The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1117 The Saintess Of The New World

However, after seeing the two Lory thought that the hoodie alone was not enough to cover Zhao Li Xin's undeniable charm in fact it only added to the mysteriousness – introverted vibes and worst of all Zhao Li Xin had a tall stature that was not inferior to male models or actors in this world, he also had broad shoulders, a slim body but with enough amounts of muscles including a flat stomach, combined with cold dark eyes and a distant demeanor no one could resist him!

[We need to find a face mask, glasses, hat, or whatever to hide it all] Lory waved her hand in front of Zhao Li Xin's face while groaning in annoyance.

'Why does he still look handsome in this kind of outfit'

Looks like Fargo was right, he says some people are just unable to look bad, she's not sure if that applies to Fargo but she agrees it perfectly applies to Zhao Li Xin, which is annoying.

As they stroll the street, just as Lory expected the attention of many people especially women drawn to Zhao Li Xin, it didn't matter that they couldn't see Zhao Li Xin's face cause their female instincts told them that the man must be attractive.

In this world, no one knows about Zhao Li Xin's reputation and unlike the cultivator world, Lory has little worry about Mong Yi and Mong Ki who acted as a tall fence between Zhao Li Xin and all those women who had inappropriate intentions.

Especially now that Zhao Li Xin has lost most of his power! it dawned on her that the only person that could protect Zhao Li Xin from people's bad intentions is only her.

Therefore Lory becomes more sensitive, she holds Zhao Li's hand Xin tightly while sending death glares to all the men and women who dare ogle her husband.

'Keep your eyes off my man!'

On the other hand, it's not that Zhao Li Xin isn't aware of people's attention to her, it's just that she doesn't care and is used to people's curious looks but instead of caring about that at the moment she enjoys Lory's attention more and her protective attitude towards her more.

Not long after, Lory finally found the charity box she was looking for. An orange box with a large red light reading Charity stood on a street corner,

Lory is grateful that charity boxes like this still exist today. At first, Lory wasn't sure if there were still people willing to donate when it seemed like the world had just barely recovered from the previous big war.

Thankfully there are still many good people in this world, Lory quickly pulled Zhao Li Xin towards the tacky orange box, then with a big grin he look at Zhao Li Xin, [Let's see what we have here!] Lory pulled her sleeves up to her elbows and started rummaging through the contents of the charity box without feeling ashamed at all, why should she? during the dark age war, Lory even rummaged through the trash cans to find anything useful like half-empty shampoo or shower gel even toothpaste.

When Lory is busy with her business. The people around them only gave them sidelong glances though some people give another second glance because Zhao Li Xin was there, before going back to their own business as normal.

Unlike the cultivator's world, the people here didn't seem to care much about what others did when it had nothing to do with them and Zhao Li Xin found their attitude very refreshing because one of the things he hated the most was nosy people.

It wasn't long before Lory found a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and an old black leather hooded jacket for men though they weren't much but much better than what they had right now. Lory also picked up another piece of clothing for herself and then dragged Zhao Li Xin to the public restroom to change their clothes.

however, Lory becomes anxious to leave Zhao Li Xin alone, nor was she sure if the man knew how to wear these clothes.

Still, she asked in order not to belittle her husband's intelligence [Li Xin, do you know how to wear all of these?] Lory showed the pile of clothes at Zhao Li Xin, and as expected the handsome man looked back at Lory with a blank expression.

'Sorry to ask'

Lory looked down and then ponder for a second then she sneak into the men's room but before he enter she took a peek to make sure no one was inside, luckily no one was in the bathroom!

Lory then quickly pulled Zhao Li Xin into one of the cubicles then locked the door safely, when she turned around her face bumped into Zhao Li Xin's chest only then did she realize how cramp the cubicle was but she didn't have time to dwell about it.

Lory then closed the toilet lid then put their pile of clothes on top of it then said impatiently to Zhao Li Xin [Now, quickly take off your clothes!]

'Wait why does that sound weird?'

Zhao Li Xin was stunned then covered his body like a shy maiden, [Now? are you sure?]

Lory understood what Zhao Li Xin was thinking about Lory then punched Zhao Li Xin's chest in annoyance [Stop joking around Li Xin! Let's do this quickly before anyone catches us!]

Her words sound ambiguous but she didn't have time to bother about it because right now she was too scared someone might catch them or to be exact 'her'! if one day she has a criminal record she does not want this kind of offense to be added to her criminal record!

