Vampir Lord: Erotic RPG

Chapter 150 29: The Devil Versus Arrogant Captain!

Lucifer entered through the large wooden gates. His eyes scanned the countless knights. However, none of them seemed delighted for the female elves' return. Shouldn't many of them be their former lovers?

—|Lucifer: 'Strange…'

"Halt! This fort is under the control of the elven army of her majesty Velaria! Who intrudes her gates!?"

A male slowly swaggered towards Lucifer, his face with a sneer. He appeared to be quite confident as he stopped near the girls. His eye browsed over the women, stopping at a cute girl with a short golden bob. His eyes narrowed, followed by a chuckle.

"Oh, it's nothing but a group of elven sluts that spread their legs for human trash."

Almost instantly, the cute girl shouted out.

"Levis? How can you say such words! You wouldn't have escaped if we didn't stay buying you time!"

His face seemed angry, filled with fury as he opened his mouth wide.

"Haha, we escaped just fine without you whores! What? Didn't you want it deep down? Enjoy it living like a dog for your new master."

Lucifer didn't really like this guy. Honestly, he seemed like a prick. This wasn't his place to intervene. He hadn't accepted these women yet. The girl seemed to be called Meral. She had quite the explosive body for an elf, C-cup breasts, plump butt and her curves looked very soft and bouncy to touch.


The women remained to buy time for the soldiers to escape. Now treated like common prostitutes and whores. Many of them were like Meral. These men were supposed to protect them and love them.

However, because they didn't have the ability, now they shunned them.

"What's all the fuss? Why are there half-naked women at the gates! Let them in."

Claire's powerful voice sounded. She wondered why Zen wasn't present for a moment. But those thoughts vanished the moment she saw Lucifer, and he gave a charming little smile. Her chest thumped and skipped a beat, yet she pouted and returned to her Knight Commander Claire personality.

"Knight Commander! Punish this man!"

Levis acted close to Claire. His steps moved almost beside her before her sharp glare caused him to step backwards in fear. He looked towards Lucifer with a scowl, somehow seeming to have a grudge against him.

"I believe this vampire escaped in fear, only returning after losing a battle. He must accept punishment!"

Claire looked at Lucifer, seeking help, clearly not wanting to deal with this. She wondered why this handsome man always caused troubles for her. No matter how much she wanted to punish him, Lucifer was her queen's guest of honour and requested to aid by the princess.

Her eyes looked softer when she looked at Lucifer, seeing the many tired elven women behind him. She knew he must have gone out alone to retaliate against the humans and saved those elven women. Nobody asked him he just moved on his own whim.

Yet, he achieved it alone.

—|Claire: 'Their small camp north of the city is probably gone. This man wouldn't let them survive…'

"Hah… Captain Levis, this man is a guest of her majesty. What authority as a captain do you have to punish him. He has wiped out the northern camp and most humans defending Veria city/ Has saved the women abandoned by inadequate elven guards. Tell me what his punishment should be?"

Levis recoiled at her words. She spoke with an indifferent tone. Her head shook and ignored this jealous greenhorn. Lucifer just remained as normal. This guy said so much crap and he didn't react. He just took care of the women, giving them a small robe to cover their bodies and some food to eat.

—|Claire: 'Did he just grope one of them? Why is she just blushing and pressing herself against him! No, why is that irritating me… Don't be jealous Claire… Then you lose!'

"Yes, Knight commander!"

Levis looked unpleased at this choice. He muttered some words under his breath. The human Claire just missed them.

However, the elves and Lucifer heard it loud and clear.

Instantly, a blast of wind passed beside Claire. She felt her body fling back and slam into a stone wall. Her impact wasn't too strong, but when her dazed eyes focused, she felt horror.

Lucifer held the elven Capitan by his throat and smashed him into the floor, walls, and against steel doors. He was ruthless as he snapped every bone in the man's fingers, because he couldn't kill him. His mind controlled his anger and rage.

Levis couldn't focus, his blood and flesh smeared across the Fort walls. Many of his men, shocked, lifted their bows to help him before being wrapped in a silk cocoon and kicked off the walls to dangle upside down.

