Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 836

Chapter 836: A Lot Of Free Time?

The next morning, Yvonne stretched after sitting up in bed while waiting for her maids to arrive so that they might help her get dressed for her class with the Captain.

She could sense Demon’s aura, indicating that he was already up and moving around the estate like he did each morning.

This brought a smile to her face but soon she pouted at the thought of not having been able to meet that cute etcher she had seen a whole week ago.

Neither Damien nor Topher returned to the St. Claire estate since that day which implied that she had not gotten the chance to meet Aster again.

The boys would be leaving for the Royal Academy at the end of this week so she was hoping to meet the little puppy before that could take place.

Fryght, the other cute pup in her life, never attempted to get close to her but always wandered around Howard while Celestial was openly hostile towards her and finally, Rouge rarely ever came by their estate.

She only had Demon with her but now, the new etcher had grabbed her attention with his adorable appearance.


Therefore, unwilling to let things progress as they had been until now, she chose to take the initiative since the other person had failed to do so.

With this determination in mind, she asked her beloved etcher to form a mental link with the puppy they had been introduced to, over a week ago.

‘Miss!’ Aster’s excited voice was heard soon after Demon begrudgingly followed her orders.

A knock on her bedroom door indicated that the two maids were here and they soon entered the room but Yvonne’s attention was fixed on the etcher whose surprised and elated reaction caused her to giggle.

The little girl got off her bed and followed her nanny to the bathroom while Roselie placed fresh clothes on the bed.

While she was washing up, her mind was focused on the etcher who was communicating with her through their mental link.

‘Miss, when can I see you again?’ Aster inquired about the same matter that had been on her mind.

This was the first time someone else’s etcher had displayed such enthusiasm to get in touch with her so she could not help but smile.

‘That would depend on that Master of yours, Aster.’ She replied before shaking her head while thinking of the young boy whose presence often brought up a sense of annoyance in her.

A loud and exaggerated sigh came from the other side which once again made the child chuckle at how dramatic but cute he was.

Demon was strolling along the stream in the woods behind their mansion but could hear the conversation taking place between his Master and that nosy etcher.

A snort of anger was soon heard but the pair speaking with each other found nothing strange as he had blocked his thoughts from being heard.

Back in her bathroom, Yvonne had no idea that her etcher was burning with jealousy at the thought of his Master spending time with another etcher.

Therefore, she continued her innocent conversation with the puppy who also seemed eager to meet her again.

‘I wonder when my Master will allow that...’ A pitiful whimper echoed in her ears, invoking compassion for the puppy whose Master was the only reason they had not been able to contact each other for so many days.

Yvonne was just about to console him when she heard another voice reaching her through the same mental link.

‘Do you have a lot of free time?’ A gruff voice muttering those words permeated in her ears, causing her to freeze.

She knew right away who this voice belonged to and for a second, was surprised at how deep and mature it sounded when its owner was still a young boy.

Judging from the way he spoke, she could tell that he had just woken up from his sleep as there was a hint of irritation and drowsiness still present in his tone.

‘Since I don’t sleep all day, yes, I do.’ Yvonne retorted, sneering at the young boy who was still in bed when the sun was already bright outside.

Damien was speechless at her deriding retort, as though he did not know what to say in reply.

In his defense, the sun had just risen above the horizon but for Yvonne who had been training with Captain Desmo for years now, it was already way past sleeping hours.

However, from the scoff she had heard soon after, it was safe to assume that the young boy did not follow the same schedule as her.

Ever since the Master had spoken up, the etcher had not uttered another word which caused Yvonne to raise her brow, wondering what could be wrong with the pup.

‘If you have too much free time then use it to train further.’ Damien’s mocking grumbles were heard before the mental link was cut off entirely.

Mrs. Jacinth was helping the child wash her hair when Yvonne had been snubbed by the older boy without an ounce of hesitation.

All she wanted was to meet the puppy but it looked like the Master of that etcher was a grumpy miser through and through.

Scoffing at his rude ways, Yvonne decided to train hard enough that one day she could beat him up if she ever got the chance to do so.

She wanted to speak to the entertaining etcher some more but thinking of his Master whom she would have to go through for that, she held off her desires and chose to focus on the activities she had planned for the day.

It was a weekday so she would first have her class with the Captain after which she could rest for a short while before Marquess Samed would arrive for their three-hour-long class together.

The Marquess had been focusing more on the economical and financial aspects of the Kingdom these past few months which was a great help, giving her the chance to grasp all the little details which were never mentioned in the script.

After all, the script wasn’t much help in this regard and neither were her dreams concerning ‘Yvonne’ from the script as that young lady had never been interested in such matters to begin with.

Though those dreams had become sparse in the past half-year, they did help her in different ways.

If someone were to ask her about the kinds of dresses preferred by the young ladies, the jewels that were in trend or would be in the future, she would be able to answer them without blinking an eye thanks to the knowledge she gained from those dreams.

She also possessed crucial information about certain young ladies which she had learned through those dreams.

Though she did not know how much of that would continue to remain true now that she had already discovered too many differences between her dreams and reality.

One of the biggest changes she noticed was the fact that Aleena Kiron no longer fluttered her lashes like a lovestruck maiden whenever she met Topher Tanner.

In the dreams she had seen a few times in the past, Aleena could be said to be head over heels for the heir of the Tanner family and since that same boy had someone else in his heart, her hatred had been directed towards poor Yvonne St. Claire.

Though she could not do much to ‘Yvonne’ due to her identity as the Princess’s playmate which was too high for her to reach.

Therefore, she only leered and harrumphed when they met at parties or would do her best to put the other girl down during those social events.

However, nothing of that sort had taken place right now and as a matter of fact, Aleena had her eyes set on the Valente twins, blushing each time she met them.

Yvonne shook her head at this deviation that had taken place, which she believed was the result of a chain reaction that had been set off thanks to the actions she had taken from the moment she had entered this world.

She felt no regret at what she had done as now, she had gained a good friend in Aleena Kiron who, though feisty, had a good heart and she hoped that their current relationship would only grow stronger with time.

“Miss?” Mrs. Jacinth called out to the child who had been lost in her thoughts for some a while now, succeeding in snapping her out of her daze.

Realizing that she would be late for her class with the scary Captain if she did not hurry, Yvonne tossed all other thoughts aside as she rushed to get dressed and leave the room at the earliest.

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