While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 419: The first battle after the Golden Immortal, the terrifying Six-Winged God's Mansion

Chapter 419: The first battle after the Golden Immortal, the terrifying Six-Winged God’s Mansion

“Luo Tianjing is indeed an excellent treasure for improving the various skills of cultivating immortals!”

“In just a few hundred years in the outside world, my formation skills have actually improved, and I have finally reached the level of a great formation master…”

 The mood when I wake up is very good.

 The fifteenth-level formation master, whose status is comparable to that of the Golden Immortal.

If he progresses to two more stages and becomes a grand master of the seventeenth level formation, Su Xing can officially try to set up the Great Cave Heaven.

 The Great Cave Heaven condenses the immortal liquid, which can be imagined to be helpful for awakening.

“At this stage, it is still most efficient to improve the body-refining cultivation level first...it will be most efficient to wait until the Great Cave Heaven is laid out before improving the qi-refining cultivation level.”

“Golden Immortal monk, it takes tens of thousands of years to break through the first level. Without the help of fairy liquid, even if I have the ethereal root, I may not be able to break through the first level in one simulation...The efficiency is too low..."

 Suxing quickly formulated its own future development route based on the current situation.

 Mainly focus on body refining. After being able to set up the seventeenth-level spirit gathering array, Su Xing has enough immortal liquid support, and then turn to cultivation qi.


However, the only regret is that this simulated awakening focused all the energy on the Luotian Mirror and failed to complete the mission of the Tianji Pavilion. Presumably, the exchange of permission to use the Mirror of Nothingness in the Tianji Pavilion was not enough.

“Everything you give up comes with something. Even I can’t cover everything in every simulation. After all, time is limited...”

“It’s better to accept the baptism of the Mirror of Nothingness this time…”

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but decided to focus his energy on Luo Tianjing, try to copy the Enlightenment Tea, and cultivate some Tianyuan Trees at the same time.

Look at the simulation panel.

  【In the 600th year, you successfully became the Grand Master of the Formation Dao, able to deploy the fifteenth-level spirit gathering formation. 】

In the same year, the first Enlightenment Tea was successfully produced. The emerald green tea leaves and the refreshing aroma seemed to increase their wisdom just by smelling it. 】

  【However, you are still too dissatisfied with this. 】

   【It took a hundred years to create one piece of Enlightenment Tea. Based on this calculation, it would take three hundred years to replicate three pieces of Enlightenment Tea, which is only enough to brew one cup. 】

  【So you ask Luo Tianjing Weapon Spirit if there is a way to increase the speed of copying Enlightenment Tea. 】

The reply given by Qi Ling is that it has not fully recovered yet, and the Enlightenment Tea is of a very high grade and is an innate treasure. 】

  【If you want to copy faster, you can either continue to repair Luo Tianjing, or inject more mana. 】

  【After hearing this, you understand that you must inject more mana to copy more Enlightenment Tea... So you decide to temporarily put aside the copying of Enlightenment Tea and focus on cultivating Tianyuan Fruit. 】

  【The second batch of Tianyuan Fruit matured a hundred years ago. 】

【So you take a piece of Tianyuan Fruit every two years and inject mana at the same time to keep Luo Tianjing thirty times the time difference from the outside world. 】

  【With the help of the Tianyuan Divine Fruit, your body refining skills have been rapidly improved...】

 【In the blink of an eye, another hundred years have passed...】

  【In the 700th year, after taking all forty-nine Tianyuan Fruits, your physical strength has more than doubled than before! 】

  【At the same time, Yuanli has made the greatest progress. In the dantian, the illusory Tianyuan Divine Tree is already over a foot tall. 】

  【You can clearly feel that your own energy is endless. As long as the Tianyuan Divine Tree does not wither, you will have inexhaustible energy. 】

  【It’s conceivable that this will increase your combat power...】

  【This year, the third batch of Tianyuan Fruit matures, and you continue to practice. 】

 【Another hundred years have passed...】

  【In the 800th year, as forty-nine Tian Yuan Fruits entered your belly and turned into pure energy, your physical body was once again strengthened by about 50%, and your Yuan Power doubled. 】

  【The Tianyuan Divine Tree within the body has also grown from over one foot tall to over three feet tall. 】

  【According to the records of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, when this illusory Tianyuan Divine Tree grows to a height of one foot, the Great Witch's Body Training Technique has completely reached the sixth level. 】

  【In ancient times, the warriors of the Wu tribe were already top talents who could advance to the Golden Immortal stage. 】

【But for the Wu clan, it would take 300,000 years to complete the cultivation from the sixth level. 】

  【And you, who owns the Tianyuan Divine Tree, have made amazing progress. 】

Even so, you have not continued to improve your body training this year, and you have not even maintained the double speed of Luo Tianjing. 】

  【Because, the first war between the Tianji Domain and the alien race completely broke out. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this eye flashing continuously.