A group of Arachne with delighted faces replacing them as they held enormous bows a little bigger than normal longbows.

"Say, Levis, Captain of Arrindell."

Lucifer slammed his head into a spiked bush, grasping so tight the man's neck cracked. Still alive, but struggling to breathe and regain his wits.

"My wives are freaks?"

He threw Levis onto the floor as Lucifer slammed the flat of his heavy blade down, crushing his ankle into dust. The poor boy could only let out muted screams as Lucifer tore his tongue out earlier.

"My future maids are whores?"

A loud crack sounded, followed by a pooling of fluids. Lucifer smashed down on the man's genitals, which destroyed his balls, crushing them like eggs under a hammer. It tore the pathetic excuse for a cock off as Lucifer dragged his foot back.

"Say, what are you then?"

"Trash that escaped leaving this wonderful women alone in that hell? Do you know what fate would await them? Of course you did. Then why did you men escape instead of letting them reach safety?"

Lucifer said his words with an icy anger that stunned many watching.

His words were loud. Many women in the background felt agreement. It didn't matter if they were the girls he saved, elven soldiers, or even the ones that helped the fort run.

A beautiful woman with small pointed ears, slightly tanned skin with an eastern face watched him in the darkness. She had beautiful white hair that fluttered in the shadows, like a small light of hope. Her red eyes focused on his figure. She found this man to be gallant and attractive. There was no sense of disgust at his brutal punishment for the elf.

In fact, she felt this insect deserved this treatment.

"I can feel it. He is my master!"

Suddenly, Lucifer felt a strange presence and looked towards the shadow. Only catching a slight glimmer of white that faded into the dark. He realised this must be here. No other could cause such resonance with him except his wives like Carmilla and Altair.

—|Lucifer: 'So she didn't die… I guess things will get lively from tomorrow.'

Claire didn't want to stop him. Once she heard the words this worm said, her sense of pity faded. She also suffered discrimination and felt close to the women who now rode on the back of various Arachne that chirped and tweeted with them in delight.

"I see. Those girls will follow him in the future, won't they? Lucky… Where was my hero in those days?"

She paced forward and reached close to Lucifer. Her soft fingers grasped the back of his arm and pulled lightly. Claire would normally act differently, so her actions shocked many of her own troops and the people that knew her. Since joining the royal army, she would refuse contact with most males and would violently react should they try.

"Look… Commander is finally touching a man! He's so damn handsome too!" (Claire's Knight A)

"Hey, it's like seeing your daughter grow up and leave suddenly…" (Claire's Knight B)

"She's like a little wife, trying to get her husband to calm down!" (Claire's Knight C)

Levis convulsed with each blow. His body could never recover again. His future life would be a beggar trying to find scraps to eat.

"Please… Stop, Lucifer, he's going to die! You will get into trouble…" Claire said in a soft tone, not like the Knight Commander, but a young lady asking her sweet heart.

Despite the gossip, she continued to pull on him gently. His fist continued to smash into the poor mans face. Now the handsome elf looked more wretched than an orc. He snapped the man's neck, paralysing him as his hand released him.

The scum dropped to the ground, face first in his own blood and urine.

"Well, since the beautiful elven knight commander asked."

His voice was no longer cold and angry, a gentle and refreshing tone before he placed an arm around Claire's waist and guided her towards the girls he saved. Her mind went blank from his actions, remembering his kiss and the watchtower.


It shocked many knights to see the docile Claire, thus they gossiped. The moment she heard their words, her little elbow slammed into his firm body before he released her. He slid along her back, which caused her body to shudder in delight. Strange jolts of pleasure followed wherever she felt his hands touched.

"Stupid pervert… Save it for private…"

Claire whispered to herself, only to hear his reply inside her right ear moments later. Followed by him nibbling the tip, which caused her to turn bright red and swing her fist at his face.

Sadly, he could nimbly dodge and picked her up into his arms with a squeal.

Lucifer couldn't care about her title or reputation. He just found this woman too adorable at this moment.

This cute, heartwarming scene caused many to forget the poor loser captain now bleeding out on the ground and his loyal troops hanging upside down, now going pale.

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