Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 241: The Truth - Part 2

Chapter 241: The Truth - Part 2

With his hand on his back, Bai Xian Ming leisurely walked through the bustling street.

The smell of food assaulted his nose as he walked, but it did not bother him. The food smelled nice, after all.

The old man hummed in a low voice. Some of the passersby recognized him and sent a greeting to him. The old man returned the greeting with a smile and nod.

The old man truly likes this district, but he did not stop by in any shop, heading straight to the deeper part of the Xing District.

Miao Miao Noodles and Ramens Shop, he stopped in front of this shop. Merging two buildings, Miao Miao Noodles Shop expanded and added a new menu, Ramen.

"I haven't tasted the ramen yet, maybe I will try the ramen after meeting that guy, " Bai Xian Ming muttered while looking at the fully packed shop.

"Oh, talking about him, where is he now?" Old Man unlocked his smartwatch and texted Heero.

"Done. So What" Just as he dropped his hand down, his smartwatch vibrated.

Bai Xian Ming looked down and was surprised to see a reply from Heero.

"So fast" He muttered and opened the text. There were two words for the reply.

[Look up!]

The old man subconsciously looked up. On the rooftop, Heero was waving his hand to him.

"Ah, how does he know?"

Then he remembered something, "Oh, it's the security check, "

Bai Xian Ming nodded and entered the shop. He was not coming to eat, so he did not join the long line.

When he entered the shop, a female waitress with a yellow-colored uniform welcomed him with a sweet smile.

"Welcome to Miao Miao Noodles and Ramen Shop~, "

Bai Xian Ming was a regular hence the waitress recognized him.

"As usual, Grandpa Bai?" The female waitress asked.

"Nope, not now. I am going to meet your Boss first, " Bai Xian Ming pointed his finger upstairs.

*** ***

On the rooftop, Bai Xian Ming found Heero was sitting at his usual spot, below the apple tree.

The old man did not immediately approach Heero. He took a long breath and exhaled slowly afterward.

This was the place with the most refreshing air in the district.

After that, he scanned the surroundings. The rooftop had turned into a garden with a variety of plants. This was one of his favorite places.

The Luminous Hyacinth that adorned the garden, this was a perfect place to relax.

Slowly, the old man walked toward Heero. Bai Xian Ming did not look at Heero, but up to the apple tree. At the branch of the apple tree to be more exact.

There, there was a golden Luminous Hyacinth, bigger than its normal size. Yes, the Luminous Hyacinth's feather was golden-colored. Entirely gold as if the feather was made of pure gold.

The golden feathers also glowed, the brightest one amongst all Luminous Hyacinths. The golden Luminous Hyacinth stood proudly, showcasing its beautiful feather.

"Can you give it to me?" Still, with his eyes glued to the bird, the old man asked.

"As long as it wants to follow you, why not?" Heero snickered at the old man who desired his treasure.

Bai Xian Ming released out a faint sigh and sat next to Heero. Without beating around the bush, he voiced his purpose of coming here.

"So what's the urgent situation you were talking about?"

"Oh, that" Heero told the old man about the mutant child and Lord Specter.

"So, you say the Specter now changes the target to the mutants?"

From the tone of the old man, Heero found the old man seemed to be relieved instead of alerted.

"Isn't this good news? It means we have a little longer time to breathe?" Bai Xian Ming asked in a puzzled tone. It was not an urgent situation but was good news.

Heero was speechless. Looking at the old man's serious look, only then he realized the old man did not get what would happen if the Specter could subdue all the mutants outside there.

'Talking to an old man is surely hard, I have to explain everything to them'

He then started explaining the implications of what if the specter subdued all mutants. A large and strong army would be created, what would they face when all mutants were turned into specters.

Only then, the old man realized the severity behind this information. They were safe a little longer, but the longer 'safe' period, the greater danger they would face.

Bai Xian Ming instantly rose from the bench and exclaimed, "I have to go back now! We have to think of a countermeasure against them!"

Before the old man could move, Heero pulled him back to the bench.

"What? That stupid conference again? Do you think that conference is useful?" Heero was speechless

This old man would rather have a pointless discussion with the other old men rather than having a talk with him.

Heero once attended the one so-called executive conference. The meeting was impractical as the executive only thought of their force's benefit rather than the whole Hero League's interest.

Since that day, he never attended the meeting again. He had learned his lesson and once was enough. It was just wasting his time.

"Hear me out first. I haven't done talking!" Noticing the old man wanted to scold him, he added.

