Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG

136 Chapter 15

—|Four hours later inside the elves' guest room.|—

The elven lord placed herself down on a soft wooden chair made from living trees. She crossed legs with a slow, sensual movement, revealing her thick, beautiful thighs. She looked at the handsome face of the devil that corrupted her, licking her lips with a seductive pink tongue.

Her room was a large oval shape, over five metres long and three wide. Inside sat Marina and Alice behind Lucifer. Tianra gave him the lord's seat, which was strange, but he would never complain, although her hand stroked along his thighs and played with his crotch, entering the open zip during the meeting to enjoy his heavy meat lance.

They adorned the walls with beautiful leaves, each one a different type of the ones in this forest city. Above was a picture of the former elven lords of Paltoma. Lucifer found it amusing they were all women, not even one was a man.

Elves could use this to detect the forest's current health. Should they chop many trees of one type down or disease spread, these small leaves would change to match them, like a warning signal for the elves.

They made the roof with a varied selection of thick green leaves. They sealed them together with the living tree's sap. Which was treated as a special method to remove its sweet and edible portion, leaving only a simple part that could mix with other ingredients.

Thus creating a strong binding agent that was both water and windproof, also adding a gentle scent that would ease a person's nerves and allow them to think clearly.

—|Tianra: 'Tonight is my turn. These women better not make him leave early! I will revolt myself… Maybe the Church of Dusk kept some of his divine milk safe.'

She was also a slave to his divine milk. Her womb ached for that deep, warming taste that changed her body with intense pleasure.

Claire now understood the truth, her face still slightly blushed red. Her eyes darted between the thing she saw between his thighs and enjoying his handsome face.

—|Claire: 'He became more manly and rugged… Those deep crimson eyes could steal my very soul! What a charming devil! Focus Claire! Do not follow the soaking cunt that tries to stray from your noble path!'

This girl tried to act nobly, but the truth was she looked like a bitch with her tongue out, panting. The women inside the room were aware of her feelings.

"Lord Lucifer, we know you are not involved in this situation directly. Normally we would never ask for outsiders to help! But the fact is, your kingdom is their genuine goal!"

Lucifer leaned back, his eyes narrowed to look at her. Claire wore Silver armour with a large tree embedded in the centre. Almost identical to those white tower guards from Minas Tirith. Her hair curled, glossy brown hair looked adorable. Her emerald eyes, slightly tanned skin, reminded him of a certain woman.

—|Lucifer: 'That woman stole my virginity! I hope she appears again. Then I can get back at her.'

Since she reminded him of the last woman he called mother, he gave her a chance to live. Now realising she attacked to save him, rather than racism, towards his wife.

She almost died on the spot for her actions. Luckily Marina spoke up for her after finding her amusing.

—|Lucifer: 'Beautiful woman or not, the moment they insult my wives, or get in my way, they die.'

"Well, to be quite honest, Miss Zaragoza…"

"Call me Claire, My lord."

"Of course I am honoured to call a beautiful lady by her name."

"Tsk… Flirt!"

"Lady Claire, I planned to help the elves from the very beginning. My promise to the fourth and fifth princesses was to help your Queen. Thankfully, the efforts of my ancestors gained us the permission to act independently of Arullvana."

"The man helping you is a mercenary. Not a vampire noble. Does this help with your official documents and pointless rules?"

Claire sat forward in a slight trance.

His speaking voice was elegant and melodic.

Almost causing the women in the room to lose their minds with each word he spoke.

Her hips shifted in her seat, tightening her thighs. She somehow felt mesmerised by his glossy, red lips that teased her with each word. He forged several layers of himself inside her mind, a valiant knight, an intelligent scholar with great power and manliness.

—|Claire: 'How can one man be this talented and sexually attractive!? There should be limits!'

Zen watched her dear friend with wet eyes and unsettled body. She seemed fixated on the wonderful male sat opposite them. Even Zen felt happy he agree'd with no extra requests. Although should he ask to sleep with her? That would be great!

—|Zen: 'Claire seems interested in this boy, he's quite the charmer. Would he be interested in having sex with this impure woman? Somehow I imagine falling into a bottomless pit of lust unable to escape… It's exciting!'

