Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 158 - Never Going To Accept

Chapter 158 - Never Going To Accept

Marquess Samed was soon sent away after Yvonne tried to deter him from leaving his position of the tutor some more.

"Huu…" A loud sigh escaped her lips as she sat next to her father in the same positions as they were before.

Rutherford patted her head and brought her head closer to him so that she might rest on his arm.

The little girl had completed her classes with the last one being more entertaining and adventurous than what she had ever expected it to be.

Now that she had managed to keep the man by her side, she could rest for the remainder of the day.

"How did you know that Marquess would listen after His Majesty's name was mentioned?" Rutherford's query made her open her eyes which had just shut for a short siesta.

Glancing up, she smiled at her curious father and then curled into his arms once again.

"Would you disobey the King's orders, Papa?" She inquired without looking at him.

Rutheford glimpsed down for a second at the crown of her head which was visible and then slumped onto the couch as well.

"Obeying the King's words is in our noblesse duty, how could we go against it?" He retorted and patted her head.

Yvonne rolled her eyes at his words and then gave him a hum in response.

Thinking of his answer made her recall a certain part of the story that she had read.

'You would have to do it in the future because I am never going to accept the King's offer to marry his younger brother!' She frowned as she thought of what the future held for her.

In the script, it was the King who had insisted that Yvonne should marry his little brother but now she had no intentions of following the path that the Yvonne of the story had taken by accepting that offer.

The more she thought of how she would do anything to avoid that fate meant for Yvonne St. Claire in the story, the more distressed she became.

As Rutherford did not know what was going on in her mind, he continued patting her back which caused her drowsiness to overtake her.

This very soon resulted in soft snores being heard in the room.

'The training is making her sleep more often than before.' He realized this aspect as she would fall asleep at any time she wished.

He knew that her little body was now being put through something that she had never been through and it might take time for her to adjust to this new lifestyle.

Hence he did not disturb her as she took her siesta and made sure to not wake her up as he carried her in his arms.

He then vacated the room and headed towards her bedroom to hand her over to her nanny.

Thus Yvonne once again fell asleep after her day's activities had come to an end.


For the next few days, Yvonne's routine was the same as earlier with only the exception of waking up before the sun rose.

'At least I get to sleep in the afternoon.' She stifled a yawn as Mrs. Jacinth combed her hair for her.

The Sun was beginning to rise which meant that the Captain would be on his way to the mansion to begin his training.

The last couple of days was filled with lessons on how to control and regulate Demon's speed while riding.

She became familiar with her etcher with each passing day and this made her pleased with their progress.

Today, the Captain had asked her to meet him at the training ground rather than the grazing field where they would usually meet.

"There he is!" She exclaimed when she noticed Captain Desmo Reel with his etcher.

Demon had followed Yvonne's scent and had appeared at the training ground even though he would not be needed today.

"Greetings, Captain." She wished him with a bow which received a nod from the man.

Captain Desmo was focusing his attention at the table placed under the canopy when his student had arrived ahead of the aforementioned time.

Pleased with her punctuality, he nodded at her and then pointed at the ground.

"Three laps." He uttered and then went back to doing what he was before she had arrived.

Turning in the direction that he had pointed at, Yvonne had flashbacks of the test that he had taken before in order to become his pupil.

The little girl gulped hard when she recalled strawberry chunks being thrown up and then looked away.

'That is one memory I want to suppress forever!' She sneered at her weak stomach which had caused her a great deal of embarrassment.

However, not wishing to disobey or retaliate against the instructions given to her, Yvonne took in a deep breath before stepping in the direction of the vast training grounds.

Demon who had been standing next to Precious until now, stepped forward to follow after his master but was stopped by the other horse.

"This needs to be done by your master without your help." Desmo spoke to the horse since he was sure that the beast understood what he had just said.

The big etcher growled in a low voice and took a step away but his gaze never left the little figure who had begun taking laps around the grounds.

"This isn't as hard as I had thought it would be." Yvonne chuckled as she was having fun this time around.

The ten laps that she had run the last time had taken a large portion of her energy but the three laps this time were completed with ease.

Captain Desmo Reel watched the profusely sweating little girl as she came back to the position where he stood under the shade of the canopy.

"What shall I do next, Captain." Yvonne inquired as she wiped the sweat off her brows with the edge of her sleeve.

This action of hers made the young man feel as though he was standing before a young squire who was brute and brash and not before a little girl who was five years old.

'What is that Ford teaching his daughter?' He scoffed at his friend who wasn't doing a good job at parenting after he noticed her actions.

Yvonne tilted her head as she awaited for his next orders and rolled her eyes when she saw him lost in his thoughts.

'Does he realize that I just ran under the hot sun and came back? My heart rate is up and I need to utilize this potential while it still remains!' She scowled at the man who was now blanking out before her.

Desmo narrowed his eyes when he saw the disgruntled look in her eyes as though she was let down by his ways.

"Here!" He tossed a wooden stick over to her which took her by surprise.

However, those widened eyes of hers were swift to move in the direction of the stick and she shifted to catch hold of it before it fell to the ground.

'This looks like a tiny wooden katana.' She inferred after taking a proper look at the object which was now in her hands.

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