The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

Chapter 700: An inspirational couple face – slapping 2

Chapter 700: An inspirational couple face – slapping 2

President fan had his own considerations. Xu Hang’s lack of judgment made him suspect that Fu Zhi was a relative of Xu Hang’s family and was planning to get in through the back door. Of course, Ouyang Huancheng’s insistence on prohibiting Fu Zhi from participating in the competition … Was indeed a little domineering. Just as she was thinking about it, she heard Xu Hang say firmly,””President fan, you are the president of the sports club. If you don’t understand the matters of the shooting club, I, Fu Zhi, will never give up!” “You coward!” Fan Aiguo was so angry that he wanted to strangle this B * stard. The group of students who were watching the show from a distance frowned and whispered,” “Is our brother Xu really going to give up on Ouyang huangan for Fu Zhi? Why do you think this is? it doesn’t make any sense at all!” “Maybe it’s Daoist Master Fu Zhi’s solo game. After all, we saw her strength that day!” “Don’t tell me you believe what instructor Jia Liang said about intuition? Fu Zhi is so young. I don’t believe that someone can be so good at studying, good at her career, and good at shooting!” “In fact, in terms of overall strength, miss Ouyang is much stronger than miss Fu. Even if miss Fu improves in the next year, miss Ouyang won’t be stagnant … So, no matter how many years it takes, miss Ouyang will still be stronger than miss Fu. Of course, this is under the assumption that Fu Zhi can improve. I don’t understand why Brother Xu would use miss Fu’s uncertain future to exchange for miss Ouyang’s cold eyes!” “If we don’t perform well in exchange 3, the audience will throw banana peels at us! It’s so annoying, it’s all about the mentality!” “But has miss Ouyang ever been praised by Li Shen in our circle? This was too blissful! I hate that I was born late, my skills are bad, and I haven’t even seen what God li looks like! Experts really only played with experts! Miss Fu is obviously the type who doesn’t even want to talk to her!” “Shush, keep your voices down. Didn’t you see that Fu Zhi was called to the sports hall by brother Xu early in the morning? Don’t let her hear us when she goes backstage!” As soon as she finished speaking, a male voice was heard.””So what if I heard it? Only the fittest can survive. If she can’t do it, then she has to replace her with someone else! Not to mention the fact that he was talented and intelligent but lacked skills, how many cases were there that relied on hard work to overcome his talent? Miss Ouyang was someone that God li had personally praised. Fu Zhi … Ha. I don’t think it’s even close to God li!” Fu Li was a God in the shooting circle. Even five or six years ago, some of the seniors in the national team had regarded Fu Li as their father! For Ouyang Huancheng to receive a word of praise from him … Who wouldn’t be envious of this kind of praise from a God to a mortal? It was as if he was announcing the succession of the throne. Everyone looked at Zhao Ming, who was sitting in a wheelchair, and then looked at each other. She only felt that brother Zhao’s opinion of Fu Zhi seemed to be a Little Big … As she was thinking about it, she saw Xu Hang calling Fu Zhi over and explaining to the children on the team,”Fu Zhi is a contestant that I have high hopes for. I hope you can believe me that she will definitely have no problem participating in the competition a year later.” There were 12 players on the national team. In addition to the six most talented players, the rest of the substitutes were all injured in the accident. Whether they were willing to admit it or not, they didn’t want to bear the name of a good – for – nothing at this moment when Weibo was abuzz with activity. They were desperate for a true expert to bring them out of this predicament. Xu Hang knew very well that only Ouyang Huancheng could bring everyone out of their predicament, but he … Had to think about the future of China’s competition. Fu Zhi heard this when she came in from the front desk. She had a rough idea of what was happening in front of her. She glanced at Ouyang Huancheng, who was watching coldly from the side. He raised his brows slightly in a provocative manner. As for the others … The others were probably still maintaining a wait – and – see attitude. He was wondering how much progress Fu Zhi could make, but he didn’t believe that Fu Zhi could really do better than Ouyang huanyuan, who had been praised by God li. Especially Zhao Ming, who was sitting in a wheelchair and was the most seriously injured in the car accident two days ago. When he saw Fu Zhi, he almost let out a cold snort from his throat. Ouyang Huan ‘complimented’ her unhurriedly.”People are born mediocre. Who doesn’t spend more than ten years trying to get an honorary award? in the end … Tsk, it still can’t compare to