The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1078: Memories, simple happiness

Chapter 1078: Memories, simple happiness

Chapter 1078 Memories, simple happiness

"Are you happy? How, how could it be possible? It was only ten days ago..." Princess Liang looked at Mo Yan excitedly. She was about to say something when she suddenly remembered that her husband was there, and swallowed back the words that were on her lips.

Its not that Princess Liang doesnt believe in Mo Yans medical skills, its that her sunflower water had just left her in the past two days, so no one else would have thought that she was pregnant.

Mo Yan knew what Princess Liang was going to say, so she explained in a cryptic way: "Your Majesty is a little weak. I am afraid she was so overworked in the past few days. In the next two months, it is best for your Majesty to stay in bed and rest for three months." Only when the rear tire is stable can you get off the ground and walk.

The two grown men Xiao Ruiyuan and Chu Heng couldn't understand this, but Princess Liang understood it clearly. She suddenly put her hand on her lower abdomen with a look of fear on her face.

The first three months of pregnancy are the most dangerous time, as spontaneous abortion is easy to occur. Some women who are inexperienced accidentally miscarry their babies and mistakenly think they are getting sunflower water. Mo Yan often consults at Du's Medical Center and has seen this kind of thing several times.

Princess Liang's blushing phenomenon was also because it was the New Year's Day a few days ago and she was so busy that she overworked herself. At that time, she thought the pain in her lower abdomen was because she had not rested well, so she did not pay attention to it.

Fortunately, the child was stubborn enough, but it was somewhat affected. For the next two months, Princess Liang could only spend the next two months in bed, otherwise she would risk seeing red again even if she sneezed.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who was stunned by Mo Yan's words "Your Majesty is happy", did not come back to his senses for a long time. It was not until he heard that his wife was weak and needed to rest in bed that he suddenly woke up and stared at Mo Yan closely: "Are you sure?"

Hearing this, Mo Yan wished she could roll her eyes at the sky. It's obviously a huge happy event, why don't both of you believe it? Or do they believe in their ability to create humans, but simply don't believe in her medical skills?

She took a deep breath and said seriously: "Your Majesty is indeed pregnant. If Your Highness doesn't believe it, the imperial doctor will come later and let him verify it again."

Seeing Mo Yan so sure, Chu Heng no longer had any doubts, but he still had the unreal feeling of being in a dream.

He has lived for twenty-six years, and for the first twenty-five years he was struggling **** the verge of death. So what if he had a beautiful wife and concubines, but the heart-eating poison hollowed out his body, let alone allowing his wives and concubines to give birth to healthy heirs. Even having **** is not possible.

Later he was detoxified and rested for a whole year before he and Wanqing consummated their marriage. At that time, even the ghost doctor couldn't guarantee whether the heart-eating poison would harm his heirs, let alone his extravagant hope of having his own heirs.

Since there were no heirs and there was no good news in the backyard, many ministers in the court petitioned the father to adopt a son from several of his royal brothers. There were even a few **** who used this as an excuse to let him adopt a son. The father changed his name to a prince. Although his father had left those children untouched, he understood that if he never had children, adoption would be a matter of time.

Now that Wanqing is pregnant, it is his biological blood. No matter whether the baby is a boy or a girl, no one will dare to adopt the baby and establish a new crown prince.

Unable to tell what he was feeling, Chu Heng squatted down and reached out to touch his wife's belly, but he was afraid of disturbing the unformed fetus inside.

He retracted his hand and held his wife's hand tightly, his voice revealing the nervousness that he was not aware of: "Wanqing, are you feeling uncomfortable in any way? If so, don't bear it."

After eight years of marriage, this was the first time that Princess Liang saw her husband acting so rude. She understood that what her husband valued was the child in his belly, but she was still very happy in her heart. The smile at the corner of her mouth was filled with the tenderness of motherhood: "Your Highness, concubine I'm in good health, I just couldn't smell the fishy smell and that's why I'm acting like this, so it's no longer a serious problem."

Hearing this, Chu Heng's heart gradually relaxed, but he did not let go of his wife's hand.

Not long after, an old doctor with a white beard was hurriedly brought in by the guards. After the old doctor checked Princess Liang's pulse, she also concluded that Princess Liang was pregnant. For a time, the entire dining room was immersed in joy, and Princess Liang shed tears of excitement again.

