Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 834

Chapter 834: Grandpa’s Vacation

Grandpa Valente wasn’t a fool who did not understand what was going through the Earl’s mind.

Therefore, he harrumphed and glared at his son-in-law before answering the question.

“A few months at the very least.” He disclosed the amount of time he had decided to spend with his daughter and grandchildren in the Capital.

He had not left the Valente estate for so many years and now that he had gotten the opportunity to explore the Capital, he would make sure that he did not miss anything out.

There were too many places to visit like the beautiful lake Poliza that was a scenic spot in Amarthea, the Commercial District he had passed by on his way here, and even the night market that was a famous attraction for the commoners.

If there was a chance, he would also like to visit the Palace and pay his respects to the King.

The last time he had been to the Capital was when Raylene had debuted into society at her coming-of-age ceremony that was held in the Palace with the other girls her age.


Those were chaotic times for his fief which was riddled with thugs and looters so he hadn’t stayed here for long.

Ever since his wife had died, he had cordoned himself and his family off in their fief and the Valente family rarely entered the Capital.

This was also why their family had stayed away from most public events, keeping in touch with only those who were already acquainted with them.

The Valente fief wasn’t too big and influential in the noble society so their absence did not affect anyone.

Maintaining a good relationship with their neighboring fiefs was all that was necessary for them to live in peace.

However, who would have thought that inviting the Earl of St. Claire to help him solve the issue of the thugs would lead to his beloved daughter being stolen by that punk.

That single decision of his had brought about this large chain of reactions which was also how he had ended up here in this Parlor, being interrogated about his duration of stay by this son-in-law of his.

Not knowing the thoughts going through the old man’s head, Rutherford almost choked on his own saliva upon hearing the reply he had gained.

‘Months!?’ He was startled at this response, coughing violently until he gulped down the glass of water Butler Limo had handed to him.

Yvonne shook her head in disappointment towards her father who had not even been able to conceal his expressions which allowed the rest to decipher what he was thinking right away.

Raylene blushed in embarrassment while the two old butlers did their best to maintain a neutral expression as though they did not find this situation comical.

Jax had remained outside so right now, only these two butlers were in here.

The old man scoffed openly at the Earl before shaking his head the same way his granddaughter had done just earlier.

“You do not have to panic. I shall be staying with my grandsons.” He harrumphed at the man who had just choked at the very thought of having him stay over for a few months.

Rutherford felt his face burn after his thoughts were exposed but at the same time, a wave of relief washed over him.

He knew that if his father-in-law stayed here then there was no chance that he could steal his wife away so that they might spend some time with each other.

She would be busy making sure that the old man had a pleasant stay and also accompany him most of the time.

This would dig into the already little time that he got to spend with her.

However, he also knew that right now he was being labeled as a miser in the eyes of his father-in-law and also his daughter.

‘You want to get grounded?’ He questioned through their mental link when he saw the look of disdain written all over her little face.

Yvonne had realized that she had let her expressions slip and rubbed her nose to alleviate her embarrassment.

Though in the next second, she glanced up at her father who was seated on the other couch before smiling at the old man next to her.

‘Then I will complain to Grandpa.’ She retorted, not afraid of using his name to get away.

She had already known that her father would restrain himself when in the presence of the old man since he was the father of the love of his life.

Therefore, when she was threatened just now, she used her grandfather as a shield because she was sure that he would not try to offend the old man in any way.

Rutherford leered at his child whom he had already discovered was just as cunning and smart-mouthed as him.

However, her adorable face and the fact that she was still his lovely daughter was the only thing keeping him from losing his mind at how unrestrained she was growing up to be.

Choosing to ignore her for now, he diverted his attention to his beautiful wife whose pink diamond-like eyes were glaring right at him.

Raylene had no clue about the brief conversation filled with threats that had just taken place between the father and daughter.

Nevertheless, she was miffed at her husband for displaying such behavior before her old father who had come to the St. Claire mansion for the very first time.

Since their marriage had faced objection from her brother, their father had not been able to visit her even if he desired to.

Therefore, this could be said to be his first-ever visit to the place she stayed the most after her marriage but her husband had displayed relief at the mention of her father not staying here.

“Father, you can stay here for as long as you want.” She insisted after she had glared at Rutherford enough to stun him speechless.

The old man knew that his daughter would be disheartened if he left but at the same time, his son-in-law wasn’t wrong to behave in that way as well.

‘Huuu... Youth...’ He sighed while recalling the time he had spent with his wife.

Since he was the same back when he was young, he could understand what was going through this healthy young man’s mind.

After all, this was also the reason for his sudden appearance in the Capital.

If he could move to Amarthea for a few months in order to give his son some privacy then it would be wrong of him to encroach on his son-in-law’s privacy for that same reason.

Therefore, he had already made up his mind to stay with the twins for his vacation in the Capital from the very beginning.

Rutherford’s reaction had only proven that he had made the right decision.

“I miss the boys,” He revealed in an attempt to soothe his child whose face displayed her unwillingness to let him leave.

When she heard this, Raylene’s determination to make her father stay back wavered instantly.

After all, her father had watched Roman and Knox grow and was also the closest with them.

It must have been hard for him after they had left the fief and he would have been lonely without them.

Therefore, she no longer insisted that he stay here but had a different thought in mind.

“Then Father should come by every few days and I will visit you there as well.” She proposed her new plan which once again widened Rutherford’s eyes.

Her plan was no different than if her father stayed in the St. Claire estate.

Yvonne could tell that her father had shot himself in the foot and was enjoying the look of utter disbelief on his face.

While she was gloating at this sight, the other pair of father and daughter was smiling with glee.

The old man was pleased with her suggestion and agreed readily.

This way, he could get to spend time with his grandsons while also being close to his daughter and her children.

As for this young man who now had a sullen face, the former Viscount snickered before looking away from him.

Yvonne and her grandfather both had just ridiculed Rutherford but he had no intentions of getting back at them.

After all, his wife was the one who had sentenced him to this punishment either knowingly or unknowingly.

‘Not that I can stay mad at them for too long.’ He sighed at the thought that he was too soft when it came to his family.

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