Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 937 A Stormy Weather

Chapter 937 A Stormy Weather

"Damn it!" Lord Teth cursed, a sinking feeling settling in his chest as he realized the Vylkr spawn had likely sensed his presence and come seeking him out.

He had little doubt about its intentions, especially since it had chosen to arrive here first instead of heading to the nearby Runaway City.

"Lord Teth, what's the matter? Please, tell me. I'm sure I can help," Princess Ballesha urged, her voice laced with concern and her expression betraying worry.

Her heart stung witnessing his current expression, making her feel something terrible was about to occur.

However, he ignored her question; he rose from the bed, crossed the room to the window, and directed his gaze upward.

'Should I make a run for it? No, if it's already here, it probably knows exactly where I am. Running would just turn me into its target,' Lord Teth mused, grappling with his options.

His teeth clenched in frustration as he weighed his choices. Eventually, he settled on a plan.

If the Vylkr spawn hadn't directly confronted him, it likely meant it was still recovering from its previous battle and uncertain of his strength. This presented an opportunity. He decided to put on a facade of confidence, hiding any weakness, even if it meant exacerbating his injuries. Survival was paramount; healing could come later.

Yes, feigning strength was his best chance at survival!

As Lord Teth settled on a course of action, he calmed his emotions and prepared himself for whatever was to come. Suddenly, his gaze narrowed as he spotted one of the leaders ascending into the sky, heading directly towards the assailant.

Witnessing this scene, Princess Ballesha couldn't help but tighten her hand into a fist, her gaze fierce with a mix of emotions within.


Orion stood in his lightning form, nestled deep within stormy clouds, watching with awe as the colossal tortoise, forged from unknown alloys, slowly traversed the Vylkr-infested lands below. Its immense shell bristled with towers, buildings, and homes that sparkled in the sunlight.

The sheer size of the massive mechanical tortoise was staggering, yet it moved with a slow, deliberate fineness that defied its weight.

The hums of machinery and the distant sounds of bustling life within it rang within his ears.

'So, this is a Runaway City?' Orion wondered, his mind filled with wonder at the engineering contraption capable of housing such a tremendous number of people.

What kind of tremendous energy powers it? How do they maintain such a colossal structure? What if one of its legs malfunctions, stranding it against the relentless swarm of Vylkr vines tailing its every move? And why are they shaped like animals?

Orion's mind raced with these pressing questions, but he found no immediate answers.

Turning his gaze towards a distant point, he spotted a moving fox crafted from the same metallic material and matching the size of the city below. He recalled the descriptions of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City from Patriarch Rylan and Seig's information, wondering if this was indeed the same Runaway City.

"Orion, have you discovered anything yet?" Fifi's voice suddenly broke through his thoughts.

"Yes, I've located two Runaway Cities. One is shaped like a colossal tortoise, while the other resembles a fox, matching Patriarch Rylan's and Seig's descriptions," Orion replied calmly.

He knew they could communicate through their masks, so Fifi's sudden voice didn't startle him.

"Are these Runaway Cities protected by gods?" Stronghold Leader Seth asked, his voice brimming with curiosity.

"I haven't confirmed that yet. But if they are, I need everyone ready to retreat to the Primordial barrier at my signal. Don't worry about me; I'll escape swiftly if I detect anything strange," Orion assured them.

"Alright, keep us updated and stay safe," Fifi replied.

Orion gave a warm hum in acknowledgement.

"We'll await your response, Chief," Stronghold Leader Seth acknowledged before the connection disconnected.

As the transmission ended, Orion intensified the lightning around him, directing his focus toward the head of the colossal moving tortoise. As he scrutinized the entire structure, he surmised that the ruler of this Runaway City must reside there.

The sheer grandeur of the structure hinted at its importance, particularly considering it was positioned at the 'head.'

Despite the information shared by Seig and Patriarch Rylan, Orion wasn't willing to take any risks. He would reassess and devise a new strategy if a god protected this Runaway city. However, if no such protection existed, capturing the Runaway City should prove relatively straightforward before proceeding to the other.


The sky rumbled, lightning and thunder streaking across the heavens, converging at a single point aimed directly at the head of the colossal tortoise. The winds grew in intensity, swirling around the clouds as if compelled to follow his commands.

As Orion prepared to unleash the torrent of lightning, he halted as he caught sight of a figure ascending rapidly into the air, heading straight toward him.

An orc!

A flying female orc!

The grey-green-skinned orc was clad in skin-tight metal and leather armour that offered complete protection but appeared ill-suited for withstanding heavy frontal assaults.

She sported a thick metal bracelet around her wrist and wielded a Gearweaver, similar in size to the others he had seen but designed as a mechanical club bristling with spikes. Each step she took seemed to cover vast distances and propelled her upward, giving the illusion of flight.

She arrived at a distance before him in no time, standing firm in the sky on what seemed like an invisible platform.

After employing her sky-step technique to soar into the sky, Commander Sy'ra couldn't help but frown at the oppressive energy emanating from the attacker.

It felt familiar!

"Who are you?! And what gives you the arrogance to attack our Runaway City?" Commander Sy'ra demanded, cautiously eyeing the humanoid lightning being. She scrutinized his figure, searching for any sign of a Devourer's Bracelet, but found nothing.

Orion remained silent, halting his attack as he focused on her, using the mask to assess her strength.

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