The Immortal Player

Chapter 147: Frozen Cage: Negative Degree Prison!

Chapter 147: Frozen Cage: Negative Degree Prison!

Guild Leader Park's brows knitted as her grip on her rapier tightened. Her eyes stared towards the treants, full of murderous intent. While her teeth gritted as she occasionally stole a glance at the tornado located on the shore. 

'I can't lose the Wind God's Inheritance... No matter what!' Guild Leader Park thought.

In the next second, her body trembled as she lifts her right foot--seemingly forcing her body to take a step forward. That said, she made step after step until, eventually, she was walking forward at a constant pace.

As she encounters a player on the ground, along her path, she would crouch down and pull the back of their clothes to lift them up. This had, consequently, attracted the attention of other players, making her the center of attention on their battlefield.

"Stand, if you can!" She cried, echoing to the battlefield. "Fight while you can! Do not hold back! Do not retreat! Let's show these monsters our strength! Attaaa~Kak!"

Guild Leader Park aimed to empower their hearts and remove their fear, but... Just as Guild Leader Park was about to wave her rapier--signifying the players to charge, a newbie sword pierce through her chest from her back. 

"Hehe..." A man chuckled behind her and mocked, "Don't forget about me, Miss Park!" 

Guild Leader Park coughed out blood as her body started feeling numb. Then, she fell to her knees as her body started to wave, back and forth, as if she was about to lose control and balance over her body. 

'Who?!' Guild Leader Park frowned deep inside as she mustered her strength to glance to her back. While doing so, she saw the astonished reaction of the players from the United Asian Force but she did not care.

Betrayal? Impossible!

Whoever it is, what is important was to know the identity of the person who dared to kill her! And later on, she could just take revenge using a new character. However, her eyes widened when he saw the familiar sleepless looking young man--who wore a huge grin on his face. 

"You!" Guild Leader Park roared as she tried to swing her sword, one last time, in retaliation.

However, the young man simply shook his head as he gripped the handle of the newbie sword, that pierced through Guild Leader Park's chest, and kicked her back, making her fall into the ground. 

Unfortunately, she had lost all her remaining strength. And as her vision fades, she can't help but stare towards the hole at the chest part of his shirt. There was no blood... no injury! There was not even a single trace of scratch to it!

'How?...' She could only ponder deep inside as her vision finally fade.

"Immortal, huh?" Weyron chuckled as he picks up Guild Leader Park's inventory bag and her silver rapier. "Don't act too high as if you are gods! You are just a player! And... The game has just started, b1tch!" 

After placing Guild Leader Park's inventory bag and silver rapier into his own bag, Weyron transformed into a snake and left, even before Guild Leader Park's men could attack him. Weyron used the 'messed up' terrain and the scattered dead bodies to his advantage in order to escape from the sights of the players from the United Asia Force. 

'That... human!' Elder Treant Tan grumbled deep inside. 

Truth be told, Elder Treant Tan beamed with excitement and anticipation when Guild Leader Park stepped forward and started raising up the courage and morale of her fellow players. That would ensure that the players would charge towards them, saving the treants the trouble of chasing after the players. 

On top of that, Elder Treant Tan knew that they can't go beyond the plains. Although he knew that they were on a continent habited by humans, he did not let his arrogance cloud his mind and risk the safety of his fellow treants--thinking that there is even the slightest possibility that an enemy stronger than them might appear. 

Besides... They had already achieved their initial goal. To prepare sacrifices or offerings for their goddess, Faunia. That said, Elder Treant Tan had a bit of annoyance towards Weyron because of the possibility that their 'unlimited' supply of offerings might be jeopardized after Guild Leader Park was killed. 

Fortunately, instead of scrambling into their retreat, the players from the United Asian Force stood and forced themselves to charge forward--setting aside their fears, as they remember Guild Leader Park's words. 

'We are Immortals! We are the most powerful beings! Here...'

"WE RULE THE WORLD! Attaaaack!" The players from the United Asian Force cried in unison as they charged towards the treants.

This, in turn, made Elder Treant Tan grin as thick brown vines spiraled around him. It crawled from the ground to his feet, to his body, and into his hands--enveloping his whole body as if it was his armor made of roots. 

Those said roots continued to crawl spirally into his hands, forming irregularly shaped rod-like weapons. This also happened to the other treants in preparation for their clash with the players.

"Brothers... Shall... We?" Elder Treant Tan chuckled as he glances towards the other treants.

The other treants nodded towards him in response, making Elder Treant Tan lead their charge. They smashed their weapons, bursting the soil and squashing the players on the ground as they howled with glee and enjoyment.


On the other hand, the players did not back down and attacked with all their might. Those who were able to survive the treants' attacks aimed for the gigantic monsters' feet. They swung their newbie swords with all of their might, leaving cuts and scratches to the wooden armor that was covering the treants' feet.

Minutes passed and there were still no signs that the players would start to retreat. In fact, despite the visible decrease in their numbers, hundreds to thousands of players were still rushing out of the forest.

At this moment, a cold breeze went past through the plains, sending shivers through the body of some of the players. The fresh breeze of wind had started to stink of blood as the treants 'reconstructs' the plains into a muddy swamp made from the combination of the dark brown soil and the dark red blood from the squashed players.

"Come! Come!" The treants chuckled with glee as they smashed and mushed players together with the ground. 

