The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 79: Scientists and Awards (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 79: Chapter 79: Scientists and Awards (Please Subscribe!)

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April 7,1901, after seeing off Crown Prince William, the various supplies were transported to the places in need.

A billion marks in funds were delivered to the Ministry of Finance for safekeeping. Although all the aid from Germany was in German marks, it would be useful since many things would be purchased from Germany in the future.

The industry expert team went directly to the industrial area of West Australia. One had to admire their meticulous attitude towards work, even though Arthur tried to keep them in Sydney for two more days, they refused the offer with the excuse of having important work.

Compared to the future experts, these industry experts from Germany were almost model workers.

The production lines for Gew98 rifles and a series of firearms were transported to Arthur’s Arms Factory. Since these were assistance for the Australian government, the factory had to pay two million pounds to lease these production lines, and after mastering the technology completely, a new production line had to be built for the Australian government.

Although it was necessary to spend two million pounds and build new production lines for the Australian government after mastering the technology.

It was still a profit for the arms factory. After all, the technology contained in these production lines was not something that could be obtained with just two million pounds under normal circumstances.

Even with a considerable amount of funding, it would still require extensive research time and talent to come up with the technology.

Most importantly, the blueprints and information for the Brunswick-class battleship were delivered to Arthur’s Shipyard for protection.

The Australian government will work with Arthur’s Shipyard to form a specialized expert team to study these blueprints, strive to master them as soon as possible, and produce battleships according to the drawings.

Even with the assistance of British and German naval technology, it would be impossible to have the ability to build battleships independently without a few years of research.

Arthur was fully prepared for this, and as long as the technology to build battleships was completely mastered within five years, it would be considered a success.

Fortunately, there were several shipbuilding experts among the industry expert team sent by Germany, who stayed at the Sydney Harbour Shipyard and would become mentors to the Australian expert team.

To win the favor of these German experts, Arthur prepared a separate villa for each of them in Sydney, and on top of their original salary, provided each person with at least five hundred pounds a month in subsidies.

This was considered a fulfillment of the commitment made in Berlin, not only to pay the salaries of these people but also to cover all their expenses in Australia.

Of course, all of this was worth it, otherwise, Arthur would not have done so. The changes and benefits that these expert teams could bring to Australia were definitely not as simple as the funds invested.

As many experts as possible were naturally needed, even if the annual expenses for each person were a huge amount of money.

April 11, Arthur’s Manor House.

As various industries began to rapidly develop due to Germany’s assistance, Hunter Steward brought good news to Arthur.

About a month and a half had passed since Arthur asked Hunter Steward to send people to Europe and the United States to find talent, and Hunter Steward had already begun to look for frustrated scientists in Europe, with some progress having been made.

“Hunter Steward, tell me, what good news is it?” Arthur sat down, smiling at Hunter Steward.

“Your Highness, I have successfully sent people to Europe, and after a week-long investigation, we have found a piece of great news for Australia. There are many talents like Benson and Disel in Europe, and many are in debt and lack funding. According to our investigation, a large number of these people are research fanatics. As long as we are willing to provide them with sufficient research funds and venues, there is no reason they cannot come to Australia.” Hunter Steward didn’t beat around the bush and said it all.

By exploiting the colonies, Europe established a prosperous industrial and economic system, becoming the brightest pearl and most developed and prosperous region in the world.

Due to the emphasis on education by European countries, a large number of talents and scientists were born in Europe during this period. They also made a significant contribution to the rise of Europe.

However, funds and resources were always limited. Even the prosperous and developed European countries could not guarantee sufficient research funds and opportunities for every scientist.

This led to a large number of scientists in Europe having to suspend their research for various reasons. Some were fortunate to be discovered by capitalists, while others had to either sell their property and invest in research or live unfulfilled lives.

Such talents were common in Europe, not because their abilities were poor, but because they lacked support and seemed weak in the highly competitive environment of Europe.

But for Australia, these talents were the critical pillars that Australia needed. Many of them could even become the founders and pioneers of various industries in Australia.

Australia only needed to spend a certain amount of capital to attract these talents, and in return, they would receive a large number of talents and scientists, definitely making it a profitable investment.

“If we can confirm that these people are genuinely talented, then what’s the problem with spending some capital to bring them to Australia?” Arthur laughed and said, “The more talents like them Australia has, the better. Hunter Steward, I grant you the power to allocate 20 million pounds to dig out such talents in Europe and the Americas extensively. No matter what industry or field, as long as it’s confirmed they have the ability, they can be drawn in.”

“Your Highness, I believe we should raise Australia’s status in the minds of all scientific researchers. As long as we make Australia a holy place for these scientists, there will be no shortage of scientists coming,” Hunter Steward tentatively said.

“Oh? How do we raise it?” Arthur asked with interest.

Hunter Steward must have had some ideas and plans in mind since he could say such a thing.

Arthur was very interested in them. If Australia’s status in the minds of scientists could be truly raised, it would be much better than spending money recruiting them.

“There are many scientists in Europe who lack funding, so why don’t we set up research awards? We can invite scientists from all over the world to participate in our award selection, and the winners will receive sufficient research funding and prestige. They will also be provided with free research facilities and support for their research projects by the Australian government. In this way, after a long period of development, it is not impossible to gain the attention of these scientists,” Hunter Steward suggested with a smile..

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