Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005

Collapse of the Divine Peaks

“We’re at Celestial Star Sect?” Gui Mohan looked around to see the varicoloured formation. “To the formation we came from, now!”

The formation flashed dimly but did not teleport them away. They had no idea Mu Yu already destroyed the linked teleportation formation on the other side.

Hearing the sorry and anger in Tian Houyang’s voice after hearing Tian Xingzhou growl, Zhuge Xiaosheng rushed over from the fifth mountain, arriving on the ceiling of the palace. Everyone else on the fourth mountain had surrounded the palace from above, though nobody dared to enter the forbidden zone.

Zhuge Xiaosheng, holding onto Tian Xingzhou’s corpse, blared, “I will kill you three!” Zhuge Xiaosheng created a broadsword Tian Houyang wielded through a formation and swung at the three.

“Stop! This is a misunderstanding. We didn’t mean to kill Tian Xingzhou!” Gui Mohan unleashed ghost qi from his hand to deflect the broadsword.

“A misunderstanding? You infiltrate our sect, kill our elder and claim it’s a misunderstanding?!”

Gui Mohan used the minimum amount of energy required to send Zhuge Xiaosheng staggering back for their own safety. Zhuge Xiaosheng, however, pretended it hit harder than that and charged through the palace’s wall on purpose.

“What happened?!” thundered Tian Yuehen, seeing the palace’s rubble.

Zhuge Xiaosheng climbed out of the rubble whilst hauling Tian Xingzhou along. “Patriarch, Ghost Gate assassinated First Elder!”

No further explanations were necessary when there was a bloody hole and heart missing from Tian Xingzhou’s chest.

“Who killed Uncle Xingzhou?!” fumed Tian Yuehen.

“It was them, those three!” Zhuge Xiaosheng indicated with his finger.

“Gui Mohan, what are you doing in our forbidden zone?!” Tian Yuehen erupted.

Realising his folly had landed him in Mu Yu’s trap, Gui Mohan explained, “This is a misunderstanding. We were merely chasing Mu Yu and happened to end up here. We never int-”

“Don’t you dare lie! I saw you kill our elder as soon as I entered the palace!” Zhuge Xiaosheng interjected.

“Gui Mohan, you admit to killing our elder?” Tian Yuehen questioned.

The palace’s colourful formation exploded out of the blue! Like something deleting them, the formation’s lines started to vanish from Ghost Gate’s trio’s feet. As a result, all seven mountains shook as hard as though an earthquake hit. The mountains started to tilt, throwing things on them off.

“Gui Mohan! What did you do to my sect’s core formation?!” belted Tian Yuehen, helplessly listening to seven booming crashes to the ground and the dust rising up as a result of the seven mountains crashing down below. Tian Yuehen grabbed the white sword he spawned behind him and pointed it at Gui Mohan. “Gui Mohan, you killed our elder, destroyed our sect grounds… You’re dead! Everyone listen in: kill those three!”

“Let’s get out of here!” Gui Mohan ordered as Celestial Star Sect initiated their attacks, judging the only feasible course of action was to explain what transpired to Third Heaven Palace.

Owing to the destruction of the core formation, there was no barrier to inhibit Ghost Gate’s trio from escaping.

“Tell every disciple to kill any Ghost Gate members they see! Uncle Houyang, please call back all of our elders to hunt down Ghost Gate!” instructed Tian Yuehen, huffing and puffing.

“Right away, Patriarch!” Zhuge Xiaosheng set Tian Xingzhou’s corpse down and headed out.

“After them!” Tian Yuehen led the remaining disciples on the pursuit mission.


If Ghost Gate’s trio did not kill Tian Xingzhou, Zhuge Xiaosheng would have finished Tian Xingzhou and framed Ghost Gate’s trio. Mu Yu and Zhuge Xiaosheng would then spread word that the eight great sects were dealing with internal conflicts. Mu Yu did not expect Ghost Gate’s trio and Celestial Star Sect to fight. As long as people were convinced the two groups fought, the goal was accomplished.

Mu Yu returned to Ghost Gate, having destroyed all of the formations he set down to lure Gui Mohan into his ploy. Without the teleportation formations, Ghost Gate’s trio would take, at least, eight hours to return to Ghost Gate, granting him over six hours to annihilate Ghost Gate – the real goal from the very beginning.

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