The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 184 Hunting For The Forest Spirit Seed Part 22

Chapter 184: Hunting for the Forest Spirit Seed Part 22

The next day came and just like what Kayn expected, Roshan, Cedric, and Kimberly expressed their decision of not going again inside the underwater cave system.

Evidently, the experience they've gone through yesterday shook them to the very core and until now they still haven't recovered from it. On top of that, Gnarlak already finished his investigation and confirmed that it was an octopus tentacle. And he added that based on the earth element substance around the tentacles' body, it most likely has adopted an earth element-related Gift. There's also the possibility that it is a land octopus monster, which is even scarier.

The mere thought of a monster with an earth element-related Gift in an environment like the underwater cave system just further solidified Roshan, Cedric, and Kimberly's intention of not going anymore.

They were very apologetic about it, but it didn't offer any comfort to Kayn as he stand alone in front of the gate.

He wasn't completely alone though since Natas was still with him. Albeit the latter's help is only limited to providing information and carrying items that aren't considerably heavy. It is very different from the help that Friedrich and the others could provide to him.

Gnarlak was also beside him. Unfortunately, the Goblin Chief's help is also only limited to maneuvering the gate along with his men.

"We can use the Springwater Source Bonsai to control the water around us and create an air pocket that you can use in order to be able to breathe underwater," Natas suggested. This was one of the reasons why they needed the Springwater Source Bonsain, to control water. And luckily for them, they have plenty to spare, and there's even more if he considers Jude and Charles, who also plucked quite a few with them at that time.

"Just you and me, again," Kayn smiles before turning to look at Gnarlak. "You can open the gate,"

Hearing Kayn's order, Gnarlak nodded his head in affirmation and right after informing his men to start opening the gate.

As the gate slowly opens, Kayn steeled himself to face the dangers of the underwater cave system.

"In case of danger, you don't have to fully open the gate," Kayn kindly suggested.

"You don't have to worry about us. If worst comes, we will do everything to make sure that the gate remains open for you to get out, even if that means sacrificing our lives," Gnarlak doesn't mind the danger posed by that tentacle.

Unlike Friedrich and the others, he owes his life and his people's lives to Kayn. At least almost all of it. If it wasn't for Kayn's relentless effort, then he and his people would still continue living a life that's no worst than being dead. It was also Kayn's plan and his own action personally that lead to the death of the Mountain Gorilla.

"If you need it, I can assign some men to come with you. I guarantee that they will do everything to make sure that you get away safely in case you face a life-threatening situation," Gnarlak proposes once again.

"I don't need sheep to be slaughtered," Kayn shook his head.

He appreciates the thought of having company, especially in his situation right now, but having people around him whose sole responsibility is to sacrifice themselves for his life only means that when something bad happens, their capability to fight would be hindered and the first thought that will come in their heads is to jump in front and sacrifice their lives for him to get away, instead of fighting alongside him.

All of a sudden, Kayn heard a familiar voice behind him.

"As expected, you'd rather sacrifice yourself than ask help from others,"

It was Gilbert. And behind him were Jude and Charles.

"I thought you guys were still setting up the exploding surprise?" Kayn was surprised to see their presence here. This was the reason why he didn't ask Gilbert and the others for help since they were still busy.

"Gnarlak informed us of your predicament. As your friends, we three decided to replace Friedrich and the other if they truly decide not to go with you today," Gilbert explained. "And also, we made sure that we are a full party,"

To Kayn's surprise, he saw two other familiar figures walking behind the trio, they were Jericho and Jadiel.

"Tell me, how did they convince the two of you to come along?" This time, he became shocked.

"Well, they just told me that you require help and the real relationship between you and the Green Horn Knights," Jericho approaches Kayn. "They also added on the plate your real identity as the son-in-law of the mayor of the Moon Dragon City back on Earth,"

"I must say, they were quite convincing that I even had the thought of making the entire Herald Guild start serving you," Jericho chuckled.

"Don't get me wrong, I am not here to break off our alliance. As a matter of fact, I am here to offer you to renew it. I no longer want to be allied with the Green Horn Knights or the Green Horn City. I want to be allied with you,"

He isn't a fool. A mere Green Horn City is nothing compared to the Moon Dragon City back on Earth, especially if he considers Mayor Sebastian and his force. Although being allied with Kayn doesn't necessarily mean that he is allied with Mayor Sebastian as well, at the very least he is connected to such a powerful figure and has the assurance that they'll be able to protect their shared property even in the event that the Herald Guild is destroyed. Because as long as the Forest Spirit Origin Seed is protected, they can always start again and again and again.

The Green Horn City and the Green Horn Knights won't be able to guarantee such a thing to him and the Herald Guild.

"Let's talk about that later," Kayn threw a Storage Ring to Jericho. "Start preparing yourselves,"

Jericho caught the Storage Ring and immediately nodded at Kayn before walking away with the others to start preparing.

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