The Vampire's Love: You Are My Destiny

Chapter 165 - Whatever!

One week later.

Inside Laura's room.


Adela entered the room carrying a tray of food. She placed the food on the table. "Lady, enjoy your meal," she said wearing a pleasant smile on her face.

"Thank you, Adela," Laura replied. She went to the table and looked at the dishes. She saw a platter of rice, a bowl of chicken soup, and fried fish, and there are two ripe bananas as well.

She picked up the banana and began eating it.

"Lady, the Lord told me that you can visit the garden after lunch if you like," Adela said.

"Nice! I'll come down to the garden later after I'm done eating," she replied.

"Okay, I'll prepare the picnic blanket. I'll take my leave now," Adela said.

"You should eat lunch before preparing the picnic blanket," Laura said.

"Yes, I will, my lady. I'll take my leave now, enjoy your meal!" Adela said and left the room.

Laura lowered herself on the chair and began eating her meal with gusto.

One hour later.

Adela returned to take the dishes away and bring them to the kitchen for washing. "The picnic blanket will be ready in a while, my lady..."

"Okay, no need to hurry, take your time," she responded.

Adela picked up the tray and exited the room.

Half an hour later, Adela returned. "My lady, the picnic table and blanket are now ready," she said.

"Alright, let's go downstairs and go to the garden," Laura replied excitedly.

The women left the room and went downstairs, they exited the main door and walked on the path leading to the garden located at the back of the house.

When they arrived there, the picnic blanket and the table were already in place, and there was also pillows and blanket.

Laura smiled brightly and went to the picnic blanket. "Wow, this is cozy!" she gushes and lowered herself on the blanket.

"Enjoy the garden, my lady. I'll prepare some orange juice and biscuits for you," Adela said and walked away from the garden.

Laura fixed her gaze on the blooming flowers. The yellow and white daffodil flowers are refreshing to the eyes.

A few minutes later, Luke can be seen walking on the path approaching the garden. He lowered himself beside Laura.

"Are you enjoying the colorful flowers?" he asked gently, looking forward to having a decent conversation with her.

Laura took a deep breath. She's here to enjoy the flowers alone, she doesn't like having Luke's company in the garden. But she might as well reasonably deal with him, she's still very much his prisoner despite that they already got intimate again. "Yeah..." comes her short bland reply.

Luke sighed. It's obvious that she's still not in the mood to talk to her based on her dry reply. She didn't even glance at him when she replied to his question. He might have claimed her body once again but her feelings towards him are as dark as the night. He will wait for her to love him again, now that they're living under one roof, they will get closer to each other - whether she likes it or not.

"How's the baby?" He asked the one question that can make her talkative.

Laura's body tensed up, she breathed deeply and looked at him. "The baby is growing inside my tummy, I hope you're no longer planning to kill my baby," she told him.

Luke sighed. "Of course! Now that we agreed on a deal, I will never back out from my words. I also hope that when your husband will find you, you won't leave me and go with him," he said.

Laura didn't reply and kept her silence. To avoid angering him, she can't say to his face that once she will see her husband she will go with him.

Luke was waiting for her reply. "Can you promise me that you won't go with your husband if he found you?"

Laura bit her lip. "He won't be able to find me because you put a concealing power around me, therefore you don't have to worry about it," she finally replied. Instead of answering him directly and angering him, she reminded him that she can't easily be found by her husband.

Luke knew that she was playing it safe, he already expected that she won't give him an honest answer. But even if she will say to him that she will avoid her husband and won't leave with him, that's a big lie. He knows that Laura had fallen madly in love with his twin brother. To be honest, when he died, he kind of expecting it already that once Graven and Laura's paths will cross, they will surely fall for each other.

But it's hard for him to accept that.

He just can't endure the painful truth that he met Laura first, but instead, she married his brother in the end.

It's a hard blow on his pride.

He plans that after he got resurrected he will go on full throttle with Laura and marry her, only to see her walking on the aisle, marrying his brother without hesitation. He felt betrayed and the pain is so much to bear. He was so mad that he wants to kill anything that crosses his path only to realized that even if he will destroy the world, nothing can change the fact that Laura falls in love with his twin brother.

In the end, he realized that he doesn't have to kill anything or anyone, all he needs to do is kidnap Laura and that would solve all his problems with her. And she's finally here beside him and the best part they're together again!

He smiled jubilantly and wrapped his arms around her. "We will go to town tomorrow to buy you maternity dresses, once your tummy will get bigger, you need to wear more comfortable dresses," he suggested.

Laura tensed up for a few seconds, but let it be. Even if she will send him away he won't budge so why bother reprimanding him? She just bears his touches for now. "I won't go with you, I'll go with Adela instead," she told him directly.

Luke released a deep sigh. "Don't bother, if you don't want to go to town with me then I'll have the store staff come here to offer you the clothes," he finally said.

"Up to you," Laura said indifferently.

Luke was hurt by her cold treatment of his generosity but he can't blame her entirely. He doesn't mind if she's becoming a bit willful as long she doesn't cross the boundary, he can tolerate it, 'coz he knows that just the mere mention of the baby in her tummy he can make her whole being trembled and make her obey to everything he wants her to do for him.

He will just allow her some tiny bit of liberties so as not to smother her.

A little give and take between them can go a long way.

He stayed in the garden for another hour trying to lure her into a pleasant conversation.

"What color of dresses you like wearing so that I can tell the staff what colors to bring tomorrow?" he asked.

"Anything that is not black, brown, or gray. And I don't like abstract printed dresses, I want plain designs and plain color," she replied.

"Okay. How about the length, do you want it to be above the knee or below the knee?"

"Below the knee," she responded without looking at him, she fixed her eyes on the flowers.

"Noted. I'll have the store staff bring 100 samples so that you can choose as many as you want," Luke said.

She looked at him. "Just fifty samples, no need for a hundred!" she corrected him.

Luke grinned. "Alright, you're the boss!" he said and rose to his feet. "Enjoy the flowers, I'll go inside the house." He walked away going back to the direction of the house.

Laura released a sigh of relief after he was gone from the garden, a good thing he decided to leave on his own accord, she can finally enjoy the solitude.

A few minutes later, Adela returned, she brought refreshments and placed them on the table.

"Enjoy your snack, my lady!" Adela said.

"Thank you!" Laura replied.

Adela smiled and walked away from the garden.

Laura picked up the pitcher and poured lemonade into the glass. She went back to the picnic blanket and dink her refreshing lemonade while continue gazing at the pretty flowers in the garden.

Three hours later.

Laura left the garden and went back upstairs to take a nap in her room.

Hours went by.

Nighttime comes.

Laura was glad that Luke didn't come to her room that night, she was able to sleep peacefully.

The following day.

After lunch, the store staff arrived in the carriage and brought fifty maternity dresses folded neatly inside the trunks for Laura to chose from. After going through all the dresses she managed to chose twenty comfortable maternity dresses... while Luke was watching on the couch nearby.

Adela brought the dresses to Laura's room while Luke paid the store staff.

The visitor left and boarded the carriage that will take him back to the town.

Luke looked at Laura. "Do you like the dresses?" he asked.

"Yes...they are nice," she replied.

"I will sleep in your room tonight," he said.

"Whatever..." Laura breathed deeply and shrugged. She walked towards the staircase, going back to her room.

Luke watched Laura ascended the stairs with a gloomy sigh.

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