The dragon's harem

Chapter 774 Blade Dance

Chapter 774 Blade Dance

"Even if that's true…she never caused trouble for the past years…" Merida stared at Arad as they walked toward the middle of the arena. "We could ignore her for the time being."

"I don't know about that, but I'll keep my eyes open for any attack." Arad cracked his neck, "So, what level do you want?"

"I found writing about this ancient fighting style called blade dance. It was practiced by the dark elf goddess' priestesses as a way to defend their nation." Merida approached Arad, standing with the blade extended behind her. "The book said it was turned for the goddess's body and would work best if used by a dark elf woman, but I want to try it."

"Couldn't you use some kind of shape-shifting magic to take on the body of a dark elf woman?" Arad asked as he took a stance, "And what should I expect? Nothing too extreme I hope." He was hoping she wouldn't slice him to pieces as he didn't want to show his regeneration abilities here.

"To put it simply, blade dance conserves the momentum of the attack and carries it to the next one. It's basically create an endless combo where each strike is stronger than the one before." Merida lunged forward, swinging the sword at Arad and he dodged.

"So you want me to keep dodging to test how well you can track a target without breaking the combo. But taking on such stress, won't you get exhausted?" He asked while dodging her swings with ease.

Merida smiled as his attacks started getting faster and stronger. "This is the point where the true power of this technique shows up." She started chasing Arad everywhere.

"The attacks get faster, stronger, and surprisingly require less and less stamina to perform until they the use stop getting tired. As long as the body remains whole, the dance won't stop after a certain point." She smiled.

"The body will eventually break, and then you'll be an easy target when that happens." Arad replied.

"It won't, the dance moves aren't just for physical attacks, they compel mana to move into the body and reinforce it. The muscles won't rip apart, and the tendons will remain strong. The bones won't even crack, and the user will keep swinging until they die of old age, and even after that, the corpse would keep moving and swinging until they disintegrate into ash." Merida started reaching a horrifying level of speed, but to Arad, it was still slow, he wasn't even trying yet.

"It's a deadly spiral, once you reach a point in the dance; your fate is sealed to fight until you disintegrate. But my limit should be higher than normal people, allowing me to fight safely for longer." She started to see Arad's moves as a simple pattern, and her body naturally shifted her attacks to catch him.

The fungus spreading across her body started to absorb the mana around her and reinforce her body before the dance could do it, taking control at the start and allowing her to slow her descent into the point of no return.

But, the dance wasn't made for a human body, but instead for that of a dark elf woman, and specifically, it was made by Eilistraee, the goddess of the dark elves and also known as the moon dancer. When Eilistraee was a mortal, the orcs emerged from a portal at the dark elf kingdom to invade the world. At that time, she was a mere adventurer living her life.

The adventurers got called to fight the orcs, but it was a losing war. The orcs had already devoured their previous world and we're here to consume this one.

Strangely enough, while in their world they had a really fast spawning rate. Female orcs could get pregnant and give birth in a week, and those newborn orcs would grow up into adults and become soldiers within four months and could live up to eighty years, the same as humans. That was the reason their world couldn't sustain them, and it was what made their army host millions of soldiers which overwhelmed the dark elf army.

In the midst of that battle, Eilistraee was the last remaining soldier facing that army of millions of hungry and enraged horny orcs. No matter how many orcs died, their numbers kept increasing and Eilistraee had to make each move count, which led her to develop blade dance in the middle of the fighting.

Tailored to her own body, she danced with the orcs for years until she alone started pushing their army back. Her attacks became too fast and too powerful to keep up with, and tens of thousands of orcs were dying each minute after twelve months.

Eilistraee's armor crumbled, yet her sword remained straight, beneath the moonlight; she danced naked over a sea of orc blood.

The orcs started dying faster than they were born and their numbers dwindled rapidly and they were forced to retreat back to their world. Eilistraee won the war, but at that moment, her body disintegrated into ash and she ascended to godhood as the divine goddess of the sword.

Merida is now trying to follow in her legacy as they are both masters of the blade. But, such an approach would never work easily.

Merida fell on her face, coughing blood as all of her muscles contracted and she had the worst cramp of her life. She screamed in pain and all the healers rushed toward her, "What happened?!" They screamed.

Merida had crawled into a ball due to the contractions and couldn't breathe, as if she was giving birth with her whole body, even her heart was about to stop. Blade dance isn't meant for a human body.

"Get out of the way!" The nun from earlier walked toward them.

"We'll start…" One of the healer students was about to cast healing magic on her but the nun kicked him in the face, "Get out of the way, don't heal her."

"We'll do it." Lydia and Eris rushed but she grabbed them as well, "Hold your horses, you two aren't fit for it. Leave her be…"

Lydia and Eris both glared at the nun with glowing eyes. Eris clenched a fist and Lydia readied a smile, they were about to smack her away to heal Merida.

BOOM! The whole place exploded as they both swung at the nun, but she caught their attacks with her bare hands. "You two, calm down." She pushed their hands down, grabbed them by the heads, and quickly smacked their faces together.

As the nun's hands were infused with a strange holy magic, Eris fell down without knowing what happened to her, but Lydia didn't. She immediately took a stance and swung a divine smite at the nun's face, the same fist that spun Alony.

CLAP! The nun instantly countered Lydia's fist with a slap, smacking her to the ground, "I'll heal this girl. You two stand down." She was insisting that no one is to touch Merida beside her.

As the nun bent down to heal Merida, Arad grabbed her by the head. He was about to transform and destroy the whole place.

-Calm down, dragon. Do you know that she's infected with a demonic fungus? Those two would discover that if they healed her. I don't know why you're here, but if you're looking for a cure to her condition, I can erase that fungus from her body.- The nun's voice rang in Arad's head.

Arad blinked twice, ^Eris is also my wife. Both she and Lydia know about Merida's fungus and don't remove it. It's a part of her body now.^ He growled inside his head, and the nun looked at him with a dumbfounded face.

"Really?" She gasped.

"Yeah, start healing her." Arad let the nun go and went to check on Eris and Lydia. This misunderstanding almost ended up badly.

Eris quickly woke up, "What happened? I was about to punch that stupid…" She found her head on Arad's lap as Lydia healed her. With a gasp, she quickly sat up.

"Merida is fine, teacher healed her." Lydia replied with a sigh, "As she's an expert in healing magic, she instantly recognized the fungus in Merida's body and tried to keep it a secret from everyone. She also figured that Arad is a dragon."

Eris looked around; they were the only ones sitting in the arena.

"Where is Merida?" Eris asked.

"She got healed and went back with her class." Arad replied, "For us, we're taking the rest of the day off, the whole holy class got to leave as they exhausted themselves healing the students Arad beat to a pulp." Lydia explained.

"It all ended up while I was knocked out…" Eris sighed, "To think that bitch knocked me out with a simple spell."

"What did you call me?" Their teacher emerged from Arad's shadow. "Call me Lala."

"Where were you doing there!?" Eris gasped.

"I was playing with my dear Arad…"

"She was checking on Zephyr's seal." Arad instantly added.

Lala sighed, "Well, I can't seem to do anything to it. I'm a healer and not a wizard. But, there should be something else I can help with." She stared at Arad with a grin.

"Zul's case!" Arad gasped, standing up.

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