The Divine Twilight's Return

Chapter 168: Star, Level 50 (7)

Chapter 168: Star, Level 50 (7)

“Chang-Sun, you’re Cadmus now.” Gramps faintly smiled.?

“Fuck! I told you I don’t want that weird name!” Chang-Sun shouted.?

“You little rascal, would it kill you to just take it and say thank you? You’ll accept it anyway, so why do you always have to grumble?” Gramps chuckled.?

“Gosh, okay, okay! Just stop talking! You’re bleeding!” Chang-Sun bit his lower lip.?

“Hahaha, I know my body the best. It’s too late for me.” Gramps gently shook his head.?

“Fuck! Don’t say that! You’ll bring bad luck!” Chang-Sun continued to yell at the top of his lungs.?

“Just remember that you’re Cadmus from now on. Starting tomorrow, you have to take care of that child. Ithaca may seem more prideful than anyone, but she’s actually kind…” Gramps instructed.?

“Cut it out! If you’re worried about her that much, then keep taking care of her!” Chang-Sun interrupted.?

“… That’s why you have to take care of that child…” Gramps gently said.?

Chang-Sun remembered a conversation that happened in a situation so blood-filled that he didn’t really want to recall it. Despite bleeding profusely, Gramps repeatedly asked Chang-Sun to protect his Guardian, and Chang-Sun told him to be quiet several times in return. Gramps’ wounds were really serious. Two spears had pierced through him, he was stabbed with dozens of swords, and Chang-Sun couldn’t even count how many arrows had hit him. Hence, whenever he coughed, he noticeably trembled.

Chang-Sun desperately tried to save Gramps, but he didn’t know where to start. He regretted not learning simple healing spells at least—no, if only he studied runes whenever Gramps tried to teach him about them, he would’ve had at least stopped the bleeding…

Having failed to even do that, Chang-Sun wanted to beat the life out of his past self if only he could go back to the past. His laziness, the only reason why he didn’t learn those skills, left him helpless before the dying Gramps.

Chang-Sun still tried to do something, of course, but Gramps forced him to stop, telling him not to waste his efforts because it was already too late for him. He then made his last request, which he had already half-jokingly talked about for quite some time further in the past.

Chang-Sun hated it whenever Gramps brought it up. A Guardian was supposed to protect the one they had signed a contract with and grant them power so they could protect themselves in the face of danger. In return, the Guardian could ask the contractor to spread their doctrines. That was the whole point of their contract.

Hence, Chang-Sun wanted to tell Gramps that asking him to protect his Guardian sounded ridiculous since she was supposed to be the one protecting Gramps. However, Gramps tightly held his hands and repeatedly asked him to do so. Crying, he felt compelled to accept Gramps’ request.

That was when ‘White Silence Walking in the Wind’ Ithaca became Chang-Sun’s Guardian and Chang-Sun her apostle, earning the name Cadmus because Ithaca’s apostles traditionally inherited it.

“I hate you! You’re the reason why Cadmus died!” Chang-Sun growled.?

However, Ithaca hated—no, she loathed Chang-Sun as much as he hated her since his mistake was what caused Gramps to fall into such danger in the first place. Chang-Sun should’ve been the one to die, but Gramps sacrificed himself to save him.

That was why Ithaca stayed away from Chang-Sun. Chang-Sun didn’t bother becoming close to her either. Although Gramps had asked Chang-Sun to protect her, the Ithaca that Chang-Sun knew didn’t seem to require his protection since she was the <Shining Star>.

In fact, Chang-Sun got offended whenever Ithaca expressed her resentment toward him. He thought it was unfair that she never helped Gramps with such power, making him think of her as a hypocrite. Fortunately, they shared the same goal, which was to kill everyone responsible for Gramps’ death, and at the same time, Chang-Sun couldn’t ignore Gramps’ final words.

The other Celestials would definitely try to take away her power as soon as they got the chance. The <Starlight> of the <Shining Star> was the brightest, most valuable treasure in the universes since it could turn anyone who had it into an ‘Emperor-level’ being. That was why there was no way they would miss this chance. A war inevitably broke out. The Guardians of Arcadia also participated, causing it to spread throughout all of Arcadia.

“Chang-Sun,” Ithaca said.?

Although Chang-Sun and Ithaca had always given each other death glares, they became closer during that time and developed a love-hate relationship.

“I love you.” Ithaca smiled.?

Despite everything they had gone through, Chang-Sun was happy in that love-hate relationship. Ithaca became someone whom Chang-Sun could relax and be at peace with, allowing him to take a breather from his suffocatingly intense life.

“And… I’m sorry.” Ithaca apologized, her voice melancholic.

However, the world took away Chang-Sun’s happiness again as if he didn’t deserve it.

* * *

[The Celestial ‘A Good Season to Hunt’ tilts her head in confusion, wondering why you froze up.]

[The Celestial ‘World-Encircling Serpent’ wants to know what that weird <Starlight> fragment said.]

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ frowns, thinking something is odd. ]

[The Celestial ‘Big Sick Bug’ smacks his lips, sensing your Divinity.]

Chang-Sun quickly escaped the storm of emotions that overwhelmed him. Fortunately, Heoju and the other Celestials couldn’t hear what the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ said. If Heoju had heard the name Ithaca, things would have become complicated. The ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ likely spoke directly into his mind because she also thought others shouldn’t hear about it.

