The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 1114: light of merit, box

Chapter 1114: light of merit, box

Chapter 1114: Light of Merit, Box

Looking at the two young monks carrying food boxes, the Mo family thought they were going down the mountain, so they looked away after taking one look. Unexpectedly, the two young novice monks walked straight to the pavilion, and after giving a one-handed salute to the Mo family, one of them said: "We brothers, under the order of the host, will deliver fast meals to several donors."

As he spoke, he placed the two food boxes on the stone table, opened the lids on them, and took out the food inside layer by layer.

The weather is very cool now, and it takes a long time to walk here from Baohua Temple. I was worried that the food would get cold, so I carefully put a layer of cotton wool in the food box, but the food was still warm when I took it out.

The rice was just ordinary white rice, and the vegetables were just ordinary cabbage, tofu, and mushrooms, but they were full of color, flavor, and flavor, which unexpectedly aroused the appetite of the Mo family.

At this time, they were completely confused about the situation. They didn't know why the abbot of Baohua Temple knew that they were coming today, and they didn't know how he knew that they were here, and he had such a coincidence that he had people deliver vegetarian food.

Looking at the two young novice monks who had laid out the food and said "please use it, please" and stood aside without saying a word, Mo Yan couldn't help but asked: "You two young masters, please tell me how much money your temple will give to everyone who climbs the mountain." Do people who worship Buddha give vegetarian meals?

The little novice who spoke before bowed again with one hand and said to Mo Yan: "The poor monk has been a refuge in Baohua Temple for fourteen years. Today is the first time that he has sent meals to the donors who came up the mountain."

At this time, the Mo family was even more surprised. They really couldn't understand why the famous abbot of Baohua Temple gave them special treatment. Mo Yan's heart skipped a beat, and she asked Xue Tuanzi in the space uneasily: "Does this host know my secret?"

In her previous life, her soul was incompatible with her body, so her soul often left her body. Later, under the guidance of an eminent monk, her grandma put the ancient jade passed down from her family, which is the ancient jade that hides the secrets of space, on her body. , used to calm her soul, so that she could live peacefully to the age of twenty-five.

Since there were such masters in previous lives, there may be some in this era as well. The abbot of Baohua Temple was able to calculate that his family would go up the mountain through this road today, which shows that he was not an ordinary monk.

"What secrets can you have?" Xue Tuanzi didn't take Mo Yan's worries to heart at all: "You are you, your soul is the same as before, and this body is also your own, even if he knows your three souls and six souls So what if we are separated? You have never harmed anyone!"

Thats right, this body was originally hers, her soul was intact, she was herself inside and out, so what did she have to worry about? Thinking of this, Mo Yan's heart calmed down.

After thanking the two young novices, Mo Yan persuaded the family members who didnt know whether to use chopsticks: Lets just accept the hosts kindness and go up later to add more money for sesame oil.

Hearing what Mo Yan said, the others no longer hesitated, and since they were really hungry, they picked up their rice bowls and chopsticks and started eating one after another.

The rice was very fragrant and the vegetarian food tasted very good. The Mo family also ate deliciously. They finished all the meals quickly without wasting any of it.

After eating, several people were too embarrassed to let the novice monk clean up the dishes, so they washed the dishes and chopsticks in a mountain spring under the rocks not far away and put them neatly in the food box, and then handed the food box to the two In the hands of a little novice monk.

The two young novices bowed to the Mo family, then picked up the food boxes and left along the way they came.

After filling their bellies, the strength of several people recovered somewhat, except Cui Qingrou, whose legs and feet were still weak. It was obviously inappropriate to go hiking after dinner, so the few of them continued to stay in the pavilion, planning to rest for half an hour before leaving.

After a while, Mo Yan took out a water bag with honey added from the bag and poured a cup for each person. The honey water had a slight cooling effect, but after drinking it, my body felt much better, as if the lost strength was suddenly replenished.

The weather is good today, the sun is bright but not too hot. The pavilion is backed by mountains on three sides, so the cool breeze cannot come in. It is quite pleasant for the family to chat, drink honey water and eat snacks.