However, before they could rejoice even further, dark clouds started to suddenly form, originating above the tornado on the shore. This made Elder Treant Tan glance back towards it as he aimlessly smashed his weapons in the ground.

Several treants did the same. They smashed the ground aimlessly whilst watching the thick clouds spread, making the surroundings dim. 

This, in turn, made a man smirk--whose black hair was ponytailed, as he was just about to enter the muddy battlefield. His smile, paired with his seemingly squinting brown eyes and pale white skin, made it hard to phantom what he was thinking compared to the other two men walking behind him--who wore a frown on their face and whom all of which had their swords sheathed on their waist.


The ponytailed guy chuckled as his right foot touched the ground. Then, in the next second, a path of ice suddenly spread, from the ground where his foot landed, to the nearest treant in front of them, freezing everything it passes through into place.

"Frozen Cage!"

The ponytailed guy shouted, astonishing the other treants and making them stare at their frozen friend. That said, Elder Treant Tan remained calm as cracks started to appear at the ice that enveloped the frozen Treant.

On the other hand, the ponytailed guy retained his smirk as his left foot landed to the side of his right foot, sending another path of ice and freezing everything on its way--consequently enveloping the frozen Treant with another layer of ice.

"Negative Degree Prison!" The ponytailed guy shouted, adding to the words he initially shouted.

"Noooo!" Elder Treant Tan cried as he stomped his foot into the ground.

From his feet, roots shot down through the soil--under the frozen Treant. After it went past below the frozen Treant, the roots curved upward--shooting out of the ground. The roots the shot out of the ground made walls that disrupted the ice path linking the ponytailed guy and the frozen Treant

The roots made a wall that towered higher than the trees in the forest. And... The moment that the ice path was broken, the ice enveloping the frozen Treant begun to melt, making Elder Treant Tan feel anxious.

The other treants followed his suit as they stomp into the soil, making a wall made of roots that separates the plains from the forest. Unfortunately, Elder Treant Tan could not break the ice that was covering the frozen Treant. They had no other option but to wait for it to melt. 

It was not because Elder Treant Tan or any of the other treants could not break the ice, but because they were afraid that their fellow Treant was frozen together with the layers of ice. And if they break the ice themselves, there was a possibility that their fellow Treant might also split or break together with the ice.

Hence, they could only make walls made of roots to temporarily hinder the advance of the enemy and, at the same time, protect their comrade as they wait for the ice to melt. 


In the forest, one of the men standing behind the ponytailed guy lit a flame in his hand. He glanced towards the ponytailed guy and asked, "Should I burn it, Ryu-san?"

"Nah!" The ponytailed guy, referred to as Ryu-san, shook his head in response, "Let's retreat for now and observe the effects of Negative Degree Prison!" 

"But what about the Wind God's Inheritance?" 

"It is Miss Park's loss! We don't need to be greedy and end up just like her!" Ryu-san said as he turns around with a smirk, "Besides... Kageyama-san had just received a lot of inheritance from the goddess!"


The man, with a flame on his hand, wanted to argue, but Ryu-san turned around and placed his hand on top of the man's shoulder. Light cracks could be heard as the shoulder of the man started to freeze. Fortunately, his body emitted a flame--only strong enough to barely counter and melt the ice coming out from Ryu-san's hand. 

Despite the flame shrouding his body, the man shivered all through his body as Ryu-san whispered to him, saying, "Don't get too ahead of yourself, young man! Your contract inheritance is nothing compared to mine, remember?!" 

Ryu-san lifted his hand afterward and said, "Let's go! It would be troublesome if we'd get stuck with the crowd!"


[[[Error! Error! Error:1801! Author's Announcement!]]]

--As the month of December approaches, I decided to conduct a little event called "ERROR EVENT!". It won't be at the scale of the Reader's effect event but it had a similarity. 

--Why "ERROR EVENT!"? Instead of me, the Author, giving names out of the blue, I have decided to make it more fun by asking you guys to name some characters, instead.

-Compared to "Reader's Effect Event", this event is only limited to certain things that would be stated below

--Here's how it works... Weyron had several spies on the United Asian Force, the names and one 'special skill' of three of these spies would be dictated by the winners of this event. (I won't tell how long they would last in the story though. Spies of the farming guild... hmm... I wonder how long they would last. I don't know. You guys know?)

--The names and 'special skill' would be discussed with me after the winners had been announced. Now, there would be three winners for this event. And the mechanics are simple!

--There would be 3 challenges that would be made in each of the next three chapters, including this chapter. At the same time, this event would only run from November 29, 2020, to December 5, 2020.

--On each day, a challenge would be posted. And the winner for each challenge would be the winners of the event!

--So... For the first challenge! You, guys, just need to answer the two questions below correctly! The first reader to guess the answers correctly in the comment area would win this challenge.

--Identify one of RDream's favorite characters in the story. You may not believe it but the Author sometimes uses the ign of this character in some games he played this year. The hint is in the Author's note below, read it and you might know. Not Pedro.

--And lastly, what is the name of the village soldier that gave Mathew a high rarity quest? Sounds like something, right? XD

--Comment your answers... and may the best reader win!

--To those who would not be able to participate in the first challenge, don't feel down! Just keep voting the story! Who knows... You might win by luck on the third challenge

--That's all! I hope you all enjoy and participate in the challenge!

[[[Error! Error! Error:2200! Author's Announcement, COMPLETE!]]]

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