the most unfair system portrayed by power!” Yeah. The students of the national team couldn’t help but think. They had worked hard for so many years and their accuracy on moving targets was much higher than Fu Zhi ‘s, but they had never seen their coach praise them like this. But what about Fu Zhi? Just because she had a bit of good looks, and with a few words of praise from Jia Liang, her value had been blown up! It was fine to say that Fu Zhi took after anyone, but who could she take after? He just had to be like Ouyang Zhui, who had been dead for eight hundred years and had never shown his face in front of everyone! Wasn’t this the case of the dead leaving no evidence? Seeing that the crowd’s mood had been lifted by her words, Ouyang Huancheng curled her lips and laughed sarcastically. Fan Aiguo, who was standing beside her, frowned.”Wanwan, this championship concerns the country and the image of the shooting Department in everyone’s eyes. Can you take a step back …” “Uncle fan!” Ouyang huanzhi put on airs.”I can take a step back for some questions, but I’m sorry if it’s about principles. I still have the same words. I will only go on stage if I guarantee that Fu Zhi will withdraw from the competition forever!” Fan Aiguo was speechless. He went to the capital to find Ouyang. Fan Aiguo’s face was livid. To say something that sounded like moral coercion, as long as the conflict between Ouyang HuanQi and Fu Zhi was not about killing their father, couldn’t they settle it in private? Must it involve the national level before these two people would be willing? Fan Aiguo glared at Fu Zhi on the phone. Fu Zhi was speechless. Fu Zhi touched her nose. It was not that she did not want to give in, but if she did, first of all, her harsh words would be a joke. Second, wouldn’t Ouyang Huancheng be able to seize the opportunity to mock her every day? Being stared at by so many eyes, even Zhao Ming, who was not far away, said in a strange tone,””I don’t know what she’s pretending for. Can’t she just apologize for offending miss Ouyang? What’s so noble about it! She’ll be satisfied if we lose the competition?” “Alright, I’m done!” Xu Hang couldn’t help but glare at Zhao Ming, telling him to be careful with his words. However, it was this one glance that made Zhao Ming break down. He pointed in Fu Zhi’s direction and said,”why should I be fine! If not for Fu Zhi! Would I have gotten into this car accident?” The young man almost roared,”brother Xu, you asked our teacher to give Fu Zhi a lesson. We only followed because we wanted to listen!” If it wasn’t for this trip, he would still be healthy and training well in the team! My arm, my forehead, all of them were injured in this car accident! The doctor said that I can’t train for the next few months. I’ve been preparing for the international competition for so many years. I could’ve played, but this last kick …” Zhao Ming lowered his head, his eyes full of tears.”If it wasn’t for Fu Zhi, I would definitely be able to participate in the competition. I would definitely win glory for the country. Brother Xu, you know how many years I’ve prepared for this opportunity …” After this year, Zhao Ming would have passed the age limit for shooting competitions. This meant that this year would be his last chance to go to an international competition. But now, this opportunity was gone. All of them were buried in this car accident. Xu Hang’s eyes turned hot and he pursed his lips.”Little Zhao, this isn’t fu Zhi’s problem. I wanted you to come to the Ouyang family and spar with the Ouyang family’s instructor!” He explained in a gentle voice, but it was of no use. Hearing Zhao Ming’s shout, the Secretary behind fan Aiguo also pulled a long face.”The car accident was caused by Fu Zhi?” Looking at everyone’s darkened faces, the smile in Ouyang huanye’s eyes became more obvious. She walked in front of Fu Zhi and said softly,””How is it? Did you see clearly? Everyone here is blaming you. It’s because of you that an outsider had to come into our Design Circle and cause such a big incident today!” Fu Zhi took a step back to put some distance between her and Ouyang Huancheng. “I don’t think you know, but the Zhao Ming You’re talking about, he shouldn’t have blamed me,” she said coldly. She was the one who called sun sanzhen over and treated Zhao Ming’s hand, which should not have been able to play in professional competitions anymore, without leaving any residual effects. Fu Zhi didn’t want to gain any merits, but at least she had a clear conscience towards Zhao Ming. When it came to who had wronged who, Zhao Ming was still the one who owed her a favor! Ouyang Huan was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Fu Zhi to say this. Surprised at Fu Zhi’s shamelessness, she sneered.”What about the next game? Isn’t it also because you offended me that China lost face?” In the shooting industry, Ouyang huansheng could not guarantee what would happen in a few years, but