Unfortunate Hero's Retirement Life

Chapter 268: The Hanzo Clan

Chapter 268: The Hanzo Clan

The next morning, Heero dragged Bai Xian Ming to the dungeon.

"Why are you bringing me here this early in the morning!? Do you want to show your prisoners collection!?"

Old Ming complained as he kept yawning from time to time. He still had his panda eyes, a sign of lacking sleep.

In fact, he got no sleep last night. He was playing the game all night with his new pal, Old Man Dazekh.

Heero gave no response to the old man's grumbling. He kept pulling him to the end of the dungeon.

"Ah, damn, why would you bring me here anyways? We almost get our first kill, if not for you, we might get the first kill already!" Bai Xian Ming kept grumbling, unhappy as his gaming time was interrupted by Heero.

Heero stopped his steps when he heard that. He looked back at the old man and smirked, "So you haven't got your first kill yet?"

"If not for you, we might get our first kill already! So why are you bringing here?" The old man immediately avoided the topic by asking another topic.

'Ohoho They are a noob, even worse than me. I have my first kill'

Heero felt smug inside as he continued dragging the old man.

"I am going to show you proof of Purple Mountain Tribe's work! Don't be surprised by the forthcoming gruesome scene!"

They had reached the end of the dungeon. A pungent smell of blood assaulted the old man's nose. The smell of blood sobered the old man up.

"They asked me to show you this! They said you can trust them in their work!" With those words out, Heero opened the door.

Ten people in total, laying down soullessly with an arrow stuck on their chest. Most of them still had their faces covered by black clothes.

"Do you recognize them, Grandpa?"

Bai Xian Ming was certainly familiar with how these people dressed up. But he was not sure until he saw the faces behind the black clothes.

He entered with a frown and squatted down at the nearest corpse. He pulled the black clothes down and saw a familiar face.

"Hanzo Katsumi, Unranked Gold Class Hero!" The old man muttered.

There was no need to check the other dead bodies. He had found out these people's identity already, the Hanzo Clan.

Even so, he checked all the corpses until he encountered Crown Class Ranker - Rank 29, Hanzo Shishido.

He was genuinely surprised to see this guy. Old Ming did a quick check on the body. Then he found out Hanzo Shishido died in one shot on the chest, precisely struck at his heart.

'Even a Crown Class Ranker was killed with ease, they are without a doubt very skilled hunters'

After checking all the bodies and confirming their identities, Old Ming stood up and looked at Heero, "I thought they only hunt beasts and specters, but it seems they are very skilled in hunting humans too!"

"What about them? Don't tell me you asked them to hunt these people down to show me the thing called "proof", "

The old man was unhappy with the event. The Hanzo Clan was not just a trivial force, they were a huge one. Killing their people was the same as declaring war against them. He could foresee the Hanzo Clan would retaliate in a big way later.

Heero shrugged his shoulders lightly, "I am not a mass murderer and I never killed people with trivial reasons like that. They tried to sneak into our district, in stealth and they stopped them, but Nah, follow me, I have the record of their battle?"

Heero then brought the old man to the control room upstairs. He had the complete footage of last night's battle.

*** ***

The moment Hanzo Shishido realized he and his group was found out, he threw a smoke bomb down.

"Split up and retreat!" He decided to retreat.

"Heh using smoke to escape?" Lyera smiled at the enemy's response. Smoke only made their movement become even more obvious to the eyes.

"Take them down!" Just as she issued an order, something smaller than a fist and green in color was thrown to her.

The thing exploded in the air and shocked the hunter from the Purple Mountain Tribe. It caused big damage to the surroundings.

'They are dangerous' Thought Lyera upon witnessing the explosion.

These people had something they did not know and it would be dangerous if they approached the enemy carelessly.

"We will be taking them down, dead or alive does not matter!" After saying that, she nocked an arrow and aimed at a certain spot.


The arrow whistled through the air and struck into an empty space. It was dangling in the air, not long after that, a body struck with an arrow appeared.

What happened next was three groups of Purple Mountain Tribe hunting down the people in the stealth.

*** ***

Watching the whole battle, Bai Xian Ming was surprised. He did not know how, but they had a way to detect the stealth. All the arrows they shot always hit the target.

Even Hanzo Shishido died without even fighting back. One-sided slaughter, the people from the Hanzo Clan were slaughtered easily by the people from the Purple Mountain Tribe.

"They attacked the district? But why? I don't recall you have a feud with"

Bai Xian Ming stopped midway as he recalled the thing that connected Heero and the Hanzo Clan. It was Hanzo Keiji.

It seemed the Hanzo Clan knew something about it. Without a doubt, the mastermind behind this was the Ranker Alliance.

"Hah, more works for me" The old man sighed in frustration. He had to meditate the issue before a conflict between Heero and the Hanzo Clan broke.

He just discovered a new joy by playing the game. But he could not continue playing when such an event happened.

The positive thing was that this event proved the worth of the Purple Mountain Tribe. They were much stronger than he thought.

'It seems we just gained a powerful ally It will be much better if they become part of the Hero League, '

'Nah, let's delay the issue and strengthen my bond with Dazekh first. I will play one more No, two more games. Yes, two more games and go back afterward!'

"Do you recognize them, Grandpa?" Heero asked.

"Yeah, they are the Hanzo Clan's people. It seems they want to investigate Hanzo Keiji's disappearance" Old Ming shared his thoughts with Heero.

"I see Hanzo Clan is it? Let's put them on the top list in Cleansing, " Heero nodded and decided to change his focus to the Hanzo Clan over the Wu Family.

*** ***

The core region, Hanzo Clan residence

"Is there any news from Shishido?" An old man wore a black robe asked while taking a sip on his tea.

"No, Father! They could not be contacted since last night. We lost contact with them after their last report!"

A middle-aged man replied respectfully.

"After they reported that they were about to reach the district, the team could not be contacted again. I am guessing they are either getting caught or killed!"

The old man, the head of the Hanzo Clan who also an Emperor Class Hero - Rank 6, Hanzo Yori. He sighed out deeply.

"Meet Old Ming! Ask him to release our people, that district is quite famous for their dungeon. Most likely our people were caught!"

"Yes, Father!" The middle-aged man, Hanzo Hayashi who was also Emperor Class Hero - Rank 14 nodded respectfully to his father.

Hanzo Hayashi stood up but stopped when he was about to slide the door.

"Call Shunsake to meet me! I have seen the footage of that man, let's now hear from someone who has fought that man!" Hanzo Yori issued another order which replied with a nod by Hanzo Hayashi.

Afterward, the son left the room. As soon as he left the room, Hanzo Yori's sigh was heard once again.

"Brother oh brother, what a mess you have caused now? I am just about to retire, but you seem to have a big gift for me Hahh"

The old man muttered to himself which was ended with a sigh. This was his third sigh in the morning.

Dok! Dok! Dok!

"Shunsake is here, Clan Head!"

Along with the knocks, a young man's voice resounded.

"Mnnn, come in, Shunsake!"

With the old man's permission, the door was slid open and a young man entered the room. He gave his respect with a bow and sat on the old man's opposite.

"Now, can you tell me your impression of Xing Heero?"

This young man was Hanzo Shunsake, the man who fought Heero once before the Xing District even existed.

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