The Transmigration Survival Guide

Book 10: Chapter 34

Book 10: Chapter 34

Angelina! I pursued Angelina after breakfast and yelled as though it was a derogatory term. Perhaps it was deliberate; she found a place with nobody around so that we could talk. I, however, was in a foul mood and far from friendly. If I could defeat her, Id have hit her.

Angelina turned around with a smirk. Whats the matter?

Are you still going to keep acting ignorant?! Veirya didnt come back last night! The one next to me last night wasnt Veirya! Theres nobody else besides you whos identical to Veirya! I cant believe youd do that on your daughters wedding night! I muffled my voice to prevent anybody else from hearing.

Angelina calmness contained a hint of derision. I cant pretend I didnt hear that. You slept with another woman on my daughters wedding night?! Its not that I cant accept it, but I cant accept it as her mother. I think you should tell Veirya the truth.

What sort of tripe is this?! It was you; you know well and truly what happened, dont you?!

I always found myself stuck for reason when I tried to argue with Angelina about family issues. She had me cornered and forced me to surrender every single time. I had to cancel out what I wanted to say every time. Due to lack of evidence I couldnt do anything if she refused to admit to it. Furthermore, I couldnt tell Veirya about it. What, do I say, Sorry, Baby, the person next to me wasnt you, so I accidently made a mistake and slept with another woman on our wedding night, so sorry, but I do love you? I wouldnt put it past Veirya to snap my neck.

As she was aware that I had no evidence, Angelina kept her sneer and refused to admit to her deed. I took in a big breath and rubbed my temples. She had a better body and reacted more ideally than Veirya, so I was happier, but Veirya was the one I loved. I didnt love Veirya for her breasts or thighs but purely because she was Veirya. Nobody could replace Veirya in any other capacity. I loved Veirya, not Angelina. While Angelina could be a friend with benefits, the prerequisite is that youre not her mother, her biological mother, for that matter!

I wont tell Veirya what happened; pretend it never happened. Youve just gotten married, after all. Angelina didnt plan to provoke me any further when she noticed my silence. She patted me on the shoulder.

Can you guarantee that? Can you guarantee there wont be any consequences?

There was nothing I could do to remedy the situation, unfortunately. What everybody considered normal only existed in the future in this world. Furthermore, I went right ahead with Veirya to try and give her a child since she wanted one. I prayed that Angelinas belly wouldnt change shape. You know what I mean. Thered be no way to hide it if she won the lottery.

Angelina titled her head unsurprisingly. She rhetorically questioned, How am I supposed to know? I dont think there will be any issues, though. I wont tell anyone, so dont fret. My aim is to bring harmony to your family, not to sabotage it. Its perfectly normal for a noble to have a mistress or two. You do sincerely love Veirya, however, dont you?

Of course I love Veirya!

All is good and well then, no?

You couldnt possibly tell me there was nothing wrong with Angelinas argument, yet I couldnt impugn. Content, she grinned and patted my shoulder. She walked past me but suddenly grabbed my ear when she reached my side. She whispered in my ear, Youre more impressive than Veiryas father. Young men sure do impress, eh?

I leapt away and grabbed my ear. Veirya happened to come out as Angelina headed in, flashing a thug htin. Veirya was curious as to what we did since Angelina and I vanished together. Angelina walked over and patted her daughters shoulder. I must say, your husband is amazing.

Of course. Hes. The best.

Pure Veirya couldnt read between the lines. I honestly considered hurling the ticking bomb out; she was more dangerous than Leah.

Veirya came up to me and took hold of my hand. She did so abruptly that she surprised me. Veiryas beauty gnawed at my heart.

Whats the matter, Veirya? Do you have something you want to ask me?

Yes. Its about. Queen Sisis request.

I knew what Veirya was going to say next with just that much. And so, I smiled helplessly: She mustve asked me to go to the South, right? I turned her down, so she asked you to persuade me to go?

Yes. Its important. For you. And Queen Sisi. So. I hope. You can help Sisi. I want. To be with you. Too. I will go. With you. Lets help. Queen Sisi. Together. As we did. In the past. Im very grateful. For what. Queen Sisi did for me. So lets. Help her.

Veirya had earnest and persistence written all over her face. Helpless, I smiled. I didnt want to go, but I could never refuse Veirya. In the end, I nodded: All right.

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