The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 226 The War That Decides The Fate Of ‘The Bridge’ Part 29

Chapter 226: The War that Decides the Fate of 'The Bridge' Part 29

Gilbert started suspecting the triplets when they learned the Assembly of Freedom is currently amassing their army to attack the Daze Village from their supposed spies in their enemy's force. In the first place, no one other than them and the staff could enter the Wing House Auction House's upper levels.

Needless to say, they let it pass because they were pressed for time.

Secondly, despite the fact that they used the underground passageway to evacuate, a significant number of soldiers from the Assembly of Freedom still waited for them at the exit as if expecting already that they were coming.

Indeed, they can assume that Wesley knew about this place. But why would he specifically send men waiting at the exit when he could just use the building above to enter the underground passageway and chase after the evacuating people, right?

But then again, supposed Wesley did assign men to wait at the exit, why would there be Executives amongst them? Not to mention, most of them were elite members of the Assembly of Freedom. It is as if they knew ahead of time that they won't be fighting against ordinary people.

Well, they are indeed not ordinary, but the majority of people who were escaping with them were merely businessmen and merchants along with their guards and some important personnel of their respective businesses. That would surely not be a problem with ordinary soldiers, especially the soldiers of the Assembly of Freedom who are a bunch of cruel and merciless men.

Unless, of course, their target from the start was them.

That was just Gilbert's suspicion. But that suspicion was soon confirmed when they started noticing some dead men and horses along their path to meet up with Master Khalid and the others.

"Those traitors!" Jericho can't believe that this is how those triplets would repay him for everything that he did for them all this time.

"I know how you feel," Kayn is very familiar with such feelings.

"I knew that there was something weird with what they said about going to the Green Horn City's ball and then going to the other side's ball. I believe they were just testing us," Jude realized. "If we had responded with there's no ball, they'll immediately suspect that we are related to the Green Horn City that's why they know,"

"What gives it away, though?" Kayn still doesn't understand how exactly those people discovered them.

"Perhaps they are targeting everyone that escaped during the chaos," Gilbert assumed.

"We should have stayed," Jericho was so worried at that time that's why he joined Kayn and the others in escaping instead of staying.

"No need to blame yourself. If you had chosen to stay, Master Khalid would be left on his own to evacuate everyone," Kayn shook his head. Even if it's regretful, it's already too late to think or do anything about it.

All of a sudden, they started hearing a sound of clashing coming not far away from them.

"Chairman Jericho!" Master Khalid quickly called out upon seeing everyone.

Hearing that Jericho has arrived, Spinel, Azurite, and Jade instantly halted from their killing.

"I can explain," Spinel looks at Jericho.

"No need," Jericho shook his head. "Kayn, will it be alright for you if you let me handle this problem?"

"Do as you see fit," Kayn trusts Jericho can handle this problem on his own.

"Kayn?" Spinel looks at the man Jericho called Kayn.

"We knew it!" Azurite was delighted.

"Chief Kylo would definitely reward us handsomely once we give him this information," Jade stroke his arms together.

"I am disappointed, Chairman Jericho. I didn't think that it would be in you to actually choose the good side," Spinel waves his sword to clean off the blood from his sword.

"Well, can you blame me If I choose to be with the winner's side?"

"Winner? The war hasn't even begun yet,"

"Yet we already won twice," Jericho sneered.

"Those were just small operations,"

"That's right! It doesn't count!"I think you should take a look at

Azurite and Jade interjected.

"A win is a win. Only losers make excuses for their own lost,"

"Enough talk, let's get this over with!" Spinel hurled himself forward and brandished his sword at Jericho.

With a wave of his hand, Jericho took out another gun from his Storage Ring. He quickly raises them together to block Spinel's attack


In the next moment, Jericho raised one of his feet and sent a kick to Spinel's stomach.

As Spinel slightly retreated, Jericho used the force of his kick to make a backflip and further increase their distance apart.

Upon landing, Jericho didn't hesitate as he laid waste with bullets to Spinel.

Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang!

Cling! Clang!

Cling! Clang!

Spinel tried his best to block the bullets with his sword but soon found out that it is impossible because of how fast they are. Not to mention, even though they are small, it still brings forth a powerful hit.

"Azurite! Jade!"

"Already on it!" Azurite started chanting his magic spell.

On the other hand, Jade went in front of his older brother with a shield and sword in both hands to prevent Jericho from interrupting him.

Seeing this, Jericho simply smiled. "Idiots!"


Two dynamites were thrown toward Azurite and Jade's direction.

Because Jade was blocking Azurite's view, it left the former with no other choice but to receive the full brunt of the explosive.



Jade's shield was unable to handle the strength of the explosive as traces of cracks could be seen on its surface.

Moreover, Azurite's chanting was interrupted as he was worried about Jade.

"I am very familiar with you three brothers and how protective you are exactly to Jade, which makes me think why exactly you made him pick the Guardian class," Jericho reloaded his gun with more magic bullets. "Were you perhaps expecting that by doing this you'll be able to give him more protection? But then again, a Guardian that stays in the rear is no Guardian at all, let alone expect him to protect himself,"


Jericho hurls more explosives. This time, he threw it at both Spinel's and the two brother's locations.

"Now, who would you save first, dear Jade?" Jericho showed a devious look on his face.

Spinel, Azurite, and Jade understood fully well that it is impossible to avoid the explosives since they would explode instantly the instant they get close enough. Moreover, its blast radius is no joke, so even if they jump to the side, they would still be caught in the explosion.

In the end, Jade was once again forced to make a decision on which brother he should save and who he should leave behind on their own.

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