The old doctor's medical skills were much better than Mo Yan's. He knew from the pulse that Crown Princess Liang had signs of miscarriage, so he immediately prescribed fetal protection medicine and told Crown Princess Liang to drink it for three days. After three days, if there was no abdominal pain or other discomfort, she Symptoms include just resting in bed and no need to take medication.

Although Mo Yan can now prescribe medicine, she would not dare to do so in a situation like Princess Liang's. A slight difference, even a slight difference, can turn the miscarriage into poison.

After the old doctor left, Mo Yan also said goodbye. Princess Liang was very grateful to Mo Yan and believed that it was the good luck she brought that prevented the child in her belly from getting into trouble. So in addition to inviting Mo Yan to come and play from time to time, he also gave her many things that were rarely seen outside.

Yes, it is a gift but not a reward, which shows that Princess Liang has completely regarded Mo Yan as one of her own.

Mo Yan really couldn't bear the fact that Crown Princess Liang regarded her as a benefactor. She just confirmed that she had a happy pulse and did not do anything else. However, Crown Princess Liang confirmed it, and she had no choice but to accept it. A generous gift.

Before leaving, Mo Yan used the cover of her sleeves to take out a purse from the space and gave it to Princess Liang. The purse contains tranquilizing medicine prepared with medicinal materials in the space. Placing it on the bedside can make people feel calm and have a good night's sleep.

She had detected from the pulse that Princess Liang was not sleeping well. This purse would come in handy and would not have any adverse effects on the fetus in her belly.

When Mo Yan and Xiao Ruiyuan came out of the Prince's Mansion, it was already dark. At this time, there were small snowflakes floating in the air, adding a different kind of romance to the originally silent night.

The shops on the street have been closed, and there are not many people walking on the street. Xiao Ruiyuan's dry and warm hands naturally squeeze Mo Yan's tightly, and a gentle smile appears on the corner of his lips: "I will take you to a place."

Mo Yan turned around and asked curiously: "Where to go?"

Xiao Ruiyuan shook his head and refused to answer no matter how much Mo Yan asked.

Mo Yan poked his waist dissatisfiedly, and saw that he was dodging subconsciously, so she poked him even more cheerfully. This person is the most sensitive here and is very ticklish, which she found out with great difficulty.

Liangchen's beautiful scenery, the beauty is on the side, Xiao Ruiyuan was poked to respond. If the occasion was not right, he would have pressed the person in his arms to stop her from chaos.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back, and Xiao Ruiyuan had no choice but to squeeze Mo Yan's mischievous hand tightly into his palm. The two of them walked awkwardly on the street like this. Fortunately, they didn't meet many people, and even if they did, they didn't bother to look at them.

The two of them walked slowly hand in hand in the snow. Although they didn't communicate much, they were connected with each other. They wished that this road had no end and could go on forever.

I dont know how long they walked, but the two stopped at the entrance of a narrow alley. At the other end of the alley, there is a noodle shop that has not closed its door. Through the increasingly dense snowflakes, you can vaguely see two rickety figures busy going back and forth under the yellow light, which adds to the cold and lonely snowy night. Somewhat warm.

Xiao Ruiyuan tied the three horses to the big banyan tree at the entrance of the alley, then took Mo Yan's hand and walked towards the noodle shop at the end of the alley.

The old couple seemed to know Xiao Ruiyuan. When they saw the two coming, the old lady greeted them enthusiastically with a strong local accent: "Xiao Wazi, you are here. Is this girl your aunt?"

Xiao Ruiyuan's face was unexpectedly soft, and he nodded in acquiescence to what the old lady said.

Okay, okay, hes a beautiful baby. Xiao Wazi is lucky. The old lady was particularly pleased to see Mo Yanxiao. The wrinkles on her forehead also deepened a lot, making her look kind and cute.

Mo Yan couldnt figure out the situation and didnt know what to say, so she just smiled at the old couple.

After ordering two bowls of shredded chicken noodles from the old man, Xiao Ruiyuan looked back at the scene with a slight smile on his lips. Under the dim light, this smile was also dyed with warmth.

