The Moonlight Swordsman

Chapter 260 Gifts?

Underneath the man and Aizel, a bright magic circle appeared, crackling with unearthly energy.

The man channeled the power of shimmering magic crystals, evoking their mystical characteristics with fast, deliberate motions. 

In an instant, the surroundings blurred, and the pair vanished, transported to an unknown mountain cliff.

[Master, this guy created a magic circle out of nowhere]

"Why did you bring me here?" Aizel asked in annoyance.

"To let your head get cool. You don't want to create a ruckus on the day when King has returned home," the man replied.

"I will kill him in one way or another. Bringing me here won't change anything."

"Then what? Will you then fight more noble families? Will you then fight the royal family?

"You are not even in Grade III. If you can't value your life, at least think of others." The man replied.

Aizel calmed down a little after hearing that. With each slow breath, his chest expanded and contracted as he worked to calm his raging emotions. 

The things he had heard kept echoing in his head, causing a raging storm of emotion to rise up inside of him. 

Even so, he mustered the willpower to control his seething rage, and he began to regain some measure of composure. With each deep breath, he forced the blaze within to cool, regaining his composure and determination.

"Now tell your big brother what happened, maybe I can give you solid advice hahaha...."

Perched on the precipice of the cliff, Aizel's gaze shifted towards the person. 

At least a foot taller than him, the man had a towering presence. The wind gently stroked his pale blue hair, and his locks danced in time to the music of the breeze. 

The radiance of his piercing blue eyes mirrored the azure expanse of the heavens, emanating a captivating allure that drew Aizel's attention.

"I don't want to talk. Especially with you and all the others," Aizel replied.

"What do you mean by that?" the man asked, looking confused.

"You would be just like others."


"Just like those fucking nobles!" Aizel yelled, getting more annoyed.

"Who said I was noble?"

"Then you might be someone who works with the king. Vespara called you big brother. She wouldn't call anyone like that,"

"Yes it is true I work for King, but working for him is a crime? I am a Grade VIII mage; what else should I do?" The man asked.

Grade VIII, he is even stronger than Vespara," Aizel thought.

"I understand you hate nobles and their workings. But you will find that in every corner of this world,

"So will you go and kill every single one of them, just like cleaning the world?"

Aizel didn't say anything after hearing that.

"Because if you do, count me in. I will be joining you, hahahaha..."

This guy is another idiot," he thought.

"You can come to talk to me whenever you want, but don't create an unnecessary ruckus.

"What's your name, kid?"


The man's eyes widened in astonishment, momentarily taken aback by the revelation. However, his composure swiftly returned, his features settling into a state of tranquil calmness just moments later.

Anyone can have a similar name. I might be overthinking," the man thought.

"Bring me back to Felgura City," Aizel said.

"You won't do it again, right? Or I might have to intervene again."

"I won't,"

The magic circle materialized once more at Aizel's feet. The surroundings shifted in a blur of colors and shapes until Aizel found himself standing in the Vespara shop.

"Vespara, take care of the kid.

"I will meet you at the meeting with the king, bye bye." The man left after saying that with a smile on his face.

"Who was this guy?" Aizel asked, looking at Vespara.

"The Water Saint 'Aquarian.

"He is the only decent man I have met in my life. Don't treat him like you do with others," Vespara replied.

"I don't care. I made a fucking mistake. I should have burst that bastard's face in the first strike," Aizel said in annoyance.

The door opened to the sound of a bell, and Seraphine and Daisy walked in. 

Daisy sighed in relief after sensing Aizel was alright.

"I am sorry Daisy I left you alone."

"It's okay, don't worry about it. I am glad nothing happened to you."

"It seems the trip was really good for both of you," Vespara said with a mischievous smile.

"Let's go back. I'm dying to meet the kids."

Both Vespara and Daisy nodded. 

"I guess I will leave then," Seraphine said.

"I am sorry Seraphine," Daisy said.

"It's okay. I am glad he didn't cause any major ruckus." 

With that said Seraphine left the shop. 

Aizel, Daisy, and Vespara left the shops and went back to the Pearl Inn.

Aizel raised his hand as they neared the door and gave it a solid knock, the sound carrying down the corridor.

After a moment, the door squeaked open, and Lily peered out, her naughty eye gleaming.

As soon as she saw Aizel and Daisy, a broad grin grew across her face, and she flung open the door to welcome them in for a hearty, laughter-filled hug.

"You both are back!"

"Yes we are," Daisy said.


With a burst of energy, Emma charged forward at full speed, launching herself into Aizel's waiting arms.  The force of the hit caused him to fall backward and land softly on his back.

Emma nestled securely in his embrace, her laughter filling the air and bringing a smile to Aizel's face.

"I missed you, Aizzz"

"I missed you too, Emma."

"Let's go inside kids, or are you going to spend the whole day in the corridor?" Vespara said.

The group went in, finding themselves in a huge room with a long table waiting for them. 

Daisy and Aizel went from kid to kid, smiling and hugging them all as they went. Daisy took command in the kitchen, and her expert preparations filled the air with the perfume of a sumptuous meal.

Everyone quickly sat at the table.

"Thank you Aizel, for bringing my mumma safe," Lily said.

"You don't have to thank me for that silly kid," Aizel replied.

"What did you bring us from another kingdom..



Holly Molly, we didn't buy anything," Aizel thought, with a weak smile on his face.

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