The Immortal Player

Chapter 154: Lony and Roval: Their Plan For Survival!

Chapter 154: Lony and Roval: Their Plan For Survival!

Lony, Roval, and Yojiro took a straight path towards the mountain. This way, they could get out of the burning forest as soon as possible--conserving Yojiro's energy and, at the same time, hasten their advance towards Woba Mountain.

That said, Lony and Roval continued to pick up the loots along the way. Thanks to the 'charred' but still usable inventory bags, the capacity of their storage was increased to several folds. Fortunately, most of the 'charred' inventory bags were empty, giving them a lot of space to store the dead bodies of Mountain Wolves later on.

At the same time, Lony and Roval spammed messages towards their friend, Arvedar. Though they agreed to help Yojiro hold the monsters coming from the direction of the Woba Mountain, they still did not want to die and reset their hard earned attributes and level. 

Not wanting to 'disturb' the top ranked players, they had no choice but to seek help to their friend instead. They thought of using the 'stone and gravitation' combination to aid Yojiro in killing the monsters.

Unfortunately, they got no response from their friend. It was odd for them that Arvedar did not reply to their spams. He would often reply immediately and curse the shit out of them after receiving those 'annoying' messages. Thus, they can't help but feel a tad bit worried towards their friend--thinking that something bad might have happened to him, and they could only hope that he is still alive and was just busy kicking the enemies' ass.

Despite their concern, Lony and Roval remained focused on their own matters. They were about to face a seemingly infinite number of monsters. If they want to survive they need to formulate a plan... a strategy in order to survive as long as they can. 

Maximizing their little time to prepare, Lony glanced to his player interface to check if his transformation skill had ended its cooldown. Fortunately, its cooldown was finished and the skill was ready to used once again.

Lony stole a glance towards Roval before shifting back his attention to the loots he was about to pick up and said, "Man, what's our plan?"

"Plan?" Roval asked, furrowing his brows whilst picking up the loots. "Arvee is still not responding."

"Yeah. But out Transformation skills are up!" Lony said, gasping from the 'non-stop' picking up of loots. "Our wolf form could only last around thirty minutes or so. Going beyond that would be risky."

"I know!" Roval paused from picking up loots, momentarily, as he glanced towards Lony and said, "So, what do you suggest? Do you have anything in mind?"

"Man... We're obviously useless in our human form. Other than our stone turning gaze, our attacks would just tickle the shit out of those ferocious wolves. Forget about killing them one at a time... It would take us several strikes before we could kill one!" 

"Skip the details!" Roval scolded, "Just tell me what you had in mind."

Lony stared towards Roval with a frown. Then, he took a newbie sword from his inventory bag and said, "Let's make traps!"

"Traps?" Roval shouted, "Do you think that we have enough time to set up traps? And with what? Newbie swords?"

Lony nodded towards Roval confidently. Then, he smirked and said, "All we need to do is bury these newbie swords around a giant tree and stay on top of it while turning the monsters into stone as we wait for our wolf transformation skill to finish its cool down."

"Tch!" Roval flicked his tongue in response. He was seemingly hesitant to let go of the newbie swords that they painstackingly picked up. That said, he knew that they had no other choice. In fact, he should be, at the least, grateful that Lony was able to think of a strategy that would fill the several minutes that their transformation form would be in cooldown.

"Fine!" Roval said, making Lony smile in response. "Let's have a five minute interval between our transformations, so that one of us would handle the monsters while the other one is setting up the traps before both of our transformation form reaches the time limit."

"Yeah, man." Lony nodded in agreement. Then, he added, "At the same time, one of us would be able to pick up the planted newbie swords as we transform back and fight along side sir Yojiro."

"Noted!" Roval said, coldly. His eyes burned with murderous intent that was strong enough to send shiver down the spine of an ordinary people, consequently making Lony smirk in response. 