The couple were busy in the kitchen. Xiao Ruiyuan took Mo Yan's hand, walked into the low and narrow room, and sat on an empty table in it.

The room was really short, and Xiao Ruiyuan had to bend down when he came in so as not to hit his head on the door; the room was very narrow, with only two long tables and eight chairs, and nothing else could be seen. Something.

Although it is very simple, the walls and floors are very clean, there is not a trace of stolen goods, the table is even more clean, there is no trace of oil stains, there is no smell in the air, only the smell of tempting food, it can be seen that the couple loves each other Clean. Being in such an environment can calm people's impetuous mood.

Mo Yan shook Xiao Ruiyuan's hand and asked in a low voice: "This place is so remote, how did you find it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ruiyuan's face showed a look of memories: "When I was five years old, I was angry with my grandfather and ran out of the Hou Mansion without even eating dinner. That day was the same as now, it was very cold and snowing. At that time, I I was cold and hungry, and I didnt have a penny with me. I didnt know how I walked to the alley, and walked in following the smell of noodles.

Speaking of this, Xiao Ruiyuan looked at the busy old couple outside the house, and his expression became softer: "At that time, the uncle and aunt were still very young, and the people and business here were very good, but they noticed me while they were busy. Seeing me staring at the noodles in the pot, he pulled me into the house and cooked me a bowl of shredded chicken noodles."

He was very cold and very hungry. He put his hands on the hot noodle bowl, but did not pick up the chopsticks to eat the noodles because he saw that the guests would leave copper coins on the table after finishing the noodles. He had no coins. Just didn't eat.

"What then?" Seeing Xiao Ruiyuan paused, Mo Yan couldn't wait to ask, feeling grateful to the kind old couple outside, and suddenly understood why he brought her here.

"Later... my aunt thought that I couldn't use chopsticks, and she was probably worried that I would accidentally get burned, so she came over to feed me. At that time, except for my grandfather, I was not close to anyone, and I was also wary of my aunt. I don't want to eat the noodles she feeds." At this point, the smile on Xiao Ruiyuan's face became more and more obvious, and he seemed to be amused by his own behavior when he was young: "My aunt has been coaxing me for a long time, but I can't bear to be hungry. I ate the noodles she fed me, but later I thought she was feeding her slowly, so I took the chopsticks and ate the whole bowl of noodles myself."

Mo Yan originally thought that this was a nostalgic and warm past, but she didn't expect such a magical turning point. She imagined it in her mind, as if time had really gone back, and a scene like this appeared in front of her: a little boy who was only as tall as the table. , sitting on a high chair, dangling his two short legs, burying his face in a noodle bowl bigger than his head, and eating noodles with a cold expression.

"Pfft!" Unable to hold back, Mo Yan laughed out loud, and bravely stretched out her hand to pinch Xiao Ruiyuan's face, laughing so hard that she was out of breath: "I didn't expect you to be so awkward when you were a child. But its so cute, why didnt I see it with my own eyes? What a pity.

Xiao Ruiyuan's forehead twitched uncontrollably. He endured it again and again, but finally couldn't endure it anymore. He took off the troubled little hands with an expressionless face and held them tightly in his palms.

"Haha, don't, don't be so stingy. I'm really curious about how you grew up like this." The behavior was interrupted, but the secret twitching in her heart did not stop. Mo Yanxiao fell into Xiao Ruiyuan's arms, her eyes Two drops of physiological tears were shed.

Stop laughing

Xiao Ruiyuan looked helplessly at the woman in his arms, regretting that he had spoken in such detail, but looking at her bright smile, he suddenly felt that it was nothing. If she was in a bad mood in the future, these things might make her happy. It's a pity that he can't remember many things from his childhood. As he grows up, it's impossible for such childish things to happen again.

Mo Yan, who was smiling happily to himself, didn't know what Xiao Ruiyuan was thinking, otherwise he might have knocked him down in excitement, "What happened later, did your grandfather find you, or did the uncle and aunt send you back?"

Xiao Ruiyuan's eyes fell on the old couple again, and his deep voice revealed a hint of nostalgia: "I don't remember the way home, and I don't want to go back. When my aunt asked me if I remembered where my home was, I lied and said I didn't remember. I offered to follow them home. The uncle and aunt were kind-hearted and took me home seriously, until my grandfather found me three days later and took me away."

