The Genius Female Forensic Pathologist, The Psychological Anatomist

Chapter 43: Reversal of Judgment: Gender Dysphoria

Chapter 43

"Mu Mian, not everyone can easily manipulate psychological test results like you," Fang Rui interrupted Mu Mian, "and your act wasn't convincing either. Lin Consultant saw through it with just one look."

Mu Mian lowered her head guiltily.

Although she always managed to pass the psychologists' scale assessments, she would inevitably slip up during the behavioral evaluation stage.

That's why, for a time, she strongly believed in the existence of mind-reading. Those psychological experts could see through her disguise with just one glance.

It turned out the truth was that her disguise simply wasn't good enough!

Lu Tian confessed, "Nie Yan, I am indeed seeing a psychologist. I have bipolar disorder. Will this affect the trial outcome?"

Nie Yan asked, "Who is your psychologist? We can consult with her."

"Her name is Shen Xiyin. She's an excellent psychologist, and since I started treatment with her, my emotional issues have been under control. She should be able to testify for me in court."

"She's my sister," Mu Mian said proudly. "She's an outstanding psychotherapist. She can definitely help you."

Fang Rui reminded them, "The problem now is that Wang Li may have bribed those experts to provide false assessment results."

Mu Mian objected, "But falsifying evidence is illegal! Would those experts really break the law?"

They all fell silent, with no one providing an answer to Mu Mian.

The second court hearing arrived quickly. Zhang was out on field duty, and Chen Xue was too afraid of a negative outcome to attend, so this time it was just Fang Rui and Mu Mian who went to court.

Four psychiatric experts and two psychologists from the Judicial Appraisal Center separately evaluated Lu Tian's mental state. The six of them reached a unified assessment result and provided a detailed analysis:

Lu Tian suffers from dissociative conversion disorder (also known as hysteria, or colloquially, multiple personality disorder).

The patient cannot recall important past events—she has forgotten about being molested as a child and falsely accusing her ex-boyfriend of rape.

Delusions—she has repeatedly told her parents that someone raped and molested her.

Recent memory loss—she frequently forgets intermittently that she and Lin Qianjie are in a relationship, leading to her suddenly attacking Lin Qianjie during their intimate moments, which is the content seen in the video.

Sudden purposeless wandering and physical rigidity—observed during the diagnostic process.

Nie Yan looked at this report and found it laughable. The basis for these experts' diagnosis was actually the words of Lu Tian's parents. Even she, as a layperson, could see how unprofessional this diagnostic report was.

Nie Yan also called in their own expert witness.

"Witness, your identity?" the presiding judge asked.

"I am Lu Tian's psychologist, Shen Xiyin," Shen Xiyin replied.

Nie Yan asked, "Dr. Shen, do you agree with this psychiatric assessment report?"

"I do not. Lu Tian does not have dissociative conversion disorder. Her personality is very stable, and she hasn't shown any memory problems," Shen Xiyin said. "Her real issue is bipolar affective disorder, commonly known as manic depression. This is an emotional problem that doesn't significantly affect our memory capacity."

Wang Li asked, "Dr. Shen, are you questioning the diagnostic results of these experts?"

"Mental and psychological issues are not like other physical illnesses with clear pathological bases. They are usually implicit and require long-term follow-up observation to reach accurate conclusions.

The assessment results emphasize that Miss Lu has memory problems, so additional memory tests should have been conducted to prove that emotions can affect Miss Lu's memory. However, no such tests were performed during the assessment. Therefore, I question the rigor of this assessment result.

Furthermore, I have doubts about the qualifications of these experts. Is it possible to provide more credential information?"

Shen Xiyin's voice was gentle, but her rebuttal was well-reasoned and substantiated.

Wang Li frowned, seeing that this psychologist was very professional, so he changed the subject, "If we follow your diagnosis, and Miss Lu has bipolar affective disorder, would this affect her behavior?"

"...Yes, it would."

Wang Li said, "Please explain bipolar affective disorder to us."

"Bipolar affective disorder is a serious mental health condition. Clinically, patients may experience periods of extremely low mood, showing symptoms of depression, followed by periods of extremely elevated mood.

These manic and depressive episodes cycle, with some people experiencing highs or lows every six months, others every month, and in severe cases, multiple times within a week or even days."

"Does this sound similar to the symptoms of dissociative conversion disorder?"

"Not at all. They are unrelated."

"So, the patient's behavioral patterns are very different in these two emotional states, correct?"

Shen Xiyin looked at Wang Li for a long time before answering, "Yes."

"Is it possible for her to suddenly display aggressive behavior?"

"If she's in a manic phase, aggressive behavior is possible."

"Your Honor, the expert witness's diagnosis also proves that the plaintiff's emotions are very unstable. When in a manic state, she may exhibit inexplicable aggressive behavior. I reasonably suspect that on the day of the incident, the defendant suddenly had an episode, which is why she assaulted my client."

Wang Li also called to testify a male classmate who had harassed Lu Tian in college, "Lu Tian was originally dating me, all my buddies can attest to this, but when I tried to kiss her, she hit me and accused me of harassment. Your Honor, Lu Tian must have some mental illness that prevents her from accepting intimate relationships."

Wang Li said, "Your Honor, my client is an ordinary person who lacks understanding of mental illnesses. He thought it was normal for couples to engage in intimate relations and didn't realize that the plaintiff's resistance at the time was due to a disease flare-up. He thought she was just being shy."

After a long wait, the verdict was finally announced. The presiding judge declared in court, "...Due to insufficient evidence, the plaintiff Lu Tian's rape lawsuit against Lin Qianjie is dismissed. Lin Qianjie is found not guilty and released in court..."

Lu Tian calmly listened to the judge's verdict, then turned to Nie Yan with a smile, "Prosecutor Nie, we really couldn't win after all. But thank you, thank you for staying with me throughout."

Perhaps because she had anticipated the outcome, or maybe because the antidepressants she had taken in advance had taken effect, Lu Tian didn't feel as upset. At least she had bravely fought against the darkness, and even though she lost, it was an honorable defeat!

Nie Yan struggled to hold back her tears. She had lost again, this time to power and influence.

The law she had studied had failed to uphold justice. On the contrary, her sense of justice had been crushed by Wang Li using legal weapons.

She had lost not just a case, but also her faith in the law and the once unshakeable dream she had held.

She tightly gripped Lu Tian's hand and said chokingly, "Lu Tian, promise me you'll keep living well, okay?"

Lu Tian nodded and said firmly, "Yes, I will." If not for herself, then for Nie Yan's sake, she had to live on. She couldn't let Nie Yan have another psychological trauma.

Lin Qianjie watched them crying miserably, his lips curling into a smile. He turned to Wang Li and said, "Lawyer Wang, well done! I'll hire you again next time."

"You're planning on a next time?" Wang Li glared at him coldly, "If it weren't for Miss Jiang's sake, do you think I would have handled this kind of case for you? Keep a low profile. Next time, you won't be so lucky."

With that, Wang Li left.

Lin Qianjie rolled his eyes at Wang Li's back, but his attention was quickly drawn to Shen Xiyin. He had been attracted to this beautiful and gentle psychologist earlier in the courtroom.

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