The Girl Who Struggled Through Palace Intrigues to Become the Empress

Chapter 407: Brother and Sister Dispute

Chapter 407

Having heard Zhao Hua's words, Xiao Yinzi left in silence.

After he left, Yun Shan waited on Zhao Hua to retire to her inner chambers to rest.

When the yellow pearwood door of the inner chamber was closed, leaving only the mistress and servant, she asked in a slightly puzzled tone:

"I really don't quite understand what happened today. The young miss originally intended to draw Xiao Yinzi over, but now that Xiao Yinzi has taken the initiative to come pledge loyalty, why did the young miss put on this act in front of him?"

In fact, ever since early this morning, before Zhao Hua had moved from Chang Le Palace to Feng Luan Palace, she already knew that Xiao Yinzi would come today.

The little attendant Xiao Zhuozi in the Palace Administration Bureau had already been bribed by Xiao Fuzi to become one of Zhao Hua's spies planted in the bureau.

After Xiao Zhuozi passed the message to Chang Le Palace early on, Zhao Hua already had this scheme in mind.

If Xiao Yinzi really came to pledge loyalty today, then she would put on a big show for him to see.

But if he just did his job properly without saying much, then Zhao Hua would also stop making a fuss and greet him with a smile.

At this moment, Zhao Hua was lazily reclining on the Couch of Concubine Xiang. She picked up a silver fork and selected a lychee that had been peeled and pitted, and lightly nibbled on it between her lips.

"The purpose of this act is very simple. First, it is to show him that if he makes a mistake in front of the Emperor, the Emperor will have him killed. But if he makes a mistake in front of me, I will think of ways to protect him. Second, it will also create distrust between him and Jiang Deshun.

Think about it. Jiang Deshun is loyal to the Emperor. Even if he retires, he will still live in the capital and won't neglect to instruct Xiao Yinzi on many things. Xiao Yinzi is very filial towards this teacher and has always been sincere to him. But if he first feels that Jiang Deshun is insincere to him, guess how much of that filial piety will be left?"

After listening, Yun Shan nodded thoughtfully.

"I that was the intention...Does the young miss think that Xiao Yinzi will become our trusted aide in the future?"

Zhao Hua laughed lightly, "That depends on whether he is a smart person."


With the death of Shang Yang and Zhao Hua becoming Empress,

there was no longer anyone in the harem who had the ability to stir up trouble.

Even unrestful ones like Concubine Yun and Concubine Ru could at most make some noise in their own corners, and could no longer kick up any huge waves.

On the thirteenth day of the fourth month was the day for the silkworm worship ceremony.

Early that morning, Zhao Hua led the imperial consorts and concubines of the sixth rank and above in the harem to the northern suburbs of the capital for the grand ceremony at the Altar of Silkworm Ancestor.

The official's wives and daughters of prominent silk farming families in the capital were also lined up in rows.

When they saw Zhao Hua, they all bowed down respectfully and greeted her,

"This humble wife (commoner) pays respect to Empress, may Empress have boundless fortune and safety."

Zhao Hua smiled and waved her hand to tell them to rise, and gently said,

"This ceremony was originally to be held in early March, but I was unable to get away at that time because I was nearing childbirth, which delayed it for quite some time."

"The capital has not held the silkworm worship ceremony for four years. Now that the Empress has personally attended, I believe next year's spring plowing and silkworm rearing will surely yield an abundant harvest."

The speaker was a representative of all the silk farm women. Although her words were flattering and fawning, from the lingering worry between her brows and her plain attire, it was not hard to see that even the largest silk farming households could barely maintain a basic living standard.

This showed that the silkworm plague this year had dealt a heavy blow to the silk industry in the capital.

Although the plague had been contained by April, the best season for raising silkworms had been missed. I'm afraid the famous silks of the capital would be subpar this year.

The silk farming families relied on this for their livelihoods. After a silkworm plague lasting a couple of months, I'm afraid the farming families in the capital suburbs would soon have nothing to eat.

However, Zhao Hua did not inquire further. Hearing the female official from the Ministry of Rites announce the start of the ceremony, the music for worship and sacrifice rang out sonorously.

