The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1127 Weird Food

The scene was just as Zhao Li Xin expected, his wife didn't even break a sweat, Zhao Li Xin chuckled while stroking Lory's head affectionately then replied with a soft voice [Okay]

Lory was just about to leave with Zhao Li Xin when she saw a familiar girl who looked at Lory agape.

Lory immediately recognizes her "Oh, aren't you miss...?" Lory glanced at the name badge on her chest which wrote Madeline Kyle, "Miss Kyle, was it you who called my husband here?"

Madeline was taken aback from her daze and then nodded profusely, "Yeah, Uhm, are you okay?" the next second later she felt stupid asking that question then her cheeks instantly turned red.

Lory laughed "Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for your help" She felt happy that there were still good people around, maybe the Beast Slayer guild wasn't as bad as she thought.

Madeline grew even more embarrassed as it was obvious she wasn't helping at all, "It's fine...Sorry I can't be of more help since our guild is too small so we can't get involved in disputes between hunters or we'll risk incurring ire with the hunters meanwhile we really need hunters to work for us otherwise…," she said regretfully.

"I understand" Lory patted her on the shoulder to comfort the young girl "We'd better go before someone else comes"

"Yes, you're right!" Madeline quickly left the small alley with Lory and Zhao Li Xin and then parted ways because Lory and Zhao Li Xin wanted to have dinner, at first Lory asked Madeline to come along but Madeline refused as she didn't want to disturb the couple's sweet time and after all she still had a lot of work to do.

Lory then took Zhao Li Xin down the main street to find a place to eat, once they arrive Lory's eyes wander around to see what kind of food would be suitable for Zhao Li Xin since  Zhao Li Xin had specific palates since he was young, it's never clear whether it's because of the abuse he received in his childhood or because of his keen smell perhaps a combination of both, Zhao Li Xin became sensitive toward some food smells that's why the chef at the Hei Shen sect always works extra hard to provide food that suits Zhao Li Xin's taste only after Lory come Zhao Li Xin starts to tolerate the smell of most food so Lory didn't notice at first, however, the big mouth Mong Yi reveals this secret to Lory.

Zhao Li Xin suppressed a smile as he felt how considerate she was towards him even though she shouldn't because he was actually curious about the many dishes that had been displayed in front of the restaurant, even though he more or less knew what the main ingredients of the dishes were but Zhao Li Xin had never seen such a dish like that in his life because it looked nothing like any chicken dish he had ever seen in his world.

[Lory, is that a chicken?] Lory points at the picture on the digital menu board in front of the restaurant.

[Yes, that chicken casserole] Lory answers.

[Huh…] Zhao Li Xin's eyebrows furrow.

[Li Xin, what do you want to eat? Don't expect anything close to Hei Shen chef standard so try to lower your standard, I mean…very low] Lory gives a kind reminder of what he could expect.

Zhao Li Xin chuckles and then swept his gaze around him then his eyes stop on a big glass building with a giant colorful sign [What is that?] he pointed.

Lory follows the direction of Zhao Li Xin's finger later suddenly his whole face beamed in delight [Poko-Poko dinner…? Since when they make dinner, well this brings back an old memory!] Lory exclaimed excitedly.

[Is that place good?] Zhao Li Xin got more curious after seeing Lory's reaction.

A bright smile spreads across her face when she remembers how she always drags Fred and Fargo to the Poko-Poko diner so she can collect Poko-Poko gift figurines every time she orders certain dishes in that place, Lory remembers she utterly annoyed Fred and Fargo because of that, yet they always follow her whim.

[Let's go there, I want to see how the diner looks inside!] Lory now dragged Zhao Li Xin with her.

As soon as they entered, they were greeted by the noise of children running and playing on the playground while screaming loudly, some crying while the others fighting at each other.

Zhao Li Xin was dumbfounded at the chaotic scene around him, numerous children were running around screaming and crying while the mothers scold them with tired faces while the fathers eating their meals quietly appear defeated.