The bad environment he grew up in made him distrust anyone except his grandfather. But at that time, he impulsively proposed to go home with the couple. Maybe it was the bowl of free chicken noodles, maybe his intuition told him that the couple were good people, or maybe he was moved by the motherly tenderness of the aunt... In short , he just followed the uncle and aunt home.

Although he only lived together for three days before his grandfather took him back, these three days were his happiest days. The uncle and aunt had no children, and they treated him as their own child, even though the house was leaky and the bed was It was stiff, and even the food was rough, but when he dreamed about it at midnight, he really regarded that small shabby house as his own home, subconsciously forgetting about the gorgeous but warm-hearted Marquis Mansion, which was like a prison.

Mo Yan listened quietly, her heart aching. Even if the man in front of her didn't say it explicitly, she could still imagine how much he longed for a warm home when he was a child. The old Marquis loved him dearly, but no matter how many kisses he received from another generation, they could not replace the care of his parents, so when someone stretched out a warm hand to him, he would hold it tightly.

Xiao Ruiyuan seemed to feel something, and held Mo Yan's hand tightly, and his tone became much lighter: "My grandfather gave the uncle and aunt gold and silver as a thank you, but the uncle and aunt refused to accept it. I told them that they would come here often to eat noodles. Those They accepted the gold and silver as face money, and I started coming here often until I went to the border."

Mo Yan blinked away the wetness in her eyes, raised her head and smiled at Xiao Ruiyuan: "I have let you eat and drink for free for so many years, and I don't know if the money my grandfather gave me was enough. My uncle and aunt met you, and they were at a disadvantage.

At this time, the aunt came over with two big bowls of shredded chicken noodles and took over Mo Yan's words: "No loss, no loss, the money will be enough for you to eat until we can't move."

Xiao Ruiyuan stood up quickly, took the shredded chicken noodles and put them on the table. He took out the chopsticks from the chopstick basket and handed them to Mo Yan, gently telling her not to burn them.

The aunt looked at her with a smile, and her eyes became more and more kind: "Seeing how well you two children get along, I feel that I am many years younger. You guys, if you continue to be like this, I still want to look at you." I brought the baby over to eat some noodles."

Hearing what the aunt meant, Mo Yan and Xiao Ruiyuan immediately became blushing. They were not married yet, and the child was nowhere to be seen. When they thought about giving birth to a child, their faces turned red as if they were bleeding.

The old man who came after him saw that Mo Yan wanted to bury his head under the table, and he burst into laughter. He took the old wife's hand and walked out: "Stop disturbing the young couple, follow me outside to pack your things."

The old lady was not embarrassed. She held her husband's big hand behind her back and walked out. She turned around and told the two of them: "Eat it while it's hot. The noodles won't taste good if they're mushy."

Mo Yan raised her head and her eyes fell on the hands of the uncle and aunt tightly intertwined, with deep envy in her eyes. Ordinariness is the truth. Living in such poverty but being able to hold onto a lifetime of happiness is something that not everyone can have.

Xiao Ruiyuan did not miss that touch of envy. He held Mo Yan's hand tightly and would never let go again in this life...

Coming out of the noodle shop, the snow outside was much heavier, and a thin layer of snow had already piled up on the ground. Xiao Ruiyuan helped Mo Yan sit on his mount, then got on the horse and sat behind her, holding her tightly in his arms.

Hunted the horse's belly and headed all the way towards the city gate. Worried that Mo Yan would be frozen by the oncoming wind, Xiao Ruiyuan controlled the horse's speed, only a little faster than walking. Xiao Hei and Da Hong Zao followed closely behind, carrying the gifts from Princess Liang.

The city gate has not yet been closed. After the people and horses left the city, the snow became heavier and heavier, and you could eat a mouthful of snow by opening your mouth. Xiao Ruiyuan hugged Mo Yan's waist on horseback and turned around so that she faced him, and wrapped her tightly in a large fur coat.

Mo Yan hugged Xiao Ruiyuan's waist and buried her head on his chest. Listening to the strong heartbeat coming from inside her clothes, she felt extremely at ease.

Do you think the scene between Yan Yan and Ruirui is so sweet? The single dog said that he received a critical hit of 10,000 points, ~_~

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