According to tradition, at the start of the silkworm worship ceremony, the Empress had to enter the Hall of Silkworm Ancestor alone to make offerings on behalf of all women to Silkworm Ancestor.

Under everyone's gaze, Zhao Hua slowly stepped into the hall.

Looking around, the Hall of Silkworm Ancestor was not very big, only about half the size of the main hall of Feng Luan Palace.

In the center was an enshrined statue of Silkworm Ancestor, with the rest of the furnishings being no different from an ordinary Buddhist temple.

Zhao Hua walked up to the statue and first bowed to offer incense. Then she knelt on the lotus mat and closed her eyes to pray devoutly to the statue.

About halfway through the prayer,

Zhao Hua vaguely heard a faint noise behind the statue of Silkworm Ancestor.

But she paid it no mind and didn't even open her eyes, continuing with her prayer.

It was not until she heard the steady, muffled footsteps approaching her, and the faint aroma of avocado mixed with sandalwood fragrance drifting into her nostrils,

that after a final kowtow she softly asked,

"How long has big brother been waiting for me here?"

Having said this, she finally looked to her side.

Coming into view was Xiao Jingyan dressed in dark plain clothes.

He looked at Zhao Hua with knitted brows and coldly spat out,

"Since you knew I would come to see you, you should also know why I have come."

A hint of a smile appeared at the corner of Zhao Hua's mouth. She turned and reached out to Xiao Jingyan,

"Since big brother has come, please help me up first."

Of course, she didn't need to say it. Xiao Jingyan was distressed for his little sister in his heart.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary lotus mat feel as soft as kneeling on cotton when she knelt on it, as if she felt no burden at all?

After being helped up by Xiao Jingyan, Zhao Hua leisurely straightened the pleats of her phoenix robe and heard Xiao Jingyan say sarcastically,

"This empress attire quite becomes you."

Zhao Hua smiled bitterly, "Heavy shackles upon my body, how different from big brother's court robes? Luxurious as it is, wearing this gilded cage still makes me uncomfortable."

"Uncomfortable?" Xiao Jingyan gave a cold snort. "It looks to me like you've become more devoted to Xiao Jingheng now that you're his principal wife."

His tone grew colder and colder, and he almost gritted his teeth to spit out,

"Even your methods have become more alike."

Zhao Hua silently watched the worry on Xiao Jingyan's face. After a while, she suddenly laughed,

"Why does big brother say this?"

Xiao Jingyan didn't beat around the bush and directly revealed the matter.

"Are you aware of the incident where Elder Brother Chen's residence caught fire and he and his wife lost their lives in the flames?"

"I've heard about it." Zhao Hua nodded indifferently.

Xiao Jingyan's eyes flickered. His hands hanging naturally at his sides slowly clenched into fists.

"But I had clearly sent people to take Elder Brother Chen and his wife to Yun City. There's no way Xiao Jingheng's people could have found them at the ancestral home in Hengzhou. So why did they die?"

His voice grew lower and lower, with more pain than blame.

"After all those years raising Cheng Yu, Elder Brother Chen and his wife were nothing if not devoted and diligent. I looked into it privately and found out it was your people from Tian Ji who brought them back from Yun City. Zhao'er...why?"

The complex emotions in Xiao Jingyan's eyes gradually turned into a misty blur.

"You clearly knew Xiao Jingheng would want them dead. You clearly knew sending them back would lead to their death! Why did you still do this?"

Seeing her brother so utterly disappointed in her, Zhao Hua shook her head with a wry smile.

"Big brother, at this point, I've finally realized something."

"What is it?"

"I used to wonder why the late emperor wavered between the Fourth Prince and Fifth Prince when choosing the heir, and never considered making you the Crown Prince. But now I understand it clearly..."

Zhao Hua suddenly tiptoed and patted Xiao Jingyan on the shoulder, jokingly laughing,

"Of course, with your rash and reckless temperament, how could you be fit to be emperor?"

Hearing her mockery, Xiao Jingyan briefly put away his sternness and instead was so angry he stamped his feet, pointing at her in a somewhat ridiculous manner as he indignantly said:

"You dare to insult me again?"

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