judging from this year, Fu Zhi would definitely not grow to her level. After God li retired, the entire marksman circle had few talents, and there was no other God. Everyone could only ask for help from Ouyang huanyi. “Fu Zhi, don’t you have a strong sense of National Honor? Why don’t you apologize to me, then leave the Ouyang family, give me the mechanical beast, and promise that you will never step into the Ouyang family again? I will help you solve the current predicament and not let the people here point fingers at you, how about it?” “I don’t have a sense of honor,” “I don’t think much of this matter.” “I’m warning you, don’t keep dreaming if you’re ugly. ” Fu Zhi’s three consecutive attacks made Ouyang HuanQi’s expression turn ugly. However, she didn’t seem to be done teasing him. She even took out her phone.”I’m not as good at shooting as you, but there are people in China who are better than you. If you’re not willing, there will naturally be others who are. ” Fu Zhi believed that there was nothing in this world that money couldn’t buy. If there was, it must be because she didn’t have enough money. “Find someone more powerful than me? Don’t tell me you’re talking about God li? I’d advise you to stop dreaming, he’s that kind of …” Before Ouyang huanxuan could finish mocking him, he was suddenly interrupted by a cold voice. “Miss Ouyang.” Fu Zhi’s almond – shaped eyes widened.”Are we close?” “What?” Ouyang Huancheng did not understand what she meant. “You’ve been chattering non – stop in front of a stranger every day. Is this your self – restraint and upbringing?” Fu Zhi was a little irascible and was not willing to give in at all.”Whether I can invite li God or not is my business. What you should consider is how embarrassing it will be if no one cooperates and begs you for help after you’ve made a vow.” Fu Zhi didn’t know if Ouyang Huancheng was tired of talking, but she was really annoyed. This time, after she finished speaking, she did not care about Ouyang huanyuan’s darkened face. She walked to the side and took out her phone to send messages to all her group chats. [Anyone who knows Fu Li and God li?] Fu Zhi asked. [Push your WeChat.] [Red packet] [Red packet] After all, it involved her honor. Fu Zhihong’s bag was very big. It was ten Yuan for one bag. After she sent it out, she quickly snatched it. She wasn’t careful, and no one in the group had snatched it from her. According to the law of conservation of energy, the money she had sent out returned to her pocket again. Fu Zhi was speechless. Sigh, she’s so stingy. Fu Zhi felt ashamed of her behavior. Fortunately, none of the people in the group recognized Fu Li. This made Fu Zhi heave a long sigh of relief. That was close. She was so close to letting someone else have her money. But fortunately, she managed to hold on. Fu Zhi was praising herself for her wit when she saw Gu Yanqi’s private message.[Little sister Zhizhi, why are you looking for Fu Li?] This tone, this attitude! Fu Zhi’s eyes lit up.[There’s a competition and I need his help. Do you know him?] [Red packet] Heya! So generous! Gu Yanqi received the red packet and opened it happily. He saw that it showed 6.66.[…This money.] Fu Zhi laughed.[The gift is light but the intention is heavy. I wish you a smooth six and a rolling fortune.] Gu Yanqi cursed,[then you’re probably the only one who’s heavy.] Although Mr. Gu was very dissatisfied with Fu Zhi’s Red packet, he remembered that she was Fu Zhi, his father’s father and his sister … With such a messy family relationship, he immediately sent an ‘ok’ gesture. Fu Zhi knew that Gu Yanqi was rich and generous. He was a relatively steady person. Since he said that he was OJBG, there was basically no problem. She just had to wait for li God to come and save the situation. —— On the other side. After Gu Yanqi hung up the phone, he looked at the man who was sitting in his office not far away. He was holding a computer and moving back and forth in the virtual world between 0 and 1. He sighed.”Brother, have you seen the recent hot search on Weibo?” He probably took someone’s money to get rid of the disaster for them, so he put in a lot of effort to act and said in a special atmosphere,””The m nation’s sniper team has come to provoke us! Our national team seems to have been in a car accident and is without a leader!” He sighed and felt heartbroken. Li Nanli’s slender fingers were still tapping on the keyboard. His face was lazy and indifferent, and his movements were neither fast nor slow.”I don’t have the time, and I’m not interested. Thank you for the invitation.” “But Fu Zhi was there too and she seemed to have been bullied.” This time, the man sitting in front of the computer was no longer calm. He looked up in shock. The warm light outside the window illuminated half of his face. His eyes were as dark as ink, and he asked in a cold tone,””Time and place.”

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