The Systemic Lands

Chapter 129: Day 273 (2) – Viewpoints 10

Chapter 129: Day 273 (2) – Viewpoints 10


I don’t even know why I put my name up to be General of the Red Military Police Force, RMPF. The Ritualist’s attack and then Tyrese’s death. The entire city was on edge, what was left of it. That was one of the most frustrating parts, not having competent people.

I had to train people who never fought a day in their life to hold a club or sword and put their life on the line. It was frustrating on the best of days, but at least Champion Michael did one thing right. He made it clear that I was in charge and that if I wasn’t he would be in charge and start with killing everyone.

No one said anything about that, but everyone was thinking it. After what he did to Josh and his man, no one dared say anything. Now it was revealed the Ritualist was using people in experiments to make monsters, there was sure to be a war or at least more large scale battles.

Half the people would piss their pants. The other half had a chance of breaking. Anyone who was insane enough for that kind of fighting signed up for the Union. The guard was supposed to be the safe option.

I was standing next to Laura as Michael cashed in the city’s crystals to purchase city gates for the South and West entrance. I had already alerted the people there to move away from the tunnels. No need to find out what happens to a person when a building is purchases or added and they are inside of it.

“You think your teams will be ready?” I asked. Laura let out a sigh.

“At least they are monsters not people. But these human monster mixes, will be tough. But my people will fight. Can you say the same?” I winced at that.

“Of course not. Just keeping the city from devolving into chaos is a challenge. A life and death fight, well I suspect there will be a lot of deaths.”

“Yes, there will be. A shame Champion Michael wasn’t able to kill him. What a stupid name, Ritualist.”

“A title and a name. This place is crazy.”

“We left crazy a long time ago. I just take it one day at a time and hoping for this nightmare to end,” Laura said.

“I don’t think it will. Do you think we have a chance?” I asked, some hope leaking into my voice.

“Probably not. If Michael wasn’t able to kill the man and was ambushed twice, I am not holding my breath.”

“Hmmm, he is headed out let’s follow and see these new gates.”


“So, you are thinking of throwing your hat in the ring for President?” I looked over a Bob. We were sharing breakfast together from his second floor.

“Maybe. I could win. The biggest issue is surviving until day 1,000 in the position.”

“Well, you do get along with Michael. I haven’t heard anything to the contrary.”

“What I am concerned about is the Ritualist and Ruth. You are supposed to be getting information for me, but this just slipped on by.” That was a big oversight on my part.

“You know, I already told you about Chase and you know about Ruth. But they had plans of their own.”

“Man plans and God laughs. I don’t like being laughed at or put in the position I was.”

“I understand.” Bob let out a sigh at my statement. “Well, everyone was caught off guard. Oh, what are they doing out there?” I looked out the window and saw people make their way over the store pillars. Chests were being moved out of the treasury as well.

“A purchase if I had to guess. No more keeping large amounts of crystals on hand.” Getting robbed twice, it was a complete disgrace for the government. No wonder Tyrese had been killed.

“Robbed twice. If Ken and Tyrese weren’t dead, I would have words with them,” Bob said exactly what I had been thinking.

“Want to hunker down or will you be making a play? You know Clarissa put your name on the short list to speak with Champion Michael.”

“More like an interview if I had to guess. That man hates losing control. You sure he didn’t kill the Ritualist?”

“If he had, it would have been announced right away. My guess is that he was beaten back in some way. But it is going to get ugly, that man won’t let go of a grudge. And you know what happened between them.”

“That was a good piece of information you got. Champion Michael personally oversaw the death of the Ritualist and failed to make it stick. Well at least we know the animosity goes both ways.”

“Well war is always profitable as you pointed out.”

“Repurposing valuable equipment. Now if only I could find a decent smith who could start a forge.”

“There is the issue of fuel.”

“That can be worked out. Cut trees outside the city or something. Labor is cheap. But reworking the store metal would open up a lot of possibilities.”

“Well, that is your area of expertise. Looks like they are done.” I looked out the window and didn’t notice a new building. “Probably the gates that are listed. They are headed South, will check them out later.”

“I think I might just throw my hat into the ring. President Bob Butcher has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?”

“Well, you have my vote at least. But I am sure you will win.”

“Nothing is guaranteed.” I nodded at that.


We looked up at the new gate house. On either side of the tunnel through the South wall there was a tower with an interior and staircase up to the top of the wall.

“So, like the Meeting Chamber?” I asked. I wanted to clarify how city buildings functioned.

“Yes. I am the owner.”

“Surprised you were named as heir by Ken,” I added.

“A minor detail for that building. Naran is named as heir on my behalf for all these buildings.”

“If you die, he is probably dead as well.”

“Then you better hope I don’t die,” Michael replied. There were two doors and a staircase up to the top of the wall inside each tower along with several rooms. Climbing up to the top of the wall it gave a great view of the forest outside and the city itself.

I followed Michael a short distance along the wall away from other people so we could have a private conversation. The view was amazing looking out over the treetops. “So, the city?”

“Under control for now. Malcontents have been disappearing. It is expensive paying off people. I am using the discretionary funds for the Immortal Council.”