"I have a solution for this. Not the best one, but it's much better than your stupid conference, "

Bai Xian Ming's eyes shone when he heard that, "Are you going to eradicate the specters?"

"Have you found their hiding place and the Big Boss whereabout? If so, I am gladly making my move, if not, don't bother me with a small number of specters. You can dispatch my two disciples, and in two months, my apprentices will be ready to face the specters, "

Bai Xian Ming shook his head dejectedly. After the specter's attack incident, the zombie's force and along with the zombie king vanished from the north.

It was as if they never existed in the first place. Such a huge force vanished, but of course, they were not dead either.

And so, the Hero League was investigating their natural enemy whereabouts. However, the result was not satisfactory. Except for a small group of specters here and there, they could not find their main base.

"So What's your solution! First, bring the mutants to our side. Rather than letting the specters capture them, it would be much better if we work together with them!" Heero voices his thoughts.

However, the old man gave him an unexpected reaction. A frown, he furrowed his brows at his suggestion.

Shaking his head, Bai Xian Ming replied with a wry smile, "It will be hard! The others won't agree, "

"Why do you need them to agree with you? We execute the plan by ourselves if they don't agree, "

"Them" in the old man's mouth was the other executives.

"As for the mutants' side, I have a way to make them join us. I have a way to cure their mutation. We can use that to make them join us, "

"You have found the cure?" Bai Xian Ming opened his eyes wide. All this time, the crisis lingered in his mind.

"Didn't you hear me? I have found a mutant child and cured her mutation. She was the one who told me about Lord Specter!"

'Surely, talking with the old man is hard'

"Then, the plan is feasible if you can cure them!" Bai Xian Ming nodded and added with a big smile, "For the first time, you bring me the good news, "

The old man tapped Heero's shoulder with a big smile on his face.

"What about the second solution?" The old man greedily looked at the young man.

Heero rolled his eyes and looked down at his smartwatch. He was checking the time.

"Oh, it's about time, " Heero stood up and smiled at the old man.

Somehow, the smile gave Bai Xian Ming a bad feeling.

"I have to go now, Grandpa Bai~ Can you help me to protect my family?"

Before the old man could give his reply, Heero continued with a happy smile, "Hoho As expected of the Chief Executive of the Hero League. He's always willing to help his people, "

"I am counting on you, Grandpa Bai~ I am going~, " Heero gave the dazed old man a light bug and turned around.

Only after Heero was about to jump off, the old man snapped out of his daze and asked, "Wait! Where are you going!?"

"First dungeon!" The young man jumped off regardless but a reply echoed afterward.

Yes, Heero was heading to the first dungeon. He was catching up on the bullet train to Jilin Town, where the first dungeon was located.

*** ***

Four hours journey to reach Jilin Town

When Heero came out of the train, two women were waiting for him.

Bai Xin Yue and Kang Seo-Yeon had a big smile on their faces when the man walked out of the train.

"You come~, "

Heero nodded with a smile and was wondering how they got to know he was coming.

'Ah, must be that old man'

"Are you going to check our training?" Bai Xin Yue asked.

Yes, Heero's twenty apprentices were training in the first dungeon. By how rich the Ki inside the dungeon, it would help them in their training.

"Yes, but I am going to check something else first, "

"Oh, what is it?" Kang Seo-Yeon asked curiously.

"Nothing. Just doing a routine check on the dungeon, making sure there's no strong beast popped out, " Heero masked his investigation with that as he had no way to explain about the Dramonia.

Then, three of them headed to the first dungeon.

For two hours, Heero re-investigated the dungeon. He found nothing suspicious at all.

Standing at the edge of the land, facing the pitch-black void, Heero muttered frustratingly, "There's nothing here There's no Eh!?"

Heero blinking his eyes, he felt a slight movement at the void in front of him. He felt it, not saw it.

Staring deep into the void, his eyes started to change from the blue to violet. Then, he found something, a fierce blazed red Ki in the void. He saw it, the red Ki that blazes fiercely.

Red Ki was identical to a beast Ki, which meant there was a beast hiding in the void.

"Huhuhu No wonder I can't find anything on the land, so you are hiding here, " Heero let out a chuckle as he spoke in Dramonia Language.

But he received no response. If someone saw this, they might think Heero had gone crazy, talking to an empty void.

"Come out! You can't hide from my eyes!" Heero pointed to his violet pupils.

"I say, come out! Or do you like me using force, Niadin the Void Dragon!"

After the name was called out, bright red blood pupils showed up. The pupils looked at Heero and Heero also stared at the pupil.

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