Lory impatiently pulled Zhao Li Xin's hoodie alas the hoodie got stuck on his head because of his long hair, Lory got panicked and then used all her strength to pull the hoodie from Zhao Li Xin's head.

[Ouch, wait Lory! slow down, slowly - slowly...ouch!] Zhao Li Xin rarely complained but Lory's panic amused him so Zhao Li Xin deliberately teased her.

Lory got annoyed she begin to yell, [Stop moving Li Xin, just stop resisting and it will end sooner!]

'Why do I sound like a molester?'

Lory shook her head and then used all her strength to pull the sweater over Zhao Li Xin's head finally, she succeeded but due to their intense struggle Zhao Li Xin's long hair become tangled and messily fall on his face and chest, he look like he had been attacked by a wild pigeon. Zhao Li Xin sighed then brush his long hair away from his face with a slight daze in his dark eyes, he look even more sexy now!

'The wild pigeon' Lory subconsciously gulped as they stood so close she could smell his masculine scent soon her heart beating rapidly.

[Lory if you keep looking at me like this we probably won't be going to this place for another hour, well I don't mind since I'm already half naked] Zhao Li Xin grinned flirtatiously.

Lory awoke from her wild thought and then widen her eyes in disbelief [Li Xin, this place is dirty!]

[Even better! we don't need to clean up after that, you know what I mean] Zhao Li Xin squints his eyes seductively.

[Oh, if that...wait, No! what are you thinking!] Lory reproached him even though she was obviously tempted.

[Come on wife, it's been…]

[Shush!] Lory suddenly covered Zhao Li Xin's mouth [Someone is coming] she whispered.

Not long after, many footsteps were heard entering the men's bathroom, then followed by the sound of the zippers being pulled down, and not long after they hear the sound of running water, it didn't take a genius to guess what they were doing.

Zhao Li Xin's face turned red, he didn't want Lory to hear this indecent sound, it was funny considering what he just proposed a few seconds ago, but before Zhao Li Xin could do anything Lory glared as a warning for Zhao Li Xin not to make a sound.

"Hey, did you hear about the Saintess, I heard that she healed many people in the Rodant City"

"Yes I heard, many people hailed her as a savior and some even said she was better than Princess Lorient, well I mean Princess Lorient hid her healing powers for a long time. If it wasn't for Nazareth destroying the world, we probably would never have known Princess Lorient had healing power"

"Well I see what you mean, compared to Saintes Allina who travels the world healing people I agree she is better than Princess Lorient who keeps her powers to herself and her people but you better not talk like this out there as there are still a lot of people who worship princesses Lorient especially the people from Harland if they hear what you are saying about princess Lorient you will lucky they only leave you with broken limbs" his friend warned.

He quickly come to his sense and reflexively swept his eyes around him, thankfully he didn't see anyone because Zhao Li Xin had already lifted his leg and Lory straddled Zhao Li Xin while lifting her leg against the wall.

The two men zipped their pants and then left the restroom, Lory then sighed in relief.

[Lory what language do they speak? It sounds a bit like a common language in my world even though I don't understand the whole conversation but I can understand a few words] Zhao Li Xin became curious.

[I told you there is a language in my world that is more or less similar to the language in your world, the language called Astern from Xiya country and this language is the second most popular language after Harlandish and Lexion that's why I learned the language as my third language and thanks to that I was able to pick up the language in your world quite faster] Lory raised her chin proudly.

[Oh, my wife is indeed very smart] He praised his wife.

[Come on, got up and, put on your clothes before other people come again!] Lory quickly helps Zhao Li Xin to wear the shirt.

Zhao Li Xin chuckle seeing the worry in her eyes, still, he obediently let Lory help him wearing his clothes.

Within five minutes they managed to change their clothes only Lory was out of luck in the clothing department as she got a strange t-shirt with a drunk unicorn head and a sentence under it head 'Your blood alcohol content cannot be more than 0,08%'

Lory's lips twitch, 'What an unnecessary reminder' Imagine wearing this shirt to the college party or any party, it's no wonder the owner throws away the t-shirt.

Lory also has worn-out jeans that are torn here and there, luckily it's not in the important place so for now she's still safe.

Lory refused to walk around in this T-shirt so she put back on the sweater Joe gave her then pulled up her hoodie and didn't forget to pull up Zhao Li Xin's hoodie too.

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