Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 254: Incoming Auction

Chapter 254: Incoming Auction

Park Yong-Gi and Yuan Huo Cheng were not expecting the Supreme Sun to come. They were also not expecting the situation would escalate to this degree.

What they wanted was to pressure Heero using the Hero League and Bai Xian Ming. They just wanted the damn secret technique, not an internal conflict between the two old monsters.

Park Yong-Gi glared at Wu Shanxi, an executive of the Wu Family. It must be this fat man who informed the Supreme Sun, Wu Shitian.

Wu Shanxi was the only one with a calm look amongst the executives.

"What if I force my way to seize him? He is certainly breaking the law! He has to take responsibility for what his disciple did!" Wu Shitian insisted on his view.

Bai Xian Ming shrugged his shoulder slightly, "I advise you not to. This is for your own good, Old Man! Once you fail to find the evidence to convict him, you will receive his retaliation!"

"Hah This Old Man is not afraid of his retaliation. What, he wanted to kill me? Or want to convict me? He can't, I have a clean life, I have dedicated all my life to this city!" Wu Shitian sneered in return. Indicating he was not afraid of any retaliation.

"You are clean! Yes, I never doubt that, but what about your family? What about your children and your grandchildren? Are they really clean?" Bai Xian Ming sneered in return 

If Wu Shitian really came to apprehend Heero, without a doubt, the Wu Family would be the main target of Heero's disciples.

Wu Shitian fell silent even Wu Shanxi's smile stiffened. For the first time, the ancient Wu Family was being threatened.

Once again, the conference room shrouded in a tense atmosphere. Wu Shitian and Bai Xian Ming were in a staring competition.

It was as if they would go for a battle at any moment.

At this time, an old voice responded, "My My My You two are scaring these people!"

Kim Jung-Mun, the Supreme Moon made his entrance to the conference. Wearing his blue robe, he leisurely walked toward Bai Xian Ming.

He pulled two chairs with him and placed the chair around Bai Xian Ming. Then, he sat next to Bai Xian Ming and scanned the other executives.

"You are dismissed!"

When those words came out of Kim Jung-Mun's mouth, the executives were relieved deep inside. One by one they left the conference room.

"Park Yong-Gi, you wait!"

Being called out by the Supreme Moon, Park Yong-Gi stiffened. Without him knowing, his heartbeat accelerated to the maximum.

The other executives and hero Instructors left the conference room, leaving Park Yong-Gi alone with the three old monsters.

"It's not been a long time since the Park Family entered the 12 main forces of Star City. Tell your family head, if he keeps pulling a trick like this, I will use my authority to cast the Park Family out of the 12 main forces. This will be the first and last warning! Do you understand!?"

Kim Jung-Mun spoke in a deep and stern tone.

"Yes, I understand!" Park Yong-Gi stiffly bowed his head.

"Good if you understand! You can leave now!"

Park Yong-Gi stiffly left the room. He closed the door and exhaled a long breath. His back was soaked in sweats and his heartbeat was drummed in a high-beat.

*** ***

After the last executive left the room, the solemn Kim Jung-Mun smiled gently.

"Come here, Shitian!" He tapped the chair next to him.

"We are an old friend, let's talk everything out, "

Bai Xian Ming closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair.

As for Wu Shitian, he was hesitating a while before he sat next to Kim Jung-Mun.

"Now, can you tell us what you know, Old Ming? I hope you are not biased because he's your future in-law!" Kim Jung-Mun opened his mouth.

He was acting as a middle man between his two old friends and also wanted to know more about the young man called Xing Heero.

"He's not sheltering a mutant, but it was his disciple who saved the mutant from the adult mutant"

Before Bai Xian Ming could finish his story, Wu Shitian cut him off, "See, he knew that guy was sheltering the mutant, but he keeps protecting him!"

Kim Jung-Mun sighed at his old friend's antics. He was clamoring like a kid in conflict.