Mo Yan took out a large piece of dried meat wrapped in oil paper from the bag, tore it off piece by piece and fed it to the six beasts. The dried meat is made from animals in space. After her careful processing, it is very delicious. While feeding the six beasts, dont forget to stuff a piece for yourself.

The six beasts had eaten well before setting off. They were not hungry yet, so it would be good to chew some dried meat in their free time. There are many small animals escaping in the surrounding woods, but this is the territory of Baohua Temple, so it should be somewhat taboo. No matter how hungry they are, they will not kill here.

Half an hour later, everyone recovered, and even Cui Qingrou had regained most of her strength. After packing the packages, they continued towards Baohua Temple.

However, toward the end, the mountain became steeper and the climb became more strenuous. I rested three more times on the way, and it was not until the end of the day that I finally reached Baohua Temple.

Baohua Temple is worthy of being a famous thousand-year-old temple. Although it is not magnificent, it gives people a sense of weight and tolerance. Standing in front of the temple gate, listening to the sound of wooden fish and the faint chanting of scriptures coming from inside, it seems that the soul has been washed and become extremely light.

The temple door was open, and there was no one at the door. But just when the Mo family was about to go in, a kind-hearted monk wearing cassocks, white beard and white hair, walked out. It was Baohua Temple who presided over the ceremony.

Liao Kong looked at the Mo family and his entourage with a calm expression. His eyes only stayed on Mo Yan for a moment, and then he saluted with one hand: "The distinguished guest is coming, and the poor monk is waiting to welcome you from afar, Amitabha."

It was at this glance that Mo Yan confirmed his previous guess. This air host was indeed not simple, and there might be something else to come.

Others were flattered. They never expected that Baohua Temple and his entourage would alarm the abbot who rarely showed up. They bothered him to come out to greet them in person and quickly returned the salute with folded hands.

The door is not the place to talk. No matter how many doubts they have in their hearts, they can only follow the host and cross the temple gate into Baohua Temple.

Listening to the Sanskrit sounds coming from everywhere, the restlessness caused by the absence of the abbot in the Mo family gradually subsided.

Wow, Yanyan, its so comfortable here. I like it here so much. You should have brought me here a long time ago. In the space, Xue Tuanzi turned somersaults excitedly in the space, making no secret of her joy.

Whats going on? Mo Yan asked curiously, not really understanding what could make it so excited.

"This temple has a history of thousands of years and has gathered a lot of power of faith. Although this power of faith is not a merit and cannot upgrade the space, it can condense my soul and allow me to transform when I transform. Suffer less pain." Xue Tuanzi didn't hide anything and told the reason.

It is a product of the world of cultivation, and it is legal in the world of cultivation. When it transforms, it will be struck by lightning a few times at most. The thunder is not intended to destroy it, but is a gift from heaven. But this is not the world of cultivation, and there is no room for an alien species like it. The thunder struck when it transforms will destroy its existence.

Although you can withstand the thunderous wrath of heaven if you accumulate enough merit, you will inevitably suffer some physical pain. It will be much better if you have the power of faith.

However, although the power of faith is good, Xue Tuanzi never thought of taking refuge here when he transformed, because when he was struck by lightning, the lightning would not have eyes and might destroy this thousand-year-old temple. If you throw it away, it would be a great loss of merit. It is born from merit, so naturally you cannot do such a thing, otherwise sooner or later you will have to pay it back twice as much.

This was the first time Mo Yan heard Xue Tuanzi talking about this. She thought about it and said, "Then we will come here often so that you can absorb more power of faith."

This snow dumpling did not refuse, but told Mo Yan something she didn't know: "Actually, you also have the power of faith!"

"Me too?" Mo Yan was surprised. She said she had the power of merit and she believed it, but she really didn't feel the power of faith.

Xue Tuanzi explained: "Over the years, you have helped many people, and their gratitude and admiration for you are also a kind of power of faith. However, some people's gratitude and admiration are temporary, so the power of faith in you is not very stable. Compared with this thousand-year-old temple, it is like a stream and the sea."

Um, what kind of metaphor is this? So frustrating! Mo Yan thought depressedly, not realizing that his focus was misplaced.

Xue Tuanzi was silent, deeply feeling that it was a mistake to discuss this with his master.

