The Transmigration Survival Guide

Book 10: Chapter 44

Book 10: Chapter 44

Angelina seemed to misunderstand the nature of my job. I parleyed and ran small businesses. Id occasionally smuggle flavouring, make people in the imperial bankrupt and forced people to suicide, but those were part-time jobs. Interrogation wasnt part of my job description. Plus, I had never interrogated anybody. That was a police officers job. I was just your ordinary neighbourhood man.

Interrogation and negotiation were different since the former didnt necessarily require speaking. The boy that I didnt classify a man was thrown into a pile of blood as if he was trash after he was bound, leg broken. Although I couldnt see the look on his face, I could tell how he felt based on his writhing.

Out of nowhere, I felt as though I went back in time. Months ago, when I first arrived in this world, I protected Leah while confounded about the world myself. Subsequently, Veirya dragged me back to the imperial capital and threw me down at Sisis feet as if I was a corpse. At the time, I couldnt even lift my head off the red carpet. I probably resembled the young man in front of me in that I was powerless and toyed with.

I leaned him on a tree branch. Though he had his teeth clamped together, I didnt think he hated us too much. He didnt think wed be cruel. He was merely sad that he failed to complete his mission. Give credit where its due: he was a dutiful assassin. Id be dead if Sisis assassin was as dutiful and cautious.

I wont beat around the bush. Tell me who sent you and the reason. How much were you paid? Answer my questions, and you may leave.

I had no patience for an assassination after my life; however, my sympathy and the hope that Id meet someone nice when I first came to this world calmed my tone down.

Wh-what language is that? That wasnt humanitys language?

It wasnt similar to the language Sisis humans spoke in the slightest. Although I transmigrated here and could understand even the elven language, I couldnt understand anything he said. Leah clung to my arm, lost for how to proceed. It couldnt have been the succubi language, then. If I didnt understand him, he couldnt have been from any of the places under Siss jurisdiction.

I couldnt rule out the possibility that the mastermind hired assassins from a foreign nation to prevent the assassins from leaking any information. I didnt know who hired them. Nevertheless, there was one thing I could confirm: the mastermind had connection to a different network of people. In fact, they might even be in contact with foreign militaries. Sisi never forbade bringing weapons in. Else, Sisi would also be a suspect since they didnt use straight sabres but swords or sabres with a curved edge. Put another way, they imported the weapons from a foreign country.

Who can contact people from foreign countries? If I take Sisi off the list, then only businessmen could. It cant be Lilia, since shes at the imperial capital at the moment. She has no opportunities to interact with foreigners. Next on the list would be the businessmen from the South. Theres a war taking place in the South, though. I think I understand why an assassin from a foreign country would come after me now.

If the Souths businessmen sent them, the former must have joined hands with the indigenous people, helping fund their activities and providing their service. Im Queen Sisis favoured vassal and the highest authority for the colony. Their goal is to intimidate. The businessmen are looking to offer something to express their loyalty as they defect. Sisis South is in jeopardy. Actually, done for is a better description. Still, this is only my inference. I dont even know if Im just making this all up,

Can you understand what Im saying? You understand me?

He shut his eyes on me.

I didnt know if what he said before was even pertinent. I only had experience negotiating and conversing with people who could understand me.

How can I get him to speak? I asked myself.

Angelina came over to report, Weve cleared the road. We stripped the corpses, beheaded them and then skewered them on wooden stumps. I think it looks nice. In addition, I caught a girl. Lets sell her to the succubi. I hope she lasts for a while.

Dont touch her, or Ill kill you! roared the boy.

Recoiling, I spun back to the boy: You can understand our language and speak it?

No, I think they speak the Souths language. I dont know how you can understand them, said Angelina, motioning puzzlement with her brows.

I stepped back and watched the boy struggle.

How much did the Souths businessmen pay you to die? If Im correct, they sent you, didnt they? Unfortunately for you, youve fallen for their lies. Youll never find anyone as hard to assassinate as me in the empire. I have people capable of slaying the Demon King with me. You want to kill me? Buy a brain with your salary. Those businessmen have duped you and your leader.

H-how did you know?! H-have we been betrayed?! Weve been betrayed, havent we?! How else would you know?!!

Oh, that? Theres no need to be paranoid. Your people were quite loyal. I didnt actually know anything. I made that all up; I just ran out of ideas to continue. But, hey, you admitted to it.

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