tankers, even if they met pirates, the oil tankers in front were bound to become the pirate’s first target.

At that point, the pirates wouldn’t bother to care about their ship. Maruyama An’na understood the way of piracy—that pirates never commit a big crime on multiple ships at once with so many personnel. They would not rob all five tankers ahead, so how would they target his ship?

He had been following them for two days. Fortunately, he did not meet any pirates. After today, the ships would enter the Red Sea and say goodbye to the pirates completely.

Maruyama An’na went so far as to think maliciously how wonderful would it be if the pirates came and hijacked the five oil tankers ahead of him.

Just at that moment, a shrill cry was heard. He saw the first mate pointing to the monitor screen and saying in a fearful manner, "Captain, there are five boats behind coming fast in this direction. Rocket launchers are installed on their boat."

"What?" Maruyama An’na jumped up from the seat and went to the monitor. After looking at the situation, his jaws chattered and he said, "Don’t be afraid. They must be targeting the five oil tankers ahead. After all, they’re more valuable than us regardless of tonnage or number of crew!"

He had been thinking about what would happen if the tankers in front of him were hijacked by pirates, but now his legs were trembling in fear when it actually happened.

The first mate next to the captain was scared and kneeled on the ground, praying in a strong voice, "God bless us... God bless us... God bless us..."

Like Amaterasu’s glorious position over the Gulf of Aden, the five boats speeding over 40 knots did not even look at them and instead, passed from both sides of the bulk carrier, toward the five oil tankers in the front.

"I see!" Maruyama An’na jumped three feet high and pointed to the tanker in front of him. "It’s so cool. My dear shield, I’ll remember you."


"Long live the great god!"

"Ha ha!"

Immediately, several members of the crew burst into excitement. Their tone of voice was so high, it could almost shatter glass.

"Wait ’til we get on shore. I’ll invite everybody to go carousing together!" Maruyama An’na was secretly happy. It seemed that he had the potential to be a god—just concentrating on his desire, it immediately happened!

"O choo, Captain Banzai!"


"Captain, I love you!"

The crews praised Maruyama An’na, and he was happy.

All of a sudden...

The crew, who was cheerful at first, instantly changed their mood. Captain Maruyama An’na sat on the ground, as surprised as if a paternity test result said their children were not theirs.

He could only see the pirates suddenly turn back in a formation, fiercely dashing towards them. Behind them, there were no ships—not even a phantom.

There was no doubt that the five pirate ships must have come for their bulk carriers!

As for why the pirates turned away when they were hundreds of meters from the five oil tankers, he would have to ask the gods!

It happened according to the arrangement of God, and Maruyama An’na did not know why. He only knew that his stingy boss would not pay a high ransom for them!

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