Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 235: Dramonia Language

Chapter 235: Dramonia Language

As soon as the arrow pierced the empty ground, the other heroes pulled their weapons out.

Of course, their reaction was normal, they were shocked to find their kind in the dungeon.

Musashi Noboru raised his hand, signaling the heroes to put their weapon down. From the arrow trajectory, it was clear the woman in purple-leader had no intention to hurt him.

So he was at ease, meaning the woman did not want to fight. But there was trouble, it was that they spoke different languages. Musashi Noboru was at loss.

Slowly, the heroes put their weapon while the woman in purple-leather armor also lowered her guard slightly.

"@%#&-^, " Again, the woman in purple opened her mouth. She spoke with the language they did not understand.

From the tone she spoke, the woman seemed to be asking something.

Just as Musashi Osada wanted to reply, Musashi Hirata came forward, "Grandfather, let me speak with her, "

Musashi Hirata fell silent for a moment before, organizing the words he wanted to say.

"We. Are. From. Hero. League. We. Mean. No. Harm."

Despite the awkward accent and stiff tone, Musashi Hirata managed to say it out. At least, from the look of the woman in the purple, she understood Hirata's words.

When those words came out, everyone on Hirata's side was surprised. There was no record about the language of the purple woman, but how could Hirata understand it?

It was a mystery everyone wanted to know, but they were aware this was not the right time to ask about it.

The Trio Sword Lunatic came closer to Musashi Hirata. The curious Musashi Noboru opened his mouth first in a whisper, "What are you talking about?"

"The first time she spoke, she warned us not to enter the mountain or we will be shot! The second time, she asked us who we are!"

Musashi Hirata explained while waiting for the woman in purple to continue the conversation.

"Hero League? What is that?" The woman in purple asked with confusion filled her face.

"It. Place. Where. Hero. Gathers. I. Am. Also. Hero. Name. Musashi. Hirata!" Musashi Hirata replied in the same language albeit not as smooth as the woman in purple.

Even so, Musashi Hirata managed to strike a conversation hence no misunderstanding between them.

"Hero!?" When the word "Hero" entered the woman's ears, she looked pleasantly surprised.

But then a deep frown formed as she did not trust Musashi Hirata and continued, "Hero League? Isn't that supposed to be a Hero Guild? Are you lying to me!?"

The woman in the purple seemed to be angry all out of sudden. She raised the lowered bow and aimed the arrow toward Musashi Hirata.

Wu Shen Lei and the others also raised their weapon. Ready to engage in battle. They were not afraid as the woman in purple was alone while they had ten of them.

"Lower your weapon! Lower your weapon if you want to keep your life! We are surrounded, stupid!" Musashi Hirata scolded his peers.

'How could they not realize what situation they are in!?'

Hearing the scold, Wu Shen Lei, Park Jin-Soo, and Huo Liang Xun were displeased. However, under Musashi Naizen's sharp glare, they lowered their weapon.

But the woman in purple was furious. Without even listening to what Musashi Hirata wanted to talk about, the woman in purple yelled angrily at them.

"I don't care who you are! You are prohibited to enter the Purple Mountain! Get out of here! Right now!"

Musashi Hirata let out a frustrated sigh and bowed his head slightly toward the mountain.

"I. Sorry. We. Will. Leave. Now."

After that, he looked back to his idiotic team members who ruined his chance to get to know more about the third dungeon.

If he could establish a friendly relationship with the woman in purple, the exploration dungeon could be considered over. They could just ask the woman in purple the circumstance of the third dungeon.

With an annoyed expression all over his face, Musashi Hirata stormed back without saying any words.

The Trio Sword Lunatic also followed closely. On the way back, the three old men were pestering Hirata, asking where he learned the strange language from.

"My Master taught me that! You should ask My Master if you want to know more about Dramonia Language! I don't know much about it!"

Musashi Hirata explained with a less annoyed look at his childish grandfather, Musashi Noboru.

When they arrived at the dungeon gate, Park Jin-Soo blocked Musashi Hirata who was about to get out of the dungeon.

"Where are you going? Shouldn't you explain to us what you were talking about with that mountain woman? Shouldn't you explain to us where did you learn that language from?"

Musashi looked up. Looking straight to Park Jin-Soo's eyes. Her expressionless face and added cold eyes almost made Park Jin-Soo back down, but he stayed still.

"I am going back, dumbass! And I am looking for someone who could speak with the woman in purple, My Master! My Master taught me that! Satisfied? The. Park. Family's. Spoiled. Prince!!!"

"So your Master also came from the dungeon? No wonder, he has no manners just like that mountain woman. He can't even teach" Park Jin-Soo's stopped abruptly as a thick killing intent shrouded him.

He subconsciously took three steps back and met with extremely cold eyes.

Musashi Hirata's hand was already on his sword. He was ready to pull his sword at any moment.

"I dare you to speak more about my Master and I swear in my name, I will pull your tongue out so you can't speak anymore, forever!"

From the look of Musashi Hirata, Park Jin-Soo believed that his tongue would be truly pulled out if he continued to speak.

The scene of two months ago flashed in his mind. A scene where he was having a match against Musashi Hirata two months ago.

He, Kim Seung, and Wu Yanhong were thrashed without mercy by the man in front of him and Sun Zhou Yi.

Remembering the two months ago memories made his body tremble voluntarily. Then he imagined his tongue being pulled out.

Park Jin-Soo flinched and subconsciously made a way for Hirata. His face flooded in sweat and he lowered his head, not daring to meet Musashi Hirata's eyes.

Musashi Hirata released his hand from the sword and passed Park Jin-Soo without words.

"Wow! Your fellow disciple is so overbearing and a little bit Master-con!" Elazaro Tania commented as she was surprised by Musashi Hirata's exaggerated measure.

After a moment, she did not receive any reply and looked at the man next to her. Then, she found out Sun Zhou Yi also looked at Park Jin-Soo with cold eyes.

'Tsk, what bad luck, getting marked by two monsters at the same time!' Elazaro Tania shook her head in pity as he looked at the frightened Park Jin-Soo.

'Eh, wait a minute Does it mean this guy also has a Master-con!?' Only then Elazaro Tania realized the man next to her also had the same Master as Musashi Hirata's.

*** ***

Toward the north of Star City, at the green zone hunting ground

With the shout from Xu Lingxun, the team two scattered, running away in fear.

Mutant, it was a mutated human or known as Savage. People called the mutant Savage because of their nature which was more like a beast rather than a human.

The mutation not only changed their appearance which was turned into monster-like. The mutation also bestowed more strength.

Within the record, the strongest mutant known to the world approximately fifty folds stronger than a Wood Class Hero.

The kids had heard the most horrible things about mutants, so they ran away as soon as they met one. Not only one, but three! Leaving Xu Lingxun alone with the mutant girl in his hand.

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