The Transmigration Survival Guide

Book 10: Chapter 15

Book 10: Chapter 15

Papa, Leah has something very important to speak to you about!

At the dining table the next day, I sat at the table with a pleased look. I got serious since Leah was serious. Leah, is there something important you need me to do?

Leah wants to play together with Papa. It doesnt matter where we go; Leah just wants to go out together with Papa! Papa hasnt gone out with Leah in a long time! Ever since we arrived at the imperial capital, Papa hasnt even had a proper conversation with Leah! Leah is Papas daughter, so why does Papa keep neglecting Leah?! Leah didnt do anything wrong, but Papa keeps neglecting Leah!


I felt awkward. Id usually deny it adamantly, but I couldnt this time because Leah was right. I had neglected her as of recent primarily due to my workload and Veirya. Veirya and I had looked forward to our wedding for a long time, which was why I stopped paying so much attention to Leah. I felt that Anna and the maids were around, so she wouldnt feel neglected, overlooking the fact that I wasnt an ordinary father to her.

Sorry, Leah. I admit to giving you the cold shoulder recently, but it doesnt mean that Papa doesnt like Leah anymore. Papa has just been too busy, and therefore unable to make time.

Lies! Papa is at home everybody! Papa just doesnt want to bother with Leah! Leah slammed the table, livid enough to throw a plate in my face.

A maid quickly grabbed Leahs shoulder to prevent the latter from escalating the situation. Veirya set down her dining utensils and expressed, Sorry, Leah. Ive also. Neglected you recently. I thought. Leah would be happy. With so many maids. Sorry, Leah. Lets go out. For some fun today.

I had planned to go to the imperial capital to research the colony, but that wasnt going to fly. If I didnt give Leah some time for the day, shed probably go until I died at night with her tentcles.

Sorry, Leah, Papa admits to neglecting you recently, so Papa shall go out with you today.


Leahs anger was finally appeased after the two of us apologised. That said, there was the chance that she wasnt angry and merely using it as an excuse to throw a tantrum. Judging from Veiryas gaze, she sided with Leah to reprimand me for neglecting her

As I asked myself where to go with Leah, a maid whispered, Count Lin, Baron Oaksvid and Duke Alexis are at the door. They did not make an appointment. Did you want to see them?


I would outright reject Oaksvid, but with Alexis in the party, things were different. As a duke, he ranked higher than me. If I refused to see him and was then caught playing around, itd be considered rude of me. The moment I hesitated, Leah immediately pierced me with her enraged gaze that caused me to shudder.

Ahem, I promised to spend the day with Leah, so tell Duke Alexis to come back later or tell them to make an appointment for a better time.


Angelina, who silently watched me, finally laughed: Its hard to maintain a balance, isnt it? Also, you seem to be progressing quite well ever since coming here. Youre already shaking hands with dukes and whatnot. I see you plan to live here in the future.

I didnt cling to them. They were the ones who approached me; theyre the ones who have a favour to ask of me. I never wanted to be around them, to be honest. To me, theyre just trouble to have around.

Oh? Really? You look happy to me. You think about those men more than Veirya at night.

I froze. Veirya immediately directed her displeased look at me: True. I. Agree. Hes always. Spacing out recently.

Sorry, sorry.

Work is crucial, but dont you work for your family? Angelina placed her fork and knife down, prompting a maid to clear her table. Angelina then smiled at me: So, spend today with Leah and Veirya. Im confident you can handle whoever has an issue with it.

I narrowed my eyes, thinking, Youre confident on my behalf? What are you getting at?

Leah placed her fork and knife down, too, then bolted upstairs brightly, presumably went to get changed. Anna quickly chased after her.

Veirya also set her utensils down to indicate she was done. I noticed that Veirya looked at the maids face. She even touched the girls ears, causing her ears to go red. I prayed to myself that Veirya wouldnt do it again, or the maid might tell people Veirya harassed her. People would think I was the one who harassed a maid, instead. What would I do then? The maids were daughters of noble families, so if word got it, my reputation would be done for.

Veirya didnt seem to have that level of self-awareness. I couldnt really tell her off since Veirya had a fondness for anything cute, including Leah, maids and my That was the only trait she had that was feminine.

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