The dragon's harem

Chapter 780 Is She My Daughter?

Chapter 780 Is She My Daughter?

"Magic engraving through tattoos and witchcraft wasn't the only way I took to keep my sickly body alive." Merlin looked away. "Have you heard of flesh magic?"

"I did, and I can at least know that this is your real body." He stared at her.

"It's my true body, yes. But I had to switch several organs in and out when they failed." She flicked a finger and several scares appeared glowing on her skin, "Where healing magic was used extensively."

"I have a succubus liver, parts of my stomach, and of devil origin as well. My left kidney I got from a doppelganger, and I've got some dragon blood and bones." She looked at Arad, "I'm an abomination of magic. I've almost turned myself into a monstrosity to remain alive."

"And I'm a vampire Wyrmwolf monster that burned a whole kingdom. We aren't that different." He said, putting one leg on another, "So what's the problem?"

"I guess not much of them are a problem, but the succubus liver is dangerous, it affects my mind." She looked away.

"Basically? Be blunt, what is the problem?" Arad stared at her.

"It makes me extremely horny, especially when I set my eyes on someone. I can spend weeks without being able to get any work done…I've made those statues in those weeks…" She looked away with a red face.

"Basically, it's me…now that makes a lot more sense with you watching me all the time with magic." He sighed.

"Now that you know, you can understand why your wives will never trust you with me. I don't suggest they do. If I had a chance, I'll make my move I won't be able to resist my urges." She faced him, "That's why…I didn't want to master the labyrinth magic as it was dangerous, but after the last even with it going berserk, I bet I could master it now. But if I did, I'm certain my succubus urges would win and I'll drag you into it."

"You remind me of Merida…I wish you two were a bit more honest with me." Arad stood, "I doubt Aella and the rest would oppose the idea. Let's talk with them, and you start mastering your labyrinth magic."

"I'm mature enough not to go after a married man." She growled.

"And I'm old enough…no, strong enough to be arrogant. If you think mastering labyrinth magic is enough for you to beat and drag me inside, then try it. I'll be the one to drag you to my lair." He stood. "Mom says it's dangerous for you to bear eggs, not because of age but because of your weak body and mixed organs, but you're a witch, we'll find a solution."

He looked aside with a worried face. "Whoha! Mom is angry, but she'll calm up soon."

"Just trying to take me like that, do you have no preference or goal?" Merlin giggled.

Arad looked at her with a smile, "All humanoid women smell delicious to eat. I doubt I have the same sexual attraction as normal humans, I'm a dragon after all." He scratched his chin.

"But I noticed you staring at my chest every now and then…" She stared at him with a smug smile.

"Aella and Mira have milk, and I like its taste. Since yours are too big I was thinking they might have a lot more milk in them." Arad replied with a straight face.

"You want the milk?!" Merlin gasped.

"Yeah, if I have to say. I'm a dragon that eats humans, you're a part of my diet. Keep that in mind."

"Dragons are weird." Merlin sat on her chair and leaned back, taking a deep breath.

Arad looked at her, thinking deeply about himself. ^I do indeed taste them, but they are my wives and those I love. I don't see them as food, but that's just a part of their charm. Except Zephyr, She never smelled life food to me… Now that I'm thinking about it…why is that?^

"Say…" Arad looked at Merlin, "It's true that everyone around me seems edible. I don't mind sucking Aella's toes as they taste like chicken…but…"

"Stop! You shouldn't tell me that! Take it back! Keep it between you and her." Merlin growled albeit she expected that due to the nature of elves.

"Zephyr never smelled or tasted like food to me. Even Nina smelled delicious, but Zephyr didn't." He added.

"She's a great spirit. They aren't in the dragon's died, and are mostly creatures of mana." Merlin smiled, "She might be the only one besides dragons that you can see as something other than food."

"You might be right… I should work on that, I shouldn't see my wives as food no matter what." He started thinking.

"Also, wouldn't it be right to think of Zephyr as the mother of your first child?" Merlin stared at him, lifting a finger.

"What are you talking about? Since when did I and Zephyr have a child?" He gasped, "I'm sure I never slept with her unless she did something behind my back."

"Not that! I'm talking about Yuwaku, the nymph born to her magic and your draconic beauty. Can't she be counted as your first daughter?" Merlin looked at him.

"I hope I can, but I doubt she's my daughter biologically, magically, I guess as she was born of a combined magic between me and Zephyr…"

Merlin pointed at the cube Zephyr is sealed in, "The mother of your child is imprisoned there. What do you think?"

Arad stared at the cube, his heart slowly pounding and it started accelerating. Merlin slowly started hearing it beating like a drum as veins popped on Arad's body and neck.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She gasped but suddenly saw Arad's eyes shift into those of a dragon.


Blood gushed out of Merlin's nose, eyes, and ears as shot got hit with a powerful metal shockwave emerging from Arad. His mind was screaming in rage, his thought ripping their way to everyone around him as a man's screaming voice pierced people's ears.

Arad had mixed blood from his human father and draconic mother; he was always struggling in the middle. A dragon trying to live a human life, but any slight push could send him rolling down one path. The mere realization that the mother of his child could be imprisoned inside the cube sent him into a mad rage, the same way red dragons burn cities down, he was about to blow up.


Betty was standing above Merlin's desk telling the girls stories about Merlin's embarrassing school life and Alcott's outlandish deeds. But she suddenly stopped moving, blood gushing out of her nose, eyes, and ears as she pissed herself. The great magic she cast to give Arad and Merlin a private space to talk in had begun to crumble and she received a painful backlash for trying to hold a massive amount of power inside.

Betty stared at her hands as the girls panicked, "It's expanding inside me, Arad's magic." She grabbed her head, growling, "I can't… keep him inside for longer."

She pointed her finger at everyone else. "Damn it, go inside and calm him down at any cost." She pulled them into her magic and slowly walked toward the corner of the lab and sat there panting as she tried her best to endure the pain and keep Arad inside.

^Am I, not strong enough to keep a leash on him?^ She thought.

As the girls landed inside, they found themselves standing beside Merlin who was protecting herself with a massive barrier. Huge waves of heat and magic gushed out of Arad as they could all hear his mental scream.

"What happened to him?!" Aella growled at Merlin.

"I don't know, we were talking about how Yuwaku could be counted as his daughter and he suddenly snapped." Merlin replied.

"Huh?" Aella grunted.

"I get it." Eris took a step forward. "Arad is smart and mentally durable, a lot more than anyone else. But he's still a dragon with anger issues and rage problems. The threshold for his patience is high, but has a limit." She walked out of Merlin's barrier.

"You'll die! Stop there!" Amber shouted and so did Aella, Merlin, Mira, Merida, and Isdis.

"The threshold for his mental endurance is those dear to him, us. The moment the thought of Yuwaku being his daughter came to his mind, he counted Zephyr as one of his wives. He snapped at her being imprisoned. I need to stop him before he kills her in an attempt to get her out of that cube."

Eris walked into the heat and magic, her body burning with plasma. "Arad…if you won't get out of that mindless rage on your own, I'll have to knock some sense into you."

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