For the first time in his life, he saw children behave atrociously without caring about manners at all, not even commoners children in his world behave so unruly like this.

[This dinner targeted families, especially the ones with small children, that's why they provide a big playground to attract the children but as a result, it becomes like this…so do you still want to eat here?] Lory knew that Zhao Li Xin hated crowds, especially loud sounds.

Zhao Li Xin was just about to say he wanted to leave when suddenly Lory's stomach rumbled, ashamed Lory then smiled shyly.

[Let's eat here] Zhao Li Xin doesn't want to starve Lory any longer.

[Then let's just go to the second floor so it won't be too noisy] said Lory.

Zhao Li Xin didn't care where they were going to eat when they arrived on the second floor they were greeted by a restaurant maid who opened the door for them when the door was closed all of a sudden the boisterous sound below disappeared, Zhao Li Xin immediately intrigued he glance at the glass door behind him wondering what kind of material it used. Zhao Li Xin felt like he should find out what material the door was made of so if he had a house someday he could soundproof the whole house.

The waitress leads Lory and Zhao Li Xin to one of the empty tables near the window showing the crowd on the first floor.

"Welcome to the table for dinner, do you want to order now or see the menu first?" the waitress asked with a big smile.

"Uhm we want to see the menu first," said Lory.

"Oh sure" The waitress pressed the menu button on the table and suddenly a virtual menu popped up on their table.

Lory was stunned as she had never seen this before "Oh this is new"

The waitress smile proudly "Yes, this is the latest innovation from N.I.M.S., we are the only restaurant in the city that has this because we are the only ones who have a cooperation with Harland" said the waitress proudly.

Lory looked at her in surprise "Oh is that so?"

"Yes, the CEO secretary of Luminescent company from Harland himself contacted us to offer cooperation and provided capital to rebuild our company again, I heard it because King Lucas and Princess Lorient really liked our cakes when they were young therefore the company wanted to revive our company to honor the Princess and the King"

A warm smile flit across Lory's face, "Well, congratulations!"

"Thank you, it's not easy to find a job at this time but because of Poko-Poko company open the restaurant in our city it become the main attraction for many tourists from the outer city as a result it helps other businesses as well, therefore, we all very grateful for Luminescent company help," she said with genuine gratitude "Okay then, take your time if you are ready to order, just press the bell," said the waitress before she left.

Once the waitress left Zhao Li Xin ask [Is she talking about you?]

[More or less, she said the Poko-Poko company has a partnership with one of the companies from Harland therefore they can build their company again and it seems to be growing very rapidly] Lory explained.

[Oh that sounds nice] Zhao Li Xin said with a smile while perusing the virtual menu curiously.

[Yes, luminescent is one of the big companies in Harland and has always received support from the kingdom but of course because Harland has quite a large share in the company, I remember about twenty-five percent but I don't know how much the kingdom's share is now but apart from that I'm happy that Harland company thrives cause that means the kingdom thrives as well]

[You must be relieved] Zhao Li Xin knew how much her kingdom means for her.

[I am..] Lory's expression softened imagining how his kingdom was at the moment, Lory became even more eager to return to her hometown.

[What do you want, I want a burger and fries, it's been a long time since I last had a burger] Lory's face lit up.

[Uhm..] Zhao Li Xin frowned, not knowing what to choose out of these colorful pictures of food, what's more, he couldn't read the words on the menu either, he was finally struck by the reality that he has become illiterate in this world.

[Need some help?] Lory felt sorry to see Zhao Li Xin's flustered face as he usually looks confident and decisive.

[Yes, please] he humbly said.

[Okay, because you didn't like the heavy taste then... what about chicken soup with garlic bread? But maybe you wouldn't like the bread] Lory thought the garlic smell might too strong for him.

Zhao Li Xin shrugged [I follow whatever you say]

[Okay!] Lory pressed the call button and immediately the waitress came.

"Are you ready to order?" She took out a small tablet from her pocket.