“Union teams?” Michael asked. Probably wanted to know who he owed. It was frustrating not to have competent people working for me. I was trying but it was a struggle to train people up from scratch.

“They aren’t in the city enough. I am going through Bob.”

“Bob really?”

“He is actually the front runner for President and the only person with a sizable security force in the city beyond the RMPF.”

“Any issues with him?” Michael asked. Besides being a fat disgusting pig, who had a harem, nothing was wrong with him. He was well liked by the people as well for his actions in the last battle. None of those things were things Michael cared about.

“I doubt he will make a move on you, but he will likely try and consolidate power.”

At least Michael wasn’t naïve enough to say something like, power comes at the tip of a sword or with the strength of a fist. That was true, but there were other types of power. “What issues does he have?”

“Greed. The books would have to be audited heavily and tax revenue watched closely. Especially any funding for new arrivals. I am working to clean up that process, but there are issues. Like we can’t tell if someone lies about how much they need for a restoration. Also getting the people organized.”

“Kick the vagrants out.” I wanted to roll my eyes at that. He had already issued that decree in the council meeting.

“And when level 1 areas are grinded to death?”

“People can buy spears and work together to grind level 2 areas. It is not my job to figure out everything.” Harsh, but with the no charity law, it made a grim kind of sense he would insist on this.

“That raises up the issue of the tax rate.”

“Once the election happens, it can drop back to 25%. Whomever is elected will be sure to be happy about that. Some good news for the voters.”

“Will you be here for the vote?” If he was, I would need to plan to include him in the event.

“No. But you can reach me if there is an emergency. I need to focus up on grinding. I noticed you have two guards now.”

“Your guards for your property who also protect me. There are four total. The other two are grinding today.” To get experience, since they were already paid quite a bit. I needed people who could fight.

“At least you have things well in hand,” Michael said.

“Can you win?” I asked. Was all this pointless, and the Ritualist about to attack again? The city barely survived the last attack. Another attack would be devastating.

“Win. Simple to say, impossible at the moment. The future, well I can only hope.” Now he was being philosophical.

“That is unfortunate.” I would need to arrange an escape plan for myself just in case.

“Not going to jump ship on me, are you?” My face didn’t twitch in the slightest at the question. I swore he could read thoughts or had some insane kind of insight to make these comments sometimes.

“Our fates are tied, which is why I said unfortunate. I don’t fancy being turned into a monster.” Escape plan was now off the table.

“The testing, who is running it?”

“Someone you know. The good doctor Katz.”

“So, he took up the position of chief researcher?”

“Yes. A report will be written up for when you return.”

“We need results. Clarissa. If he doesn’t have the stomach for what needs to be done, kill him. Make sure to take his head and use it to motivate the next researcher.” That was a bit extreme, but I would convey his words and ensure things moved along quickly.

“Doctors don’t grow on trees.” The good doctor was a valuable person to know, since he was quite popular by helping out after the battle against the Ritualist.

“Time is not our friend. He should already have results. I don’t care how, get me those results. I need to understand the limits the Ritualist has, and someone who can summon monsters to counter him.”

“It is all guesswork, and it is a struggle to find test subjects.” Michael turned to look at me and I quickly shut up.

“If you can’t get me results, find your replacement. Use the vagrants to speed up testing. This is a war for our very survival. There is no time for morals or feelings. I forced the Ritualist back, but he won that last fight. He knows he can force me to retreat. If comes here, what is stopping him? That isn’t a rhetorical question, answer.” His tone was quite harsh, and I carefully thought before replying.

“No one,” I finally answered.

“Exactly. No one. It will be too late when a monster is ripping your guts out. I want people to feel a sense of urgency now. Not when it is too late to do anything. If people don’t feel that, remind them in my name. If they aren’t motivated enough inform them, they have until I return to produce concrete results or else.”

“I will convey the message, but weren’t you cultivating the good doctor to support you?”

“Support? He was amusing. That was all. It isn’t enough to be competent out here. You need to be lucky as well and push beyond. I need a researcher like that to counter the Ritualist. Here is some more motivation. If there are no results when I return, you will be the first test subject I use to figure out summoning.” What?! Why would I be put on the chopping block? Damn you, Michael! I didn’t let anything show on my face.

Still my breathing sped up slightly. Michael kept looking out over Purgatory. “You aren’t pulling any punches, are you?” I kept my voice even and level.

“Hmmm, it feels like I am the only one taking the threat seriously. I expected knowledge on how summoning is done and the limitations of the process currently. The fact that I don’t have them by now annoys me.”

“I will get you results.” Dammit Michael. I was just a secretary. It was always a joke between us high level personal assistants, we wore whatever hat we had to. I was wearing so many right now just keeping the city together.

“Good. Time to go back and meet the candidates, right?”

“Yes,” I said. We went back to the tower and descended back to street level. Well, nothing like the threat of being subjected to insane medical experiments and possibly being turned into a monster to get that motivation going. I rolled my eyes when I was sure Michael wasn’t looking.

At least he wasn’t the worst boss I had ever had.

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