Mo Yan's mind was very clear, and he said to Xue Tuanzi, "The power of faith cannot be forced. It is more difficult to collect than the power of merit! What we have to do now is to accumulate good deeds. If you want the power of faith to condense your soul, we will often do it in the future." Just come here." This is much simpler and less troublesome than her own hard work to accumulate.

Xue Tuanzi naturally understands this and agrees with Mo Yan's statement.

While communicating, the group came to the Main Hall. Looking at the compassionate Buddha, Mo Yan felt at ease and knelt down on the futon to pray devoutly with her family.

The six beasts also came in. Seeing this, Liao Kong did not stop them, as if he didn't know they were ferocious beasts, and even asked the little novice to bring six more futons.

The six beasts sitting in a row sneered at Liao Kong's approach. They are ferocious beasts, and they dont believe in Buddha, so why should they kneel to them? However, they also knew where they were coming from and did not cause any trouble. Even the little flower that liked to play was quiet and looked at the Mo family praying angrily.

Mo Yan clasped her hands together, slowly closed her eyes and prayed to the Buddha. What did she wish for? It seems that there is, but it seems that there is not. She hopes that her family will be healthy and safe, she hopes to support her loved ones throughout her life, and grow old together. She hopes that Xue Tuanzi will transform as soon as possible and be free... But she can do these things by herself , it seems useless to pray to the Buddha if you cant do it.

Abbot Luokong watched quietly from the side. Although his eyes fell on the Mo family, if you look closely, you will find that his eyes seemed to fall on Mo Yan from beginning to end, showing incredulity.

Ordinary people cannot see it, but Liao Kong, as an eminent monk, can see the popularity. In his eyes, Mo Yan was like a shining golden cocoon, and the golden light lingering around her seemed to burn his eyes, making him unable to look straight.

This golden light is none other than the light of merit.

Mo Yan has reincarnated for nine lives, and this life is her tenth. From the first life, she has been accumulating merit. Up to now, these merits have already condensed into a golden ball of light invisible to ordinary people, wrapping her whole body in it, like a huge golden cocoon, and even her specific appearance cannot be seen clearly.

Such profound merits have only been seen in one person. He withdrew his gaze, and his eyes fell inadvertently on Xiao Ruiyuan, who was kneeling beside Mo Yan, and the strange color in his eyes became even stronger.

Contrary to Mo Yan, Xiao Ruiyuan's whole body was surrounded by a mass of darkness like ink. This black air was not the air of death, but a thick evil air. This kind of evil spirit either appears in the bodies of evildoers who kill many people and commits heinous crimes, or it appears in the bodies of soldiers who have been on the battlefield and killed countless enemies.

To Kong's surprise, this black evil aura like thick ink was mixed with bits of golden light that swallowed up the black evil aura. It was this little bit of golden light that changed the destiny of the owner of the evil spirit, allowing him to survive safely when he should have died alone and early.

Looking at the golden light overflowing from Mo Yan's body and lingering on the other four people, Liao Kong suddenly understood something and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Of course what Kong Kong saw and thought, the Mo family didnt know. After they made their vows to the Buddha devoutly and added a thick amount of sesame oil money to the merit box, they were taken to a wing in the backyard to rest by the young novice monk who had been arranged by Kong. Only Mo Yan was left behind by him.

You should go and have a rest too. Look after the little flowers for me and dont let them cause trouble, so as not to scare the master in the temple. Seeing that Xiao Ruiyuan was unwilling to leave, Mo Yan pushed him and urged him to leave quickly.

Xiao Ruiyuan glanced at Kong, hesitated for a moment and finally left with the six beasts who were unwilling to leave.

"Almsgiver, please follow this poor monk." There was no more to say, so he left these words and walked ahead.

Mo Yan followed him without hesitation. There happened to be something she wanted to know.

Liao Kong took Mo Yan out of the Main Hall and walked through a long corridor to a remote courtyard in the back mountain. The ancient trees here are towering, the houses are old, and the mottled walls have left traces of time. It is obviously not a place where pilgrims live.

