
Chapter 175: The Escape

Chapter 175: The Escape

Dr. Zlo lashed out with his whip, again trying to loop it around Constantine. Again the man twisted in impossible directions to dodge the blow, eliciting a whistle of surprise from the attacking villain.

"Either you have an incredibly flexible body, or you've been holding out on me," Dr. Zlo said.

He cracked the whip one more time but flicked his cane at the last second to form the nanomachines into spinning discs.

"I've made numerous upgrades to my body over the years," Constantine said. He jumped into the air dodging the spinning discs with a spin. A blast of air erupted from the man's elbows and shoulders, steadying his descent and letting him land upright. "I can fight on par with any super, and my conviction ensures that I'll win."

"You are quite stuck on the conviction portion of this whole thing, aren't you?" Dr. Zlo said mildly. He swapped the liquids in his cane, spraying frictionless gel across the floor before changing back to the nanite control.

"I wouldn't expect a villain like you to understand, " Constantine growled. "You don't believe in anything. You have no cause, no drive. A poor excuse for an existence."

The man lunged forward, spikes erupting from his soles to stab into the floor. The extra friction let him pass the gel safely, and Dr. Zlo was forced to react.

The villain flicked his cane, sending his nanomachines Constantine's way and driving him back. He raised an eyebrow at Constantine, "Now, hold on. I never said I don't have a cause. But it certainly isn't a droll one like yours."

Constantine changed tactics, running up the walls and reaching the ceiling. Dr. Zlo launched himself up with his rocket boots, pulling off his dueling gloves in the process. The white gloves flew forth like rockets, punching into Constantine's gut and sending him back to the ground. Dr. Zlo landed in front a moment later, taunting the man.

"You see, I subscribe to one thing, myself. Silly causes like liberation hold no meaning, as liberation from one group causes oppression for another. Tell me, did your plan to separate Jetu think about those poor children not yet tainted by politics? Or maybe those who saw what Jetu did to Tractus and disagreed? I doubt it."

"You don't get to lecture me," Constantine wheezed. "I've heard of your exploits. You sank an entire city because they wouldn't pay a ransom! Did you think about the kids then?"

Dr. Zlo smirked, "I did think about the consequences of my actions, but in the end, I decided my cause was greater than theirs. I'm sure it was the same for you."

"And what cause is that?" Constantine spat.

"Why I told you," Dr. Zlo said. "My cause is myself. I am the greatest thing since sliced bread! The greatest inventor on this planet! And the fact that others can't see that is a slight on all that is good in the world. Therefore it is up to me to show others how great I am."

Constantine looked up at Dr. Zlo with bewilderment, "You're insane."

"Empty words, Constantine," Dr. Zlo said. The villain walked over to his discarded monocle, the dueling gloves keeping Constantine from standing.

Dr. Zlo turned back to his foe, polishing his piece and setting it back over his eye. He adjusted the setting on his cane, emitting his adhesive spray once more. "Now, as much as I enjoyed our talk, I do have a schedule to keep. And don't worry, I won't kill you. Some other authorities can find you stuck down here and deal with you later. Do have a good day."

"I'm not done with you!" Constantine yelled. The man grunted, and the sound of sliding metal echoed through the room. Dr. Zlo saw spikes start to erupt from Constantine's skin, small scissor-like objects that began to cut through his adhesive.

Dr. Zlo sighed, "And now you've forced my hand."

The villain switched back to his nanomachines, sending the spinning discs at Constantine's neck. The weapon sliced through, decapitating the man. Sparks flew from exposed wires in Constantine's neck, the small fires landing on dripping oil. The smell of ozone wafted through Dr. Zlo's nostrils, and the villain realized he had killed a robot.

"Don't think you can get out of this city, doctor," Constantine's head said. "I'll have the entire heroes guild looking for you."

Dr. Zlo stomped on the robot's head, silencing it for good, "I do love a challenge."

The man turned back to the scientist, "Are you done yet?"

"I need another minute, maybe two," the scientist stammered.

Dr. Zlo looked outside the containment room at his minions, "You get the one, so use it as best you can."