Truth be told, Lony and Roval was nothing compared to their friend, Arvedar. Be it on their transformation form or to their normal offensive capabilities. What more compared to Pedro and the other members of the Attack Team. 

Their transformation forms had cooldown. They both shared a pair of legitimate Demonic Eyes by having an eye each. And on top of that, they only had tons of newbie swords at their disposal. They almost had no difference compared to an ordinary player.

Because of that, their role were more on being the strategist and the control type players ever since they were traveling with Arvedar. They formulate plans and strategies inorder to survive in this realistic game. 

One of which was their favorite strategy with Arvedar where the two of them would turn their enemies into stone and used Arvedar's gravitation skill to crush their enemies to their death. It was an efficient tactic for Arvedar since he would only need to use his gravitation skill at a reserved pace, allowing him to save energy and use his skills at a longer duration.

That said, this opened up a weakness towards Lony and Roval. First of all, they depend to others in terms of offensive attacks, leaving them a lack in offensive capabilities when they are on their own. And Secondly, since Arvedar was previously their only source of offense, most of the EXP was obtained by Arvedar himself, leaving the duo behind even in terms of attributes. 

If not for their transformation forms, there was not even an ounce of possibility that they would be able to survive a single wave of monsters. They were just ordinary young man on their early 20s, who wanted to enjoy a game.

Would anyone expect them to be well trained in any kind of swordsmanship in real life?

A big NO!

Hence, with that in mind, they, at the least, know on which part should they improve. If... they would be able to survive this war, at the least. 

Soon, the three of them reached the end of the burning forest. And the moment that Yojiro cleared the last set of burning trees, the first wave of wild mountain wolves pounced towards them. 

Yojiro simply smirked as he planted his feet to the ground and gripped his Katana as tight as he can. He took a deep breathe before he swung his Katana at full force--slicing five wild mountain wolves at once and creating a wind blade that extended like a wave that killed tens of wolves that were about to attack.

"Wind Sword Art: Yojiro's Wind Blade!" Yojiro howled in anger.

At this moment, Lony was frantically stabbing swords into the ground--making a maze out of the newbie swords that made a pattern would be easy for them to pass through but difficult for the wild mountain wolves. On the other hand, Roval transformed into his wolf form as they planned. 

The wild mountain wolves that were not reached by Yojiro's first wind blade, howled loudly, and was followed by more howls from the wild mountain wolves that were on the Woba Mountain. 

Lony can't help but flick his tongue as he stared daggers towards the forest, while Roval's jaw vibrated--making a 'grrrrr!' sound, as his gray eye started to seemingly become darker in shade. 

"Don't hold back, my comrades!" Yojiro said as he took another deep breathe. Then, in the next second, he lunged forward and charged towards the wild mountain wolves before they could react. With a swung of his Katana, tens of heads of wild mountain wolves dropped into the ground--weakening the howl that echoed through the whole Woba Mountain by 0.0000001%.

At first, Lony and Roval were astounded. They were at loss for words. But when they both noticed that Yojiro had planted his feet into the ground once again, the glanced to each other and nodded.

"Awoooo!" Roval howled as he charged towards his first target, staring angrily at the mountain wolf's head and consequently turning it into stone. Then, he pounced towards it whlist staring towards the other wild mountain wolf behind it--also turning its head into stone, except its eyes.

He shifted all the momentum and his weight to his right paw that slapped the head of his first target--consequently separating the head of the mountain wolf from its body as if it was a football that was kicked by soccer player. 

At the same time, Lony jumped towards the wild wolf mountain behind Roval's first target--stabbing the ends of the two newbie swords to its eyes and consequently killing it instantly. 

Lony and Roval didn't not waste a second as their stone turning eyes gaze to their targets. This sight, in turn, made Yojiro smirk as charged forward, leading the two brave men behind him.

"Monsters... Come! Let's have some fun!" Yojiro chuckled as he stared daggers to the seemingly infinite number of wild mountain wolves that were charging towards them.

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