How could she ever know, since becoming a true vampire, his words became filled with slight hypnotic elements? Not enough to make someone become his slave. But would slowly change their thoughts, opinion and feelings towards him.

—|Lucifer: 'This stiff knight will soon lay on my bed, spreading her own ass cheeks and begging for me to ravage her body. Ah, I never imagined a vampire could have this much fun!'

"Lord… No, Lucifer! Is this truly okay with you? We'd only reward you with money and no honours!"

She didn't want to use him too much. Her mind thought back to fighting monsters for Gwendova before becoming an elven citizen. She wanted to give him the rightful reward, as this didn't sit well with her.

He spoke as she pondered how to do this.

"Then, how about you and the lovely lady Tal'goth accompany me for drinks during our campaign together? Your company is worth thousands of gold coins, countless honours and rewards. Two beautiful maidens. I would rather seek that as my reward."

—|Zen: 'Ah, young man you must know. This old girl will rock your world and make you addicted to my tight honeypot!'

—|Claire: 'How embarrassing, this handsome man is seducing me! Will he think I'm too forward if I say yes immediately?'

"We would love to. Please accompany us as much as you desire!"

Claire looked shocked and snapped her body to the right, her chair screeching slightly. She looked over towards Zen, who spoke to him suddenly. Her body shuddered, scared of competing with the eastern beauty and her long-time friend.

"Yes, as lady Tal'goth stated, we would both love that arrangement very much."

She could only agree, not wanting to make her friend look stupid. Claire peered with a shy glace towards Lucifer's face. His faint smile and shiny white fangs flashed. He resembled a beautiful devil. Something like pleasure shot through her body as she imagined him biting into her neck on a dark, moonlit evening, holding his arms around her hips.

—|Claire: 'Yes! Take me, my dear lord Lucifer… I am yours.'

Lucifer chuckled to himself, sliding his fingers along the brown table. This girl seemed lost in her daydream. He lowered his empowered enchantment, making his words less effective. Then looking towards the eastern beauty with the princess style haircut he saw in many animes.

"Lady Tal'goth, I am glad for your offer. Please allow me to call you Zen? As a sign of our growing friendship and familiarity?"

"It would be my pleasure. Shall we arrange a time for departure? I assume sooner would be better. However, there should be at least two weeks before the temporary ceasefire ends."

Zen slid her hands across the table. The slight dents and nicks showed this tables age and history. Her eyes looked upwards towards Lucifer. His body straight, sitting quietly and observing the various women and a few males in the room. He closed his eyes as if in contemplation, stroking his temples.

—|Zen: 'God he so sexy, I want to sit on his handsome face, watch him struggle to breathe while I savour his huge divine weapon! Ah, can't you attack me sooner, my cute little vampire count!'

"Then you should probably snap the cute lady Claire from her dream. She is drooling and ruining her feminine visage. Haha, very cute."

—|Claire: 'I was called cute! This woman several years older than his mother was!'

Claire could hear the words spoken, but enjoyed her own little dream world as Lucifer seduced her and treated her like a princess in public, but a whore in private. She read too many thin books about vampires and their secret romantic acts.

—|Zen: 'I should probably get this innocent girl railed by him too. She spends so many nights rubbing herself to orgasm from vampire novels and smut. Silly girl, she could have just visited a brothel or date a man. Why is she obsessed with the romantic gesture of her special first time!'

Although Zen said this, in reality, she felt quite jealous. Now Claire would gain more points, able to give her first time to the handsome baron. Zen was truly worried. Once he knew she wasn't pure, how would he react? Most men wanted to be exclusive and couldn't accept used women easily.

"Please excuse us first, Lord Lucifer and Lady Tianra! My friend and I need to attend to our units and prepare for departure. I hope 6 days is enough time. It will take four to reach our destination and give you ten days to prepare for battle."

Zen grabbed Claire by the nape and dragged her outside, giving a bow to the many people present. Her eyes never leaving the body of Lucifer until the massive wooden doors closed with a bang.

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