The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1207 The Threat

The restaurant which was previously busy slowly became quiet, one by one the guests were asked to leave and were given compensation, even though many guests were left behind grumbling, they didn't dare complain and the restaurant manager couldn't do anything either after finding out the identity of the person who forcefully rented the entire restaurant. Then the restaurant closed with a reserved sign in front of the restaurant, while inside the restaurant only Lory, Zhao Li Xin, and Jacob left.

Jacob carefully examined the expression of Lory and the man beside her. Jacob actually hoped to see the anxiety in their expressions, to his surprise, Lory and Zhao Li Xin were not affected in the slightest.

Lory sipped her tea but then his brows furrows appeared to be unsatisfied, she put down the teacup, and later on, Lory waved her hand to call the waiter and then asked him to change their drink to mineral water instead.

The anxious waiter who didn't know what to do could only follow Lory's order after she served the mineral water on the table Jacob's underling signed the waiter to leave.

Lory opened the lid of the mineral bottle, calmly pouring it into their glass, and then gave it to Zhao Li Xin as she had already guessed that the tea would not suit the great Lord's palate.

Lory's eyes eventually shift to Jacob "If you want to eat, you have to order yourself" Lory quipped. he subtly implied that if he just stayed there doing nothing he might as well leave.

Jacob sneered in annoyance, he admired Lory's guts but that was to be expected for someone who had a powerful Gift therefore he also brought a few powerful gifted people just in case.

At the same time, Zhao Li Xin also observed Jacob and the people he brought who were now guarding the restaurant, especially the few people who wore different clothes. Judging by the cold eyes and bloodthirsty aura around them Zhao Li Xin knew they were the same kind of people as him, a murderer. 

This thought didn't bother him in fact he was delighted because it meant he didn't have to worry about what Lory would think if he ended up killing them, if that was the case he was quite eager to test their strength as he had never fought gifted people other than Lory...sadly.

"I came here to ask about my brother" Jacob crossed his legs in a leisurely manner.

Lory feigns ignorance "Your brother, Ron? something happen with him?"

Jacob scowled at Lory's poor acting, "I take it you know what's going on?"

Lory laughed and then playfully said: "Is it karma?"

Everyone turns their attention to Jacob they worry at the same time curious to see his reaction as they all know their boss is a proud man and he will not spare anyone, especially women who dare to ridicule him.

As expected, a wave of anger burst like a broken dam, then his hand raised to the air in a reflex, and he was about to slap Lory's face. Zhao Li Xin's expression turned dark like charcoal soon after his Qi spread like wildfire causing the atmosphere in the restaurant to become heavy at the same time the temperature increased dramatically like someone opened a giant oven in a small room.

Everyone panicked, they didn't know where the sudden heat came from and why they suddenly felt it was hard to breathe. The sudden change sent an alarm to all the gifted people though they didn't know what this power was nevertheless they could guess it was coming from Zhao Li Xin so without further ado they swiftly surrounded the table and pointed their weapons at Lory and Zhao Li Xin.

Seeing the gun and blade pointed at her head Lory chuckled "Oh, look at brought dogs with you~"

Lory's taunt irked them but they didn't dare to attack because they hadn't got orders yet and truthfully they were intimidated by Zhao Li Xin's power and Lory's calmness.

On the other hand, Jacob was confident with the power of the gifted people he was hired from the underground Guild, and though he was stunned, but he was not scared.

"Your husband quite interesting..."Jacob assessing Zhao Li Xin up and down.

Lory looks at Zhao Li Xin lovingly and smiles "You have no idea"

"I heard that your husband was born in Xiya country but grew up in Rodant City, right?" Jacob had suspicions that Zhao Li Xin was hiding his true identity due to the lack of supervision from the government due to rampant corruption that caused the crime rate to get even worse than before the Dark Age War so it would not be difficult for anyone to use  Rodent City to hide and reinvent themselves, Jacob guessed this man might be one of them.

Only now did Jacob realize that the man had an extraordinary beauty that couldn't captivate whether it was a man or woman. The man had exquisite features that were unlike any other handsome men he had met before perhaps because this man was from the Xiya country.

However, what struck Jacob was not the man's good looks but the aura he carried. Jacob had never seen anyone who had such a regal and mysterious aura as this man. At a glance, he seemed quiet and harmless but if he looked carefully at the man's eyes Jacob felt a running chill in his bones, something was not right with this man, he was much more dangerous than a woman! Jacob inwardly cursed Ron for poking the hornet's nest and left him to clean up his mess.

"What do you need from me, Mr. Augburn?" Lory's soft voice broke the tense atmosphere.

Jacob signed his people to retract their weapons and take a step back because he did not want to make enemies with these people if possible.

The gifted people reluctantly complied but they all stood behind Jacob to ensure Jacob's safety not because they cared but because it concerned their reputation, no matter what they couldn't lose their clients!

Jacob gathered his hands on the table "Are you the one who made Ron incurable?" he asked straight to the point.

"Oh, why do you think that?" Lori's eyebrows rose.

"I think it's clear enough, why... don't you dare admit it?" Jacob's tone was challenging.

"I wouldn't do something I wouldn't dare admit" Lory opened her arms nonchalantly.

Jacob's expression became tense with emotion not because he was worried about Ron's health, but because he couldn't estimate Lory's strength, let alone the man next to her.

Jacob was really annoyed at how Ron invited a tough opponent to their doorstep and forced him to finish.

"What did you do to my stupid little brother?" Jacob said.

Lory propped her chin on the table "It's not anything amazing, I just put a little spell on him to block any outside power from entering his body"

Lory's words shocked everyone subconsciously they all simultaneously stared at Lory in disbelief while Lory remained cool and collected.

It's not strange no one ever knew about this spell cause Lory learned about this spell by accident while she roamed to find the way to change Lucas's horrible fate.

For that reason Lory wandered in all directions looking for information about Jvelskrin's whereabouts as a result he came across many ruined places, and hidden places that contained forgotten knowledge it was also then she found the way to destroy her soul as an insurance if something goes wrong. 

So it's not an exaggeration that the current Lory is much stronger than her past self and after everything she's been through she's become more assertive – tougher when she makes decisions even though Lory herself doesn't realize it.

"What do you want for you to pull your spell from my brother?" Jacob decided to step back for now.

"What do I want?" Lory tilted her head as if thinking about it seriously then a sly grin spread across her face "It's nothing big, I just want your brother to go to the authorities without being accompanied by any of your family bodyguards or lawyers and honestly admit everything he has done to me and Miss Hamilton, oh and I don't want your family to interfere with tor brother leag process, no cheating here" Lory wiggled her index finger.

Jacob's face hardened "You want me to hang my brother high and dry?"

"Untill he shrink and crisp" Lory grinned.

This was clearly a way to embarrass the Augburn family, what were people thinking when they gave up their support? Some people may praise their fair attitude but many people will think this is because they are afraid of the Hamilton family.

  After all, they always help Ron out of trouble despite whatever he has done, only when Ron lays hands on the Hamilton family did they give up their support. One would say that their family oppressed the weak but feared the strong in short they would think the Augburn family were cowards. When this happens how can the Augburn family raise their heads around the high-class circle anymore? they will become a joke!

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