The Transmigration Survival Guide

Book 10.5: Chapter 2

Book 10.5: Chapter 2

So, you really are that Queen Sisis descendant? Thats a surprise, remarked the man, expression stern as he examined the family tree.

Queen Sisis family tree was simple. Presumably, none of her descendants had much desire to reproduce.  Some branches ended due to not having descendants. Also, her partner was left as a question mark. Nobody knew who her husband was. Nobody knew who created the second wise Queen with her.

The young girl nodded, while the man laughed. While he gently ran his hand over the family tree, the man pointed out, I do know her, and I spoke with her in the past. I must say shed most probably be so furious to see you two in this shape that shed beat you to death. Queen Sisi, who was swathed in luxury, would never have thought her descendants couldnt even afford electricity.

She gave us the same extravagance but didnt teach us how to earn enough money as ordinary people. She was a Queen, so she could have everything she wanted. Id say that we are very displeased with her, responded the girl, tone neutral. I want to know who you are. I am your master. I dont mind using a command spell to force you to come out.

Its not worth using a command spell on me. I told you already: I was just the imperial familys slave businessman, answered the man, nonchalantly drumming on the floorboard with his cane. You wouldnt recognise me even if I told you my name. History has no records of my existence. Im essentially a stone that the river swept away and buried deep in the dirt. Miss, I suggest you dont waste command spells. After all, we dont know what well face next, do we?

The young girl indifferently looked into the mans eyes. He wore a polite smile and looked back calmly. She surrendered and stepped back in the end. Voice calm, she claimed, Among the ancient families, ours must be the worst off.

Which families are rather well off, then?

The most affluent and prosperous families are Ross Clan and Lin Clan, which was formerly headed by the legendary prime minister, Lin Dongqing.


News that wouldve been on any newspaper drew an incredibly intense reaction from the calm man who always wore a polite smile. He grabbed onto one of the girls shoulders and questioned, What did you just say?! Who does the family consist of? Lin Clan? Thats impossible, absolutely impossible! I knew Lin Clan. I attended their family of threes funeral. They dont have any descendants! Lin Clan cant possibly have existed until now!

It is true, responded the girl, calmly smacking the mans hand off her. Lin Dongqings only son, Lin Chucheng, enlisted in the military and died in the final spring offense while Lin Dongqing was healing in the elven forest on the other side of the world. He came home immediately after hearing of his sons demise, only to find his beloved wife, Veirya, hanging. Yes, she was heartbroken and fell into depression, which led to her death. Veiryas mother, Angelina, blamed herself for failing to take care of her daughter and letting Lin Dongqing down. Therefore, Angelina departed and was never seen again in history. Though the war ceased not long after, Lin Dongqing succumbed to his illness during the ceasefire negotiations.

Everybody knew about that part of history. People had all sorts of ideas when the legend fell so suddenly and rapidly. Some even thought that he was poisoned or he exchanged his life for the empire by turning himself into a bargaining chip. However, no one found any evidence to support the theories.

Sweating, pacing back and forth as if he was on edge, the man reeled, Yes, yes, I know that. I attended their family of threes funeral. I know that I I met him. I understand Lin Dongqing. What happened after? Lin Dongqing didnt have any other descendants, so his family shouldve vanished. How could they still be around?!

Because he had an adopted daughter, Leah. After Lin Dongqing passed away, a succubus stated that she was Lin Dongqings illegitimate daughter. After countless questions and appearance examinations, it was confirmed that she was indeed his illegitimate daughter. The girl went on to revive Lin Clan, which became Lin Clan. That is why succubus blood runs in their entire family Why did you have such a big reaction to Lin Clan? I summoned you with a coin, and your reaction Could you be the legendary prime minister, Lin Dongqing?

No, Im not. I have no right to be him. Im just an ordinary businessman. I served the imperial family. Well, mainly Lin Dongqing. The man took in a deep breath and rubbed his face vigorously. With a helpless smile, he added, Im just lamenting the past. You havent met Lin Dongqing, but I have. Ive never seen such a jerk. He was jerk from beginning to end. He could lie to anybodys face with a straight face. That includes family. He had many affairs behind Veiryas back, yet kept babbling about how he loved her. He never spent time with his son, yet forced his son to do this and that and to live how he wanted his son to live. He was the most shameless bugger I ever met.

Thats the first time Ive heard him evaluated in that light.

The girl didnt seem interested in Lin Dongqing anymore, and the man didnt inquire any further, allowing the silence to disperse their feelings.

She then inquired, You must have your reason for participating in the Holy Grail, right?

What about you? asked the man, mocking himself with a self-loathing smile, Sorry, I just asked the obvious.  I know youre after money, correct? I happen to be on the same wavelength. Im a businessman. Businessmen will do everything for money, especially after getting a taste of money. Its impossible to forget the joy of it once youve had a taste.

You became a heroic soul for money?

Didnt you summon a heroic soul for money?

The man patted the girl on the shoulder. Though she grumpily knocked his hand away again, she had no counterargument to offer. Realising he asked to be shown contempt, the man chuckled. He knocked on the ground with his cane and conveyed, All right, its late now. Lets get some sleep for now. The war should be starting tomorrow. I hope the six of them all kill each other tonight, and we can just pick up the Holy Grail once we wake up. Of course, thats all in dreams.

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