Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 826

Chapter 826: A Piercing Glance

Right at this moment, Damien had a feeling that he was being looked at as if he was the worst scum of the land who was not even worthy of being cursed at.

All he had done was threaten his beast who was talking nonsense but it had somehow turned into him being the bad guy.

Ignoring the little girl’s ferocious glare aimed at him, he, instead, glanced at the little figure hiding behind her who was now peeking to take a sneaky look at him.

‘Do not forget that you have to return home with me.’ He reminded the beast who was trying to mess with him before the others.

Those bright blue eyes widened and soon a whimper was heard.

Aster was only trying to avenge the numerous times that he had been hit by his Master for no apparent reason, or at least that was what he thought wholeheartedly.

However, the threat he received worked excellently to wipe away any such thoughts from his mind.


‘Master can’t take a joke.’ He grumbled while whimpering as he returned to his Master’s side.

Yvonne alternated her gaze between the pair but each time her eyes fell on Damien, there was vigilance and even a hint of disdain apparent in her eyes.

The young boy did not bother explaining his side to her and only glanced at the other boys who had been standing with them in silence all along.

In Taylor’s arms, he found the etcher he had met in the past and noticed that it was still hostile to newcomers around it.

Howard, Taylor, and even Topher were confused about what had just taken place but were relieved when it ended without any troubles.

They had been standing out under the sun for so long which led Yvonne’s attentive brothers to suggest that they move indoors now.

Since Demon and Rouge were the only etchers who could not enter the mansion as they were bigger in size, they would have to stay outside while the rest would head inside.

The horse grunted in dismay at the thought of staying with the nosy fox who often came by to torment him with a horde of questions that he never wished to answer.

To add to this mess, he could sense Fryght moving in their direction, most probably after noticing the presence of a newer etcher in the estate.

However, Demon could handle all of these troubles without even blinking an eye but the thought of having that little puppy clinging to his Master like he had done just earlier was making his blood boil.

Earlier, when Aster had come close to Yvonne and hidden behind her, his entire figure had vanished due to the dress she had worn.

If he had not peeked out from behind her, they would never be able to catch sight of him due to his tiny size.

During that moment when he had disappeared from their sights, the little etcher had been leering at Demon who had been next to Yvonne all alone.

The pup had looked him right in the eye before looking away but a strange sense of unease had gripped Demon’s body.

It was as though those bright blue eyes had peered into his soul to discover the secrets that he had been keeping until now.

Though that feeling faded soon after and the other etcher too had returned to his Master’s side.

Shaking that absurd worry from his mind, Demon had focused his glare on the pup who dared to stick so close to his Master right before his eyes.

However, he had been too stunned to do anything back then due to that single glance from Aster and now they were about to head inside.

‘Master, the new one is strange.’ He reminded Yvonne to stay alert when dealing with the pup but he wondered if she would pay attention to what he was saying.

After all, he had noticed the fondness that was evident in her eyes, another reason for his burning jealousy at this very moment.

‘Don’t worry, Demon.’ Yvonne’s voice reached him as she smiled before turning away from him.

The children all headed back inside the mansion while only Rouge stayed right where she was.

‘Do you not sense it?’ Demon inquired, glancing at the pup who was following the group before turning his eyes towards the fox.

In response, Rouge only tilted her head and blinked, indicating that she was confused about what he was talking about.

By now, the other group had already disappeared from their sights so he could not even ask her to confirm the vague sensation he had felt earlier.

‘Nothing’ He shook his head to dismiss her questioning glance before turning away.

He had been eating happily but now, he no longer had any appetite after everything that had taken place.

First, he was insulted by one tiny etcher then the other little creature had brought that strange sensation which had him intrigued but also troubled.

As he was pondering on what that piercing glance from the pup could mean, he saw the figure of Fryght reappearing right before him.

‘Who was the new one?’ The wolfhound interrogated, not at all liking the number of beasts inside his residence at this moment.

Was it not enough that he had to share his space with this horse?

Now there were more who had come by and would continue to do so in the future as well.

‘My older territory was at least peaceful.’ He sighed, recalling the days of serenity he spent under this mansion.

‘Then go back.’ Demon was heartless enough to chase him back to the Lower Hall which he had managed to come out of after so many years.

Fryght liked the peaceful time in the Lower Hall but that was not enough for him to willingly go back down to that dull place ever again.

Thus he harrumphed and glared at the horse who had given him this useless advice.

Rouge was now laying on the grassy field while alternating her lazy gaze between them, without interfering in their petty quarrels.

If two etchers shared the same territory then it was only common for them to be at each other’s throats though they would not mean actual harm to the other.

This made her wonder how her days with the new etcher in her family would be like in the future.

That kitten had used her fur coat as his bed on the first day they had met which gave her a fair idea of how the coming days would be.

Rouge sure thought that Celestial was cute but once he spoke, it ruined this image of an angelic kitten they all created in their minds upon first meeting him.

In this aspect, the Duke’s etcher was much better as it did not bother to interact much with them in the first place.

It spent most of its time in the woods behind the training grounds and only rarely stepped out which limited the number of times they could encounter each other.

While she was thinking of the two etchers who would stay in the same estate as her, Demon was explaining what he had felt to Fryght who paid close attention to his words.

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