Village Head's Debauchery

Chapter 996: The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's Strength

Chapter 996: The Trekking Flamingo Runaway City's Strength

She possessed two large curved horns and broad, leathery wings folded behind her back. Her name was Mistress Marla, Mistress of Natural Resources and Gardens of Trekking Flamingo Runaway City, and also a member of the half-minotaur, half-dragon race.

Despite her imposing, bulky physique, she was dressed in a long, flowing, flowery dress with a vibrant sash tied around her waist. Her expression was pensive as she carefully pondered over the words of the gods' chosen.

Merchant Prince Caruis snorted, "So what if it is? Our main goal is to retrieve the Divine Artefact and possibly Patriarch Rylan. If there truly is a Vylkr alloy mine, it's a welcome addition to the strength of our growing power. And this mysterious 'Paradise' might just be a Grade Two Runaway City or some 'stowaways' who have utilized the Vylkr alloy mines to bolster their strength. Isn't this our opportunity to prove that we've not just teetered on the verge of promotion to a Grade Two Runaway City but have already arrived?" he explained. "Regardless, even if they are a force more powerful than we anticipate-which I still doubt- we are left with only two options: confront the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, along with whoever is backing them, or turn around and flee. Which option do you think is best?" He fixed his gaze on Mistress Marla before sweeping it across the assembled leaders.

"That's enough. We need to make a decision," Emperor Greroth responded firmly. "Anyone in favour of retreating and avoiding confrontation with the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City, raise your hands."

Among the ten leaders present, only one leader raised their hand.

Witnessing this, Merchant Prince Caruis clicked his tongue loudly in displeasure. He glanced at the red-eyed woman with long flowing hair, dressed in long sky-blue robes that covered her humanoid upper half and robust, four-legged body with hooves.

"Alright. You can lower your hands. Now, those in favour of preparing for war and facing two Grade One Runaway Cities, and possibly a Grade Two Runaway City, raise your hand," Emperor Greroth added.

Nine hands, including his own, were raised as he finished speaking.

"It's settled then. Commander Edmar, sound the alarm and prepare every god's chosen for war. Thorne, ensure that Trekking Flamingo Runaway City is fully prepared before we begin advancing," Emperor Greroth ordered.


Up above the clouds,

After three hours of waiting, the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City, Sleeping Fox Runaway City, and Trekking Flamingo Runaway City were finally closing in on each other, ready for battle.

Orion broke out of his thoughts, having spent time comprehending the Divine Spectral Blade Art, and focused on the unfolding scene below him, feeling the tension in the air.

"Finally, it's time," Seth muttered. He was exhausted from waiting and eager to train further, unlocking more of the gift's potential now that he was a Five-Star Vylkr warrior.

Suddenly, Orion sensed something approaching far below in the distance. Five three-star Vylkr vines were present; their appearance, a familiar, terrifying amalgamation, was approaching, attracted by the confrontation below.

He had already stationed warriors in various areas, forming a protective zone to keep watch for any approaching Runaway City and to prevent any three-star Vylkr vines from emerging and disrupting the battle. He wasn't sure how long the war would last.

"Take care of them. We don't want anything hindering or preventing them from showcasing our true strength," Orion ordered.

Seth nodded and immediately flew towards the direction of the three-star Vylkr vines. He could handle them from this distance using his gift, but to avoid alerting those below, he decided to deal with them naturally.

After consuming some of the five three-star Vylkr vines and delivering the rest to the warriors stationed near the Vylkr alloy mine, he swiftly returned to Orion's position.

Orion exhaled, reminiscing about the days when facing three-star Vylkr vines meant life- threatening battles.

As the gods' chosens descended from their Runaway Cities, their eyes were fixed on Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

"Energy Level - 1,580 BEM."

"Energy Level - 1,345 BEM."

"Energy Level - 1,400 BEM."

"Energy Level - 1,689 BEM."

"Energy Level - 1,733 BEM."

Orion looked down in surprise at the primary races occupying the area.

Aarakocra! Winged minotaurs with dragon-like features! Centaurs!

Nonetheless, as Orion read the energy readings of the gods' chosens, his eyebrows rose in surprise. Seth was equally surprised.

It should be noted that the lowest energy readings among the gods chosens with the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City were as low as 250 BEM, while the highest was 1,660 BEM.

Commander Sy'ra of the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City possessed the highest at 1,805 BEM, with Commander of the Sleeping Fox Runaway City close behind at 1,800 BEM, a mere 5 BEM difference between them. However, the lowest energy reading Orion had seen from the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City was 1,400 BEM, with the highest exceeding 1,780 BEM.

Even the gods' chosen who had attacked Lakul had a strength reading of 1,650 BEM, so he held high expectations for the Trekking Flamingo Runaway City. However, it was evident that he wasn't the strongest, so he couldn't identify the reasons for his appointment as captain.

"They're still coming out," Orion muttered, narrowing his eyes at the area beside Trekking Flamingo Runaway City.

Despite their gods' chosens to stabilize below 1,780 BEM in energy readings, their numbers continued to increase.

Five thousand gods' chosens!

Six thousand gods' chosens!

Eight thousand gods' chosens!

Ten thousand gods' chosens!


They surpassed the ten thousand mark and continued to increase, eventually reaching over twelve thousand gods' chosens, filling the earth below like sand scattered along the seashore.

Their sheer numbers attracted even more one-star and two-star Vylkr vines toward them. However, with such a massive force, the Vylkr vines were swiftly crushed, barely able to penetrate their ranks.

"No wonder they boldly approach the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City and the Sleeping Fox Runaway City. With this many and this much strength, even if their numbers doubled, they wouldn't stand a chance," Seth remarked, his gaze fixed intently on the multitude of gods' chosens below.

He fervently awaited the day Paradise's warriors would exceed this scale, possessing far greater prowess. When the time came, they could easily strategize and conquer various Runaway Cities by sending one or two warriors to accomplish this task.

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