Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 263: My Ice Queen

Chapter 263: My Ice Queen

The sunray penetrated through the window, forcing Heero to open his eyes.

He opened his eyes and looked down. A girl was laying and sleeping soundly on his chest. She had a smiley face during her sleep, seeming to have a good dream.

Looking at the sleeping Bai Xin Yue, it evoked last night's memories. She was quite wild for her first time.

"It's. Two hours, right?" Heero recalled the wild girl last night and estimated the time he entered the room until they finished. There was a break in those two hours of course.

He did not know what made her decide the bold decision last night. Based on Han Ying's observation, the girl was quite conservative for someone that was raised in the core region.

But she seemed to free her shackles and go wild.

Heero shook his head, trying to understand the girl's thought was much harder than anything he had in his hand now. He gave up on that and moved Xin Yue's body slowly, making sure she did not wake up in the process.

After that, he got off the bed, naked. He did not have anything to wear on. But he did not care, he went out of the room and headed to the connected kitchen in the living room.

Rubbing his chin, he opened the fridge, "Let's see what I can make from"

His words stopped halfway as the only eggs and many cartons of juices inside the fridge. 

"Let's see What does she have here!" Heero opened the kitchen cupboard, nothing but all-purpose flour.

"Good! Flour is the best"

He took the flour out and weighted it to 350 grams. After that, he took three eggs and a little cup of water and oil.

Put the flour on board and make a hole in the center. Afterward, he poured enough water and oil before adding the three eggs into it.

Mixing! Mixing! Mixing! Knead! Knead! Knead!

After done with the dough, he wrapped it into the plastic.

"An hour or maybe half an hour rest. While waiting for it, let's make the sauce! The soy sauce base is the only thing I can do!"

He opened the fridge, but he could not find the veggies to accompany the sauce.

"She has meat though"

There was a piece of meat and he took out, "Hoho Silver Dragoon from Wang House"

"This will do"

Forty-five minutes later, a bowl of egg noodles was served. The hot steaming air came out of the bowl, making it more appetizing.

Heero headed to the room and peeked inside. Xin Yue was awake, sitting on the bed in a daze, still naked.

She looked at the bed and her eyes glued at the red marks left behind from last night's crazy night.

"I am doing it! For real" The girl muttered in a low voice with a tinge blush on her cheeks.

She could not believe what happened last night. But then, she let out a sigh and dropped her shoulder down.

"What's wrong, dear?" Heero entered the room and asked the girl.

"Y-you you what are you doing here?" Bai Xin Yue stammered as she immediately covered her body with the blanket.

Heero rolled his eyes at the shy girl and said, "I have prepared breakfast for you, let's take a bite!"

"I I I-I k-know You get out first, I want to wash Hhyaaa"

Before she could finish her words, Heero picked her up.

"Why are you so shy? I have seen everything and even tasted it" He teased the girl with some lewd metaphor.

Bai Xin Yue's face flushed red. She hid her face onto Heero's chest. The girl did not say anything until Heero put her onto a chair.

A bowl of yellow-colored noodles was still steaming hot in front of her with a few slices of meat on top.

Looking at the noodles, she realized how hungry she was. She did not immediately take the chopstick despite the hunger.

"Cough Do you make this?" Bai Xin Yue asked in a voice as small as a mosquito.

"Mnnn Before the Chief Instructor, I was a Noodle Master!" Heero declared proudly, but the girl still did not dare to look at him.

"Why are you so shy, really? You were pretty wild and naughty last night, " He brought his face closer to her.

"I I" She kept saying "I", but no other words came up.

"All right, I am not going to tease you anymore. Dip in before the noodles become soggy, " Heero shook his head and sat on her opponent with the same bowl of egg noodles.

Bai Xin Yue picked the chopstick and started to take her first bite in the morning.

'Ohh, it's yummy' She exclaimed secretly.

Just like that, the new couple enjoyed the noodles with slurping noises accompanying them.

"Fyuah!" Bai Xin Yue put the bowl down after she emptied the noodles. She clearly enjoyed the noodles a lot.

Only after eating then she dared to look at Heero. But then she noticed Heero was topless. At the sight of his body, a tinge blush appeared on her cheeks once again.

"We are done with breakfast, let's wash up and meet your grandpa!" Heero stood up, only then, Bai Xin Yue realized that Heero was not only topless, but he was also completely naked.

"I am going to wash alone"

Heero picked the girl and headed to the bathroom for the last battle. He chose the bathroom for the last battlefield.

*** ***

Inside the car

"So, you made the noodles without anything on your body? Naked, really?" Bai Xin Yue asked while her hand stirred the steering wheel.

After the last battle, she was no longer as shy as before.

"Bingo!" Heero nodded.

Then, the girl's imagination went wild, imagining the naked Heero making the noodles in the kitchen.


Heero then snapped his finger right before her face, "Hello, my Ice Queen! You are driving, it's pretty dangerous to let your imagination go wild when you drive!"

The girl snapped out of her wild imagination and focused back on the road.

"W-what a-are y-you talking about" She stuttered in response, making obvious to what she thought of.

Heero merely smiled and did not go deeper. In the public, she was frozen cold while behind, she just like a neighborhood little sister who easily got embarrassed.

Having such a woman as his wife, it gave Heero a sense of satisfaction. Especially, many people adored her, it somehow gave him a weird satisfaction. Kind feeling like "I get her, she's mine, not yours, "

"Wo, where are we going now?" Bai Xin Yue tried to avoid the topic after calming down a little.

"Arranging a meeting between Grandpa Bai and the Chief of Purple Mountain Tribe, Dazekh Then I am going to check my apprentices, they must be ready in three weeks, " Heero replied.

30 minutes later

The car arrived at the entrance of the Xing District. Kim Jung-Mun and Bai Xian Ming were waiting for them there.

It seemed Kim Jung-Mun was also interested in the Purple Mountain Tribe who came from the dungeon.

"Good morning~ Grandpa Bai~, " Heero happily walked over and gave him a warm hug.

Of course, the old man returned the hug happily, "What's wrong with you? You seem to be overly enthusiastic than usual, "

The old man perceived how different Heero treated him usually.

"Of course, I will be overly enthusiastic as Ice Queen will be marrying me and in two weeks and you will be my grandpa by then, "

"What!?" Three different voices exclaimed in surprise.

One came from the surprised Bai Xian Ming and the other two voices came from the left direction.

Heero looked up and he saw a middle-aged and Wu Shen Lei. Both were surprised by what he said.

He walked back next to Bai Xin Yue and placed his hand around her waist, "Haven't you told them about our wedding, dear~?"

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