Supreme Swordsman of the Nine Heavens

Chapter 949

Chapter 949

Pure Peace City’s Barrier

Tian Ran, won’t you bat an eye? Has Secular World Sect’s erased all of your emotions? Even I can control my bloodlust this time because of you. I must bring you to your senses, Mu Yu decided.

By the time Mu Yu shifted his attention to Xiang Heguan, the latter had already dove down after the survivors who were wondering what the white sprinkles all around them were. As soon as the curious cultivators touched the white droplets, the energy invaded their body, turning them into bloody fireworks.


The hurtling survivors still had no idea they had trapped themselves in the city when they tore down Sword Shadow Dust Gale’s shadow. Upon trying to fly out of the city, a white barrier appeared, fulminating them upon contact. If they turned back, Xiang Heguan’s silver stars would explode them. They tried to find objects to employ as shields, but Xiang Heguan’s stars far outnumbered them.

Mu Yu did not have an issue with the surviving cultivators dying. If he let Xiang Heguan kill them, nevertheless, they would become nourishment for the duo. Hence, Mu Yu tried to stop Xiang Heguan. Jiang Shanqiu obviously would not just let Mu Yu carry out his plan, therefore stepping in to absorb Mu Yu’s qi slash again. This time, though, Mu Yu had a counter prepared, casting Mirror Formation around the qi he slashed out to detour around the mirror, much to Jiang Shanqiu’s disgrace.

Xiang Heguan recalled the bloody mist still sitting in the atmosphere, turning his ten beads into red beads. He conjured a red hole overhead, ushering Mu Yu’s qi into it and then deleting both. Meanwhile, Jiang Shanqiu turned his Dangerous Mirror into a vehicle to fire an energy beam at Mu Yu.

Mu Yu defended with Contiguous Horizon Formation, affording himself a brief stretch to call on power from the firmament. Unfortunately, the barrier of Pure Peace City flashed red, severing the connection between the firmament and Mu Yu’s Shadow Splitter Sword, thereby cancelling out Mu Yu’s qi closing in on Xiang Heguan.

“We already knew about your celestial swords’ ability to borrow the might of the heavens. What sort of fool are you to think we aren’t prepared for it? Let’s see the ‘celestial’ in ‘celestial swords’ when you can’t borrow the power of the heavens,” scoffed Xiang Heguan. “Because I’m feeling nice, let me also notify you that the archfiends’ domains can’t be activated inside this barrier we’ve erected.”

Jiang Shanqiu regrouped with Xiang Heguan, the two guffawing as their powers increased by ten folds!

“Mu Yu, we’re pretty screwed now,” Xiaoshuai whispered.

“Well, not much we can do. The ordinary folks are hiding in buildings, but that won’t do squat. If we can’t escape, the only option is to stand and bang,” Mu Yu whispered, then taunting, “You two sure must be busy coming up with ways to fight me. Lucky I don’t have to pay rent to live in your heads.”

Jiang Shange and Xiang Heguan positioned Mu Yu in the centre of their pincer attack, giving Yan Qingyun an opportunity to catapult a red lotus at Mu Yu from the left. Mu Yu teleported himself to Yan Qingyun, selecting to take out the weakest among the trio first. Unfortunately, Jiang Shanqiu’s attack homed in on Mu Yu, foiling Mu Yu’s swing with a bead the moment he tried to end Yan Qingyun.

Yan Qingyun fired a red lotus out of her back. Mu Yu tried to parry Jiang Shanqiu’s bead with his right arm whilst casting a yin yang shield in his left hand to defend the synchronised attacks. Xiang Guanhe capitalised on Mu Yu’s predicament, trying to subdue Mu Yu from behind with ghost hands invoked from his beads.

Though Mu Yu cast Contiguous Horizon Formation behind him, Xiang Guanhe’s superior cultivation helped him plough through the formation, ramming straight into Mu Yu’s back. Mu Yu summoned a black and white dragon from the yin yang shield in his left hand to force Yan Qingyun back, giving him room to escape onto a roof.

Jiang Shanqiu and Xiang Guanhe put the pressure, turning their beads into ginormous spheres to pelt down on Mu Yu. Had Mu Yu not jumped away, he would have been buried underneath the rubble now siting metres deep in the ground. That being said, he still had Yan Qingyun hot on his trail.

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