"On your right!" Cass shouted to Mabel as another security guard came down the stairs. There seemed to be no end to them. A new guard always showed when another one died. Cass was starting to wonder if it was one superhero with a cloning power.

Mabel looked to her right, capturing another guard while simultaneously removing another next to her. Surprisingly, Quartet had come up with the plan. If Mabel always had a disposable character next to her, she never had to worry about reaching her limit.

The newly controlled guard made his way to Mabel's side under her orders, standing with his weapon ready until she had to dispose of him. Cass joined up next to Mabel a moment later, using his flamethrower to buy a bit more time.

"How much longer?" Quartet asked. "We're going to have heroes breathing down on us in a minute!"

"It can't be long now," Cass said. "Boss took out Constantine."

None of the minions were privy to the information that Constantine betrayed them. However, they still thought Dr. Zlo's decision was the right one. Something had been fishy about the man since he agreed to join them.

Another guard rushed down the stairs, meeting the hot end of Cass's flamethrower. The guard screamed in pain, then went silent. Mabel saw a smoldering bulletproof vest as the flames died down. It, too, vanishing a moment later as the fire burned through it. Mabel whistled; Cass's flamethrower was powerful.

"This is the only way in and out, right?" Cass asked. "There's no fire exits or anything in case of a meltdown?"

"Nope," Mabel answered. "I questioned all the scientists I took over, and none of them knew of another entrance and exit."

"Just great," Quartet said. "We're going to have to fight our way through all of this."

"I'm sure it won't be too much of a problem," Dr. Zlo said, joining his group. "After all, we have my genius and your powers."

"Boss!" Cass cheered. "Did you get the reactor?"

Dr. Zlo patted his coat pocket, indicating he'd stored the reactor in his inventory. The last scientist in the room hovered behind him, the rest all removed under Mabel's control.

"Finally, we can get out of here," Quartet sighed.

"Yes. Now, lead the way," Dr. Zlo said to his minion.

Quartet wanted to protest, but one glare from Dr. Zlo's monocle eye shut him up. Grumbling, the man split into his four bodies and made his way up the stairs.

"I hear the men a-comin'," he started to hum. "They're rollin' round the bend. And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when. I'm stuck down in this prison, and time keeps draggin' on"

As Quartet sang, the air shook with power, sending whistling knives loud as a train at the incoming guards. The enemies fell like wheat chaff under the assault, their harvest of bulletproof vests laid bare for all to see. Dr. Zlo ignored the spoils, stepping over the vests to continue up the stairs.

The villain was right about the hidden gun turrets, the automatic weapons folding out to meet him as he made it up the stairs.

"Quartet, take care of the towers. We'll handle any guards coming your way."

The minion focused his song on the turrets, sending the air knives slicing through and disabling them. A few tried to get shots off, but Quartet was faster, his four bodies able to send shots faster than the guns could react. A few guards tried to stop the minion, but Cass's flamethrower and Dr. Zlo's dueling gloves made short work of the interlopers.

They made it outside with little trouble, the guards unable to halt Dr. Zlo's escape. However, the line of police cars surrounding the station did make the villain pause. If only for a moment.

"Lay down your weapons and come quietly!" a man with a megaphone yelled. "Otherwise, we will not hesitate to use force!"

Dr. Zlo looked at the policemen and shook his head, "Quartet, remove our roadblock if you would."

"Fine, boss," Quartet said.

The minion hummed a tune, his bodies joining in harmony.

"Thought I'd change the weather. Start a storm make a little rain. But I think I'll do one better, hide the sun until you pray. It's a tornado!"

The sounds swirled together, becoming a whirlwind that lifted the blockading cars off its wheels and sending them flying. Anyone too close, including the man with the megaphone, were sucked up into the spiraling winds and sent flying.

"Impressive," Dr. Zlo said.

"I try, boss," Quartet said.

"Let's hurry," Cass said, looking around nervously. "We haven't seen any heroes yet."

"You make a good point," Dr. Zlo said as he started to move. "Where are the heroes?"

As the villain rounded the intersection, a man landed in front of them, dressed in a fantastic suit that matched the pearly white theme of Tractus.

"Halt in the name of the law!" the hero shouted. "Return what you've stolen and come quietly!"

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