“Phew…!” Chang-Sun took a deep breath to calm down and sent a cold telepathic message to the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter.’

『I’m the one who should be asking that. How do you know that name?』

The ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ was a little shocked since she didn’t expect Chang-Sun to skillfully use telepathy.

『It would be strange not to know her name,』she replied, not letting her surprise show.

The ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ paused for a little, then calmly continued.

『She’s my mother.』

Chang-Sun clenched his fists tightly, realizing that the ‘wind’ in her divine name referred to Ithaca…

『But I hate her. She made me, then left me to die. She’s also the reason why I got trapped and ravaged in that hell after my death. Because of her, I became a slave again.』

Chang-Sun began to see various memories of the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter.’ In one of them, countless Celestials captured her and made her go through the <Divine Trial>, charged with the crime of being born as the <Shining Star>’s daughter.

Although she wanted to ask how that could be considered a crime, Celestials didn’t care since they just wanted a hostage to capture Ithaca. However, she didn’t show up. Considered useless, the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ was executed… then woke up in the prison named the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan].

In another memory, the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ was waging a war against the people that had come to ‘Wind Hell’ after being bewitched by the <Starlight> that the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan] exuded. Just as how the Changgwis trapped in the Changgwi Cave fought with each other, the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ killed the invaders in ‘Wind Hell.’ She then gathered power little by little to escape her prison. During those moments, her grudge against her mother gradually grew.

Was that when she met Mireille Aliano?’?Chang-Sun wondered.

He could soon figure out how the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ got attached to Mireille. Although she wasn’t certain either how it was possible since Mireille hadn’t even decrypted the cryptical book, they started to talk with each other through the ring and established an affectionate relationship.

Mireille had no talent when the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ became her Guardian and summon. On the other hand, the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter had been sickeningly lonely for so long until Mireille became her buddy. The Crna Ruka Clan then showed up out of nowhere, and the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ ended up meeting Chang-Sun.

Of course, Chang-Sun had zero interest in what kind of connection Mireille and the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ shared, so he didn’t pay any attention to the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ as she grumbled. However, Chang-Sun couldn’t help but wonder what in the world was the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan].

『I don’t know,』the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ replied when Chang-Sun asked. He raised one of his eyebrows, thinking there was no way she wouldn’t know. After reading his thoughts, the ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ hurriedly continued.

『That’s the truth! I just woke up in there without any idea what ‘Hsan’ even is! Besides, do you really think I would have stayed there if I knew what the cryptical book is?!』

Chang-Sun’s head spun, finding it difficult to figure out what in the world was going on. It took him a while to regain his composure.

『But I do know that it’s a sturdy prison and a perfect, unbreakable plane in itself. Didn’t you notice that since you smell like Ithaca?』

Chang-Sun was about to nod, but something came across his mind. ‘Wait, Ithaca said she has seven daughters.’

To be more accurate, they were Ithaca’s doppelgangers. She created them by splitting her uncontrollable power, but she had always called them her daughters because it was like she gave birth to them.

At that moment, Chang-Sun felt as if something blunt hit the back of his head. ‘[Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan]... Ithaca has seven daughters…’

The ‘Wind-Hating Daughter’ said that she was trapped in an inescapable prison. Before she ended up there, she had to go through the <Divine Trial>, which was a trap for Ithaca.

Hence, Chang-Sun couldn’t help but think that perhaps the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan] were the items used to seal Ithaca’s seven daughters, but they got separated for an unknown reason. Heoju was gathering them one by one and was trying to unlock their secrets so he could have the power all to himself. If so, then Chang-Sun already knew Heoju’s goal—to evolve.

“How can I become strong like you?” Heoju asked.?

Chang-Sun had already noticed it before, but Heoju always tried to follow the path of the ‘Divine Twilight’ because he admired how strong that Celestial was. Heoju even wanted to catch his attention while he was temporarily with the <Purple Star Astrology>.

It seemed Heoju was still trying to become as strong as the ‘Divine Twilight’ even after he had fallen—no, Chang-Sun was sure of it. After all, he wouldn’t have coincidentally mentioned the ‘Divine Twilight’ to him.

If Heoju had concluded that the ‘Divine Twilight’ became strong because of his Guardian Ithaca, then Chang-Sun could understand why he was hellbent on acquiring the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan], which would have a little bit of the deceased Ithaca’s <Starlight>. All the puzzle pieces were falling into place.

‘Heoju, you crazy bastard…!’ Chang-Sun tightly clenched his fists and bit his lower lip so hard that it bled.

[The Celestial ‘Calamity Tiger’ tilts his head in confusion, not sure why you are acting like that.]

Chang-Sun naturally still had unanswered questions. If the thick Hohwan Mama of the [Seven Cryptical Books of Hsan] was part of Ithaca’s <Starlight>, then there was no way Chang-Sun wouldn’t recognize it. Ithaca passed gave him all her <Starlight> when she passed away, and it later helped him become the ‘Divine Twilight,’ so he would always be able to recognize her <Starlight>.

‘There is definitely more to this that I’m not aware of.’?Chang-Sun narrowed his eyes.

Perhaps the secret that Chang-Sun hadn’t noticed yet was Heoju’s ‘real goal.’

‘Heoju, I’ll tear you to death using whatever means necessary.’?Chang-Sun’s eyes turned cold.

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