The Systemic Lands

Chapter 152: Day 333 (2) – The President Waits For Me

Chapter 152: Day 333 (2) – The President Waits For Me

I rubbed my smooth face as I entered my office and took a seat. I waited for a minute before speaking up, “Send him in.”

Clarissa let in President Bob, and she followed after him. He took a seat across from me while Clarissa sat to the side ready to take any notes that were needed.

“Champion Michael, thank you for seeing me,” President Bob said.

“Clarissa said you wanted to speak, and it was important.”

“Yes. I want to resign from my position.” I took a deep breath to contain my annoyance. “I have already picked Rick as my Vice President. When I step down, he will take my position.” I didn’t say anything and stared at Bob, disappointed in him.

“Why?” I asked.

“The stress and pressure. I can run my store, but a city? It is too much.” I leaned back in my chair and thought over the situation. He had only been in the position for about 30 days and now he wanted to quit.

Clarissa was already busy enough and the people looked up to Bob based on what Clarissa had told me. Him resigning right now would signify a lack of confidence in the government. He was probably planning to flee.

“President Bob, there is one thing you are forgetting.”

“Um, what am I forgetting?” He asked nervously.

“A President goes down with his country. While we are a tiny country, you were elected and will serve out your term. You can wait for your term to end or resign in a permanent fashion. There will be no running away,” I said calmly.

He appeared to be trying to transform into a tomato monster with how red his face became. “I see,” he said in a clipped tone.

“This city needs stability and guidance to be built back up.”

“I am a figurehead, powerless,” he complained. I nodded at that.

“Your authority comes from me. What exactly am I stopping you from doing besides running away?”

“I thought the position would have benefits, like selling potions. Ken was making a mint on that.”

“Those potions, or drugs, cause cognitive decline. I don’t want people getting any stupider than they already are. There is enough stupidity around this place that adding more, well, it seems like a stupid idea,” I responded.

“Clarissa is controlling all the tax revenue.”

“She is. But, if you are volunteering, well you can take charge,” I said with a smile.

“Wait, really?”

“Yes. And Clarissa will conduct regular audits. If a single crystal is missing, or there is any kind of discrepancy, theft, or other problem with the city tax it will be you that answers to me. After having the treasury stolen twice, and used up once, I have zero patience left for any kind of shinnanigans. I don’t care if a level 4 monster comes and takes those crystals. Your body better be shielding them from any kind of theft.”

“That…I…please let me quit,” Bob said.

“No. You got exactly what you wanted. More authority. Clarissa make sure to inform President Bob of all the steps he needs to take to ensure the treasury. That is something that can be taken off your plate.”

“Of course, Michael. I will conduct an audit once every 10 days. Can’t let anything slip through the cracks,” Clarissa said. I nodded at her.

“Now was there anything else or do you want to waste more of my time?”

“No. No,” Bob muttered. He got up and left, completely defeated. I waited until one of the guards Clarissa had hired escorted him away.

“Keep an eye on him. He doesn’t seem to be doing good,” I said.

“I am. It is stress. When you leave and with no further battles his nerves should settle,” Clarissa said.

“How is the situation with Laura and the Union?” I asked.

“Her position is rock solid at the moment. With all the deaths, she has taken things in hand with a firm grip.” That was good to hear, but also a bit concerning.

“Is she making a move or powerplay?” I asked.

“No. At least not right now. Everyone is working to recover their strength. What are your plans?” Clarissa asked.

“More grinding. A lot more grinding. Also coming back to check on the city purchases. What is the timeline on that?” I asked.

“Day 350 or so is when we will have enough for Monster Processing. After that in case you aren’t here?”

“Hmmm. Enchanting and then the Alchemical Hall. What is the city pulling in at the moment?” I asked.

“We are currently around 8,000 points per day. After the next arrival and the forming of more Union teams, we are looking at 14 to 18,000 points per day. By day 400, we will probably be at 20 to 25,000 points per day.”

“That seems low, if people are forced to grind level 2 monsters,” I said.

“With attrition, and the 10% tax rate, it is reasonable. More crystals will fall into circulation. Also there has been a request for a business tax exemption.” I shook my head at that.

“No. No exemptions for anyone. No bribing. No corruption. No more games with the tax. We tax and build city buildings and support the RMPF and arrivals so they can grind up crystals. Also, research.”

