The Insider System

Chapter 314: On The Way

Chapter 314: On The Way

It had been half an hour since the guy next to him had announced they were being followed but they still hadn't been attacked and he clearly wasn't the only person who thought this was weird. "I guess they are letting us get further away from the city." Hearing the Temple Head say this, Lake looked outside the cart using Mana Vision again just to make sure they were still being followed.

There was a chance whoever was out there wasn't after them and just happened to be traveling towards the Metal Domain like they were but Lake really didn't think that was the case when he saw them still right next to them. If they were just two random groups one of them would have fallen out of sync with the other already.

It was very clear that whoever was out there was waiting until the perfect time to come in and attack the carts, probably unaware that they had already been detected. Pausing his training so he could turn off Mute Lake said. "Maybe it would be good to stop. If they are following us, maybe we're being led into something." Lake knew the guy next to him gave him a dirty look as soon as he started talking but he had to say this so he didn't care.

"No it will be alright. I don't really care what kind of traps they are setting up for us." Lake guessed he really didn't have anything to worry about since the Temple Head seemed so confident he was sure they would be fine.


Tiff couldn't help but agree with what Lake said and wished he had tried to convince the Temple Head that they could be heading into a trap a bit more but she guessed it was good he knew better than to second guess the Temple Head. She really didn't want to watch the Temple Head explain how command structure worked to a new member when a fight could break out at any second.

It did make it important for her to speak up though since she wanted to ask something. "I can tell you made preparations but can I know what they are?" The Temple Head hadn't really mentioned what they were going to be using to keep them safe from any thing that attacked them while not even stopping to make some type of shield.

"I'm sure you recognize the cart we're in right?" Tiff nodded to the Temple Head's question since she clearly knew the carter the Temple of Light used to transport people like her who had Holy affinity. It was their fastest and had a few enchantments that made it much tougher than a typical cart so it was perfect for people you didn't want dead to use.

"Then you know that actually getting us to stop is slim. Even if they're fast all we need to do is increase our speed and we should leave most of whoever is attacking us behind." That was true but she was really more worried about them driving into a pit or something that had been dug ahead of them.

If that happened they would be forced to abandon the cart and fight their way to the Metal Domain on foot. The four of them were fast but it would still take a lot longer to get there like that. She just hoped this cart was a lot stronger than she had originally thought.


Looking in the direction of the people following them every few minutes Lake eventually noticed they seemed to be getting closer. He wondered if this was unintentional or if maybe they were trying to use this slow approach as a way to make it harder to detect them. Either way eventually they got close enough for Detector to pick them up and he knew whatever was about to happen was close.

He looked at the Temple Head for a second wondering if he should mention what was going on outside but decided to just let them handle it since he didn't think when or how they were attacked would matter to whatever the Temple Head had planned. She was kind of acting like they were impervious to outside forces so he decided to just believe her.

A few more minutes passed before he felt the cart accelerate like crazy and when he looked out he saw the people were just a few feet away but were quickly being left behind. Wondering if the other carts were speeding away like them he looked behind them while switching Detector to look for carts.

Seeing the rest of them keeping up he guessed this particular group of Demon Worshipers really weren't enough to get them to stop and the Temple Head was right about them being fine. He did want to know if this was all the carts could do but he decided to just let it be a surprise. He really didn't have much to do since the guy next to him wanted silence so the cart was really his only form of entertainment on the way to the Metal Domain.


As they were speeding up Tiff wished she could see what was going on outside so she knew if they were getting away or not. Looking at the Temple Head's face she could see she didn't seem to be reacting to what was going on at all and took that to mean the plan of running away was working just fine.

She did have a new question she wanted to ask though. "Do you think they knew we're in the carts?" If the Demon Worshipers were aware of their identities there was no chance a few low level Demon Worshipers would be the limit to who showed up. The last time they knew she was outside they had sent a Demigod to kill her and that would be the same this time.

There was actually a good chance it would be more than one like last time since the God of Light would probably send a few Demigods to protect them meaning the Demon Lord would need more than one to actually get to them. "No. It would make almost zero sense that they could guess we would risk coming out of the Temple now. They don't know what we're after so they will think we're just reinforcements coming to save the Metal Domain."

That was true for now but once they got there it wouldn't take long for the Demon Worshipers to realize who she and the Temple Head were and start to target them. There would also already be a few enemies on the level of the Temple Head around since of what was going to be happening while they were looking for the dagger.


Hearing what the Temple Head and Tiff were talking about, Lake realized he shouldn't have led them into this. He had already started to regret this decision a while ago and had even thought of a way to change it by telling the Temple Head that the arrow was saying the Dagger wasn't where it had been the last time he checked but he had never done this.

To be honest at this point he should have completely given up on the money he had been expecting to earn from helping the Metal Domain and could have already made enough money to complete the Insiders mission by doing other work for the Fighters guild for the last few days. It was really too bad he hadn't just stopped to think about this before this point.

In the future he needed to remember to give up way before he got this involved in something ever again. If he had just realized how much of a hassle this was going to be he wouldn't have had to waste so much of his time going back and forth between here and the Metal Domain.

"Something just landed on the cart." All of a sudden the guy next to him shared some startling news which caused him to look up. When he didn't see someone Detector saw as a Demon Worshiper he calmed down slightly but was still about to pull out a weapon. That was when he heard someone start to talk to the person driving the cart.

"Madam, there's someone here saying they are the scout that was supposed to deliver the news from the Metal Domain." Lake recognized the voice of the cart driver was the one who said this but he ignored what they were saying and used Detector to confirm whether this person on the cart was really a member of the Temple.

Once he saw them start to glow he said. "They're from the Temple like they said so we can listen to what they're saying." The Temple Head gave him a brief nod before she started to talk back to the driver. "You can send them in. I have some questions for them."

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