Liao Kong stopped in front of a house. The originally closed door opened from inside, and a monk in gray robes walked out. The monk also had white hair and white eyebrows, but there was no wrinkle on his face. He looked much younger than Sora.

Leakong took a step forward, clasped his hands together and shouted respectfully: "Uncle Master."

The monk nodded slightly, his eyes fell lightly on Mo Yan, and he showed a compassionate smile. His long voice seemed to come from far away from the sky: "You are here."

Mo Yan, who was originally immersed in the words "Uncle Master" and was still struggling with the monk's true age, suddenly woke up from the monk's words "You are here". Her mind moved, and her intuition told her that "you are here" was not literally "you are here". The monk might have seen something.

Facing those wise eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, Mo Yan instantly put away all her thoughts and bowed respectfully: "Hello, Master!"

The master smiled gently: "My Dharma is called "Overcoming Tribulation," and the donor just needs to call me "Overcoming Tribulation."

Overcoming the tribulation? What a strange Dharma name! Mo Yan's eyebrows twitched, she suppressed the weirdness in her heart, and saluted again: "Master Crossing Tribulation." It was a bit frivolous to address someone by their title, so she still added the word "Master".

Dujie smiled and shook his head without correcting the title. His wise eyes seemed to be able to tolerate all things in the world: "The donor came from afar, and Dujie couldn't treat him with anything. He only had a pot of freshly brewed wild tea. The donor didn't dislike it, so he came in. Have a drink."

Mo Yan knew very well that the person who really wanted to see her was the Master of Tribulation Transcendence, so naturally she wouldn't mind. Seeing that Master Crossing Tribulation had turned around, she quickly followed him.

Liao Kong looked at the slowly closing wooden door, a flash of hope flashed across his old face. He recited a Buddhist sentence, turned around and slowly walked out of this remote courtyard.

The furnishings in the Zen room are very simple. Apart from tables, chairs and a place to meditate, there is not even a bed. Only the fragrance of tea lingers in the room. Mo Yan sat cross-legged on the futon, facing Master Dujie who was making tea in awe.

It is not difficult to cultivate Buddhism, but what is difficult is to guard this worldly heart, to be able to guard this loneliness for ten years, and to keep the mind as still as water.

Donor, please!

While Mo Yan was dazed, Dujie had already made tea.

The tea cup is made of ordinary rough pottery, and at a glance you can see the slightly raised particles on it. Even with such a simple tea cup, the aroma of tea cannot be brewed with the best purple clay teapot. Only the Yunwu tea produced in space can compare with it.

Seemingly seeing the difference in Mo Yan, Du Jie explained: "This tea grows on the cliff at the top of the mountain. The tea tree is thousands of years old. Perhaps it has been contaminated by the aura of the mountain over the years. This tea is getting better every year." Happy New Year."

It turns out to be a thousand-year-old tea tree! Mo Yan suddenly realized that it is not easy to grow for thousands of years. What is rare is that the tea that grows is getting better and better. I think it is just like Master Dujie said, it must be contaminated with the aura of the mountain!

Picked up the tea cup and took a sip. It was indeed sweet, fresh and mellow, with a fragrant fragrance on the lips and teeth. It was truly the best tea. Mo Yan immediately praised: "Good tea!"

Dujie smiled slightly and picked up the tea cup.

Mo Yan sipped the tea carefully, but she was thinking about why Du Jie came to find her. He couldn't see through her identity and just invite her over to drink tea and chat, right?

But this time Mo Yan guessed wrong. Dujie really just invited her to drink tea and chat, but before leaving, he handed her a dusty and inconspicuous box.

Master of the Tribulation, I will not receive salary for no merit. I cant have this. Mo Yan immediately refused. Although she didn't know what was in the box, and Du Jie's attitude seemed very casual, she wouldn't accept even a piece of grass.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Tuanzi's voice suddenly came from his mind, and his tone had never been more urgent: "Yan Yan, take it, take it quickly."

Mo Yan was startled and asked quickly: "What is in this box?"

"I don't know, but it must be a good thing, I can feel it!" Xue Tuanzi's voice became more urgent, persuading Mo Yan: "Since the old monk gave you the thing, he naturally has his intention, so you can rest assured Take it."

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