"Yes, Double Cheese Burger, fries, coke, and chicken soup with garlic bread ... oh also mineral water"

The waitress repeats the orders first then smiles kindly "Please wait!"

"Thank you!" Lory replied.

The left servant brought their order while Lory supported his chin, he looked at Zhao Li Xin who was still curious about the virtual menu on his desk [curious?] Lory smiles in Amusement.

[Yes] Zhao Li Xin nodded honestly.

Lory found it funny if only his subordinates, Mong Ki, Mong Yi, and the others saw this they would definitely be flabbergasted when imagining their shocked expression Lory couldn't hold back her chuckles.

Hearing Lory's giggles Zhao Li Xin lifts his head, he doesn't feel embarrassed instead he genuinely explained what interest him [I'm curious how all this object works, too bad I had to dismantle it before I could understand but I don't think it's allowed, right?] Zhao Li Xin shows his disappointment.

Lory squints her eyes [No you are not! if you want to know you can find out through the NET...] Lory warned Zhao Li Xin.

Zhao Li Xin's face lit up [Oh what was that?]

[It's a global computer network that provides various information like the computer I used to find information before...ah it's easier to show than to explain, unfortunately, we don't have the money to buy a laptop or any of that at the moment] Lory let out a helpless sigh.

feeling sorry for her husband Lory patted her chest confidently and then said: [Don't worry, I will work hard to make money, you just need to be patient a bit, later on, I will buy everything you want, okay honey!]

A warm feeling spread within his heart like a hot spring melting the snow, subconciously the corner of his lips curved into a dazzling smile but then he realized, there is something wrong with that words. shouldn't it be the other way around? Zhao Li Xin tilted his head feeling unsure.

But Zhao Li Xin's thoughts were dispelled by the arrival of the waitress who came to serve their food.

"Double cheeseburger and fries?"

"Over here," Lory said.

The waiter also put a fairly large burger with a flag on top of it and fries on the side.

Lory's eyes lit up seeing the burger again after decades.

Zhao Li Xin stared at Lory's food with a confused yet curious expression, he had never seen such a large piece of meat piled with vegetables and a large bun like this before and what was that small flag on the top of the bun? Is this some kind of national food?

The waitress then placed a bowl of chicken soup in front of Zhao Li Xin and a small plate of garlic bread.

After serving the beverages the waitress smiled broadly and said "Please enjoy the food!"

As the scent wafted into his nose, Zhao Li Xin frowned even though it was just chicken soup, but his keen sense of smell could perceive a different smell from the chicken soup in his old world.

Seeing Zhao Li Xin's expression, Lory asked worriedly [What's wrong Li Xin? You don't like it?]

Zhao Li Xin shook her head [It's okay..] Zhao Li Xin didn't want to make Lory worry, so she took a spoon and ate elegantly.

Lory was relieved seeing him eating without trouble on the other hand Zhao Li Xin herself didn't mean she didn't like her, she was just sensitive to foreign smells in food because he was often poisoned when he was a child or bullied by servants the palace who served him with spoiled food or food that contains something weird that caused him got a stomachache, therefore whenever he smelled something strange he will subconsciously become wary.

But that feeling soon subsided when he saw Lory eating voraciously but what is that thing Lory eating?

[Are you eating bread?] Zhao Li Xin finds it hard to comprehend what kind of food is that

Lory raised her head [No, it's a burger]

[There's bread on top of your food] There's a note of incredulity in Zhao Li Xin's voice

[Yeah] Lory shrugged, she understand what bothering him.

[Is that meat between your bun?] he asked.

Lory looks at her burger and then nods [Yeah?]

[There are also vegetables between your meat and bun] he added.

Lory looks at her burger again she nods [uh-huh?]

Zhao Li Xin squints his eyes [It's a weird food Lory]

Lory pondered while chewing her food, Lory then picked up the fries and shook it in front of Zhao Li Xin [Guessed what? this is a potato!]


Lory smiles mischievously [Wanna try my coke?]


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