"Come on, Shitian! Please act befitting your age, let Old Ming finish his story first!" Kim Jung-Mun was helpless with the childish Wu Shitian.

"Humph!" Wu Shitian humphed away.

'Huh, it's true that the older one gets, one will return like a child, ' Bai Xian Ming thought to himself.

He did not realize that he also sometimes acted pretty childish. Only his driver, the young Xiao Yun knew about this.

Bai Xian Ming continued. He told them what Heero told him. About healing the mutation until Lord Specter who gathered mutants to turn them into specters.

The two old men were surprised when they heard Heero could cure the mutation.

"Hohoho Now I want to meet him in person. My grandson also told me he is a great master, " Kim Jung-Mun chuckled as he caressed her long beard.

"Your grandson?" Wu Shitian asked in a dubious tone.

"Yes, I sent Kim Hyun-Su to Heero Academy. It seems I made the right choice. At least, Hyun-Su is no longer overbearing and arrogant just like the past!"

When Kim Jung-Mun brought up his great-grandson, a happy smile blossomed out on his face.

"Old Ming, what about calling him to meet us here? I want to know more about the breakthrough regarding the mutation cure!" Kim Jung-Mun voiced his interest to meet Heero.

Bai Xian Ming shook his head helplessly. He too wanted to call Heero, but the old man knew that Heero would not come even if he called him.

"What? You are not even willing to let us meet him?" Wu Shitian questioned Old Ming in a dissatisfied tone.

"It's not me, but him! You will know soon!" Bai Xian Ming refused to make a further remark and called Heero.

Toot! Toot!

At the second ring, Heero answered his call.

"Hello, Old Ming!? Do you need anything from me? If so, please say it asap! I am busy right now!"

Clang! Clang! Clang!

There were clanking sounds in the background. Indicating Heero was not lying that he was busy.

Bai Xian Ming was left speechless. Before the guy called him Grandpa Bai, now he changed it to Old Ming. Of course, he was also happy inside, it showed how close they were now.

Old Ming revealed his intention, telling the young man that two Supreme Guardians wanted to meet him. As Bai Xian Ming expected, Heero refused to come.

"Tell the two old men, I can't meet them. I am busy with the auction Ah, actually they can meet me tomorrow night. I canceled all ranker reservations for the auction!"

"Tell them to buy the ticket and they can meet me at Xing Auction House. Don't worry, the ticket is cheap, only one million WD for a VIP ticket!"

"There will be a lot of interesting weapons tomorrow. An Epic sword I would say, I bet you will be interested, so you can buy the ticket and come with them as well!"

Heero's reply left the three old men speechless. Not only did he refuse to meet the Supreme Guardians, he even tried to sell an auction ticket to them, promoting the auction.

If it was the others, it would be their honor to meet the Supreme Guardian. But in Heero's mouth, the Supreme Guardian was nothing to be proud of. At least, it was what Kim Jung-Mun and Wu Shitian perceived.

"Oh, Old Ming, I also need help! A bunch of Central Government officers came to my district!"

"Huh!? What are they doing?" Bai Xian Ming shot up from his chair.

"They want to search for my whole district. They claim that I am sheltering the mutant!" Heero's complaining voice came through the smartwatch.

"Good! I will make a call to retract the officer!"

"No! No! It's not that. I let my first-generation disciples receive them. They came into an argument before finally the officers were beaten into a pulp by my disciples!"

"Please tell the Central Government to take their officers back! My dungeon is full because of them!"

Bai Xian Ming blinked his eyes and looked toward the two Supreme Guardians.

"Oh, also, tell the Central Government to send someone who could fight if they want to search my district. They can be a good opponent for my disciples' sparring partner!"

"All right, tell them to pick the officers asap. I am busy now, talk to you again later, Old Ming, "

Heero closed the call afterward.

Old Ming raised his head, looking at his two old friends and shrugged his shoulder slightly, "See I told you, it's not easy to meet him!"

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