The dragon's harem

Chapter 734 The Battle-mighty Huntress.

Chapter 734 The Battle-mighty Huntress.

"Did you just sniff me?!" She growled.

What's this cat talking about? She sniffed me first. Isn't this a greeting to their kind? Ah! I know. I saw them sniff each other noses before. No, I should avoid that. Aella might kill me.

"I could sniff you from the door. But I was trying to be polite and return the sniff. Like a proper cat." I just told her how I felt. I've seen half-dragons like Eris. They usually act close to real dragons, so her being half-cat, she should act like a cat.

"That's harassment, you weirdo." She growled, hissing as her eyes slowly bent backward and her tail spiked.

What's this crazy cat talking about? I didn't even mention the strange smell she had.

"Said the one sniffing a married man." I couldn't help but stand and glare down at her. My draconic blood resonated and boiled, so I'm certain my eyes had a deep purple glow to them.

Strangely enough, she barely reached my chest. How tall was she? 1.7 meters? Probably around that.

"I can sniff you. You can't sniff me." She growled, her claws extending from her fingers.

Hoo! I'm starting to like her. Double standards are stable for arrogance. I sat back. Even with how much I'd love to get into a fight with her, I'm sure I can't do that here in the school. We'll destroy everything, and this whole year might end up canceled. Most importantly, Aella is scary when she's angry.

She smiled, staring at me with that twisted, smug face. "What coward. With that size, and you back down?"

"I chose my fights. I don't want to cause a scene. So… Back to your seat." I pointed with my thumb at the empty seat behind me.

"HAA!" She grunted at me. I could her fangs show up as her ears turned back, and her tail shot up as if she got electrocuted. "You're just a coward."

Now, this cat is a problem. Speaking with her won't get me anywhere. Should I just smack her across the class? No, I don't want to be the one to start the fight. So I can tell Aella that she attacked me first.

She is at the edge of exploding. I need her to hit me first. I need to first limit my strength and speed to a level where I can't damage the class even with a missed attack, and then I need to keep the durability of my scales at their best so I can tank her first hit.

How do I get her to attack first? I can sniff her again, but that would be obvious that I'm looking for a fight…How about a comment, something that is true but will get her to snap? Yeah, "You smelled like a lizard from the door, I want to confirm."

Like a cat swinging its paw, she swung two lightning-fast jabs at Arad's face, smacking him right in the left eye. Thanks to Arad's inhuman reflexes and his Nictitating membrane. The attacks did no damage at all despite the sharp claws.

Arad's eyes opened and moved at a terrifying speed, staring at the tips of the girl's claw, noticing they were cracked. Their sharp end was damaged upon impacting Arad's hard scales and eyelids. It must've felt like smacking a rock with your nails.

It's been only a fraction of a second since she attacked, but she's already lifting her left fist, ready for a second assault.

She's fast, but nowhere near me. Her attacks are also too weak to scratch my scales. From how weak the signal is, I suspect she didn't awaken the blood yet. Could she be carrying one of my brother's balls? No, that doesn't make sense for such a thing to show too quickly.

Arad's eyes shifted to his right, staring at the girl's left claw racing toward his face.

I've been bitten a lot by carelessness, so I'll assume she awakened her blood and held one of my brother's balls, but she's trying to hide it. That's the safest assumption to go with, and thus I'll act accordingly.

SWOSH! The girl's claw flew through the empty air. Arad had already disappeared from his seat before she could realize it. Her mind raced upon realizing he had disappeared. If he had such a speed that he could leave her field of vision before she notices, that mean wherever he is now, she isn't fast enough to dodge his attack. There was only one logical spot for Arad to be in, and out of instinct, she acted.

She turned around in a fraction of a second, protecting her face with her arms in a boxer's guard. Arad must be behind her. She can't take a direct punch to the back of the head or she'll get blind. That'll spell death.

She clenched her teeth, ready to take the hit, but it never arrived. Instead, a cold wet sensation dripped from her across her back. She blinked, confused.

Arad stood there, holding a jug of cold water, pouring it slowly on her head.

"Chill out," I said with a passive face. Cats hate water. I've seen that countless times. This'll be a good way to annoy her without actually harming her, and I don't want to get in trouble in the coming seconds for starting a fight.

CLICK! The class's door opened, and the teacher walked in, seeing the students staring at Arad pouring water on the girl's head as she took a boxer's guard.

"What's going on?!" He gasped.

"She's nervous. I'm helping her chill out with cold water." I replied, having noticed the faint strips on the girl's skin. I bet humans can't see them, but my powerful draconic eyes can with ease. To her, this is a humiliating insult, but to the teacher, it's a stupid thing that could be explained.

"Heh?!" The girl gasped, dropping her guard.

"Aron, are you stupid…Ahem, excuse my language." The teacher was about to snap, but he quickly changed his tone. "Tigers love to swim and relax in water, but that doesn't mean that pouring water on one would calm them down."

I pretended to be surprised. "What? I totally thought it would work. Sorry, I've never met someone like her before." Yes, this girl isn't a black cat. She's a black tiger. And most importantly, I sensed the blood of a void dragon in her veins. She's a void draconic bloodline sorceress.

You ask how do I know that? Well, if she was a true void drakaina, we would've repelled each other. Brother's spell only includes me and him, so she's not a true drakaina. That only left us with two options, she could be holding one of my brother's balls, but that was farfetched and unlikely, and I would've noticed if the magic inside her belonged to him.

She has an inactive void bloodline that results in her purple eyes. But to be careful, I need to keep all the possibilities in mind and act accordingly.

"You bastard!" She growled, swinging her claw at my face without hesitation. A brave move, but too slow. I simply bent backward, dodging her swing.

"Matilda Jaeger! Watch your tongue. We're in class. Unless you want to get suspended on the first day, and hour nonetheless." The teacher growled at her.

She immediately turned back, "What! He's the one who started it!"

Hearing her words, I wanted to get a bit petty. I looked at the other students, "She approached me first…"

They all nodded.

"And she's started shouting first."

"Yeah…" They looked at her face, turning red and sad with worried stares.

"And she attacked me first,"

"She…did…" They couldn't get more stressed.

"Not only I didn't hit her back, I'm only trying to help her calm down. I didn't even lift my voice once, did I?"

"Shut up!" She hissed at me.

"Listen, you're only making your case worse." I waved my hand and then looked at the teacher. "Please ignore this. We're just getting to know each other. Troubles were bound to happen when gathering people from all around the world,"

The teacher nodded, "Since it's a problem between you and her. I'll ignore it if you two allow us to start the class."

I looked at her with a smug smile. "Please calm down. Sorry for pouring water on your head. Here, I have a spell that can help dry you out." I extended a finger at her head and cast a wind spell that I saw Aella use. A 0-tier that makes a weak stream of wind, like a light breeze, and it was called [Breeze]

But as petty as I wanted to be, I'm changing the B to F. Cooling the spell with magic to make it have the effect of a spell I learned from Isdis, and have the outside appearance of [Breeze]

The spell I actually cased was the 0-tier spell, [Freeze] That creates a frigid cold wind.

"MOOOOOO!" She cried, and I was a bit surprised. That sounded like a cow.

"Both of you! To your seats!" The teacher yelled at us.

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