“And that brings me to my last point. The doctor requested a meeting with you, about choosing test subjects.”

“Denied. He is slow. When he produces results then he can say something. Until that point, he needs to focus less on ethics and more on producing something useful. Hmmm, I agreed not to threaten him. Ah, just tell him that if he is to slow then I will appoint someone else to head up research and design the testing protocols myself.” I was considering it anyways, but I was waiting to see if he could get his head out of his ass and get things done.

One discovery, negative energy sensing, was not enough. “That also brings up the issue of widespread training for negative energy sensing. People have asked about it.” Of course, they did.

“Sell the potions as a highly controlled substance with lots of warnings attached to their use. Have a building set up to monitor people taking the potions and training with this method. Wait, they would need to deplete their energy and there aren’t many ways one can do that.”

“Clarissa, get me a bowl of water and a five point crystal.” She quickly left and got the items and then returned a couple of minutes later. I put the crystal in the water and poked it and focused on dissolving. The crystal broke apart and I kept focusing.

“Michael!” I yanked my hand back. I had fallen into a trance. The water was glowing and I felt the headache from bottoming out of energy. The water began to lose its glow. “You okay?”

“I’m fine. Interesting. Well set up buckets of training water in the potion building. Switch out buckets for each person. Have someone watching at all times. If you can think of other safety measures, take them. The good doctor can probe the limits of this phenomenon, but until then no risks. Even if it is stupid, no risks.”

“Got it. Will stupid proof everything,” Clarissa said.

“Also charge through the nose. The negative energy sensing can fund the doctor’s research and your operations.”

“People won’t be happy.”

“Well just tell them, once we confirm the limitations on summoning, we will consider opening it to the public,” I said.


“Yes, it is too big a tactical option. However, we are going to license the heck out of it. Make sure the summoners are mentally stable. Have people vouch for them. A couple of interviews. Set up the process and procedures. I will take a look when I return. For now, no green light.”

“I am surprised Michael. You aren’t afraid of another Ritualist?” Clarissa asked.

“No. Banning a path to power will only make people resentful. I just want to make sure we have firm grip on who is given the privilege of the knowledge. Don’t make all the requirements public either. Laura, their teammates, and one other person outside of the Union will all be interviewed to get a grip on their character.”

“And what type of character are you looking for?” Clarissa asked.

“Steady and willing to work with others. Also, people not inclined to begin human testing outside my watch in other cities. We could control the production of the powder and sell it for summoners. No, that will only make people look for a workaround and test things on their own. Anyone inducted has to understand that they are not to spread summoning no matter what.”

“The fact is, summoning is the only other source of crystal consumption besides the system store. We can’t be letting tax revenue decline,” I explained.

“I understand. I will implement strict requirements and consult with Laura, Gerold, and Bob in regards to this issue. The challenge will be implementing a way to tell our summons apart from another summons. Also, the risk of in city assassinations increase,” Clarissa said.

“No monsters within Purgatory unless Gerold or myself authorizes their use. With negative energy sensing, the tethers to the summoners will be sensed. Which will hopefully counter things.”

“Alright, I will being working on it. No luck on your pastor for your church. But I will keep looking.”

“Hmmm, good to know. Any other issues with religion around here?” I asked.

“Everyone is keeping their heads down. There is a regular meeting of people, who want to pray, but nothing political. No one is starting anything.”

“Feel free to remind people if things change,” I said.

“Don’t worry, I will. Leaving tomorrow?”

“Yes, first thing in the morning. I saw Naran cleaning my armor. I need to thank him for that,” I said.

“I suggest he be assigned to that duty permanently,” she said completely dead pan.

“I wouldn’t do that to him. Aren’t you hiring someone for that position? Well, if you think of anything nice I can do for him, let me know,”

“I will. Is that everything Michael?”

“Yes, dinner with Naran at the Gray Duck” I said, and Clarissa nodded. We had a dinner planned with the three of us. Then she got up and left. Everything was running smoothly. My subordinates were capable and getting things done. I had the slightest bit of hope that Purgatory would not be on fire when I returned.

It was probably a lost cause. Bob, well, he would either still be alive or Clarissa would take care of the problem. It was funny and sad. I wasn’t threatening Clarissa or the doctor, but the President, I was crushing on my metaphorical boot. Well, no one on my leadership council was running away and getting away with it. I really didn’t want to add a third name to my list.

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