“Yes, excluding the immersive understanding, during the battle between the alien race and the Tianji Domain, one simulation can only take three Tianyuan Fruits at most...a total of one hundred and forty-seven."

Su Xing is a little dissatisfied. If he can keep simulating, he can even take countless Tianyuan divine fruits and quickly build up his cultivation to the sixth level of perfection.

By then, Su Xing’s strength may be comparable to that of Taiyi!

 But Su Xing also knows that this is unrealistic. With the simulator, he can grow faster than ever before.

 All that is lacking is time.

“The lifespan of the ancient witch clan is ten times that of the human race. The witch clan in the Golden Immortal stage has a lifespan of tens of millions of years. Only in this way can they support the long breakthrough process of the Great Witch Body Forging Art…”

“For me, I don’t have that much time. Fortunately, I have Tianyuan Fruit…”

“Then the next step is the first big battle with the alien race... In this battle, I can just show off my performance again. Let’s see how strong I am now, how far can I rank on the earth rankings?”

After entering the Golden Immortal, Su Xing’s short-term goal is to become number one on the Earth Ranking and have the opportunity to meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion.

“Then let’s see how much strength I have after my breakthrough in both qi and body refining!”

Xuxing looked at the simulation panel.

  【In the 800th year, the first war between the Tianji Domain and the foreign races broke out, and you participated in the war as the elder of the Tianji Pavilion. 】

[In the first two years after the battle started, there were constant tests between the human race and the alien race. In these short two years, you also killed hundreds of alien gods, and even easily killed a man who was close to the late Golden Immortal stage. The residence of alien gods. 】

  【In constant battles, your ranking on the list of geniuses has been continuously improved, and has risen to eleventh place on the earth list. 】

  【Until the 803rd year, you met an unprecedented enemy of yours. 】

  【A six-winged god's residence at the peak of the Golden Immortal! 】

The Six-Winged God's Palace is one of the top ten imperial clans of the alien race, and its peak level of the second-level God's Palace is enough to defeat the top ten geniuses on the Earth Ranking. 】

  【This time, the Six-Winged God's Mansion is going to use your blood to make its name known. 】

  【And you, how could you not think so? 】

  【So, the war is about to break out. 】

  【In the beginning, your battle took place in a small world invaded by aliens. 】

  【In this battle, both sides are testing each other in the fighting place. 】

  【Six-Winged God Di, is extremely good at speed, and his understanding of the law of speed has already entered the sixth realm! 】

【Think about it, this Six-Winged God's Mansion is not far from the first-level God's Mansion, and it can be regarded as a genius among the Six-Winged God's Mansion. 】

In addition to the terrifying speed, what is even more troublesome is that the three pairs of wings behind the Six-Winged God's Mansion can not only confuse people's minds, but also burst out a kind of bloodline magical power. 】

   【Countless feathers are flying all over the sky, like a rain of sharp swords. Even if the Golden Immortal is not careful, he will be seriously injured. ]    【In the blink of an eye, one month has passed...】

  【The temptation between you and the alien race is almost over, and you have almost figured out the details of the Six-Winged God's Mansion. 】

  【Speed ​​is faster than you, but physical strength is slightly weaker than you. 】

  【Although the Six-Winged God's natal magical power is terrifying, you may not be incapable of fighting. 】

  【The temptation is officially over, and you have used your unique skill for the first time, the Void Sword. 】

[The sharp sword energy drew a silver ray of light in the air, soaring straight into the sky, and then twisted at a strange angle, passing through the space in an instant and disappearing. 】

  【The next moment, sword energy appeared behind the Six-Winged God's Mansion thousands of miles away, directly attacking its vital points. 】

  【However, what you didn't expect was that the Six-Winged God's Mansion actually blocked your sword. 】

I saw the black wings spread out in an instant, blocking his back. The sword light struck the wings, and the terrifying fluctuations made the space distorted. 】

  【But strangely, a black halo of light seemed to eliminate all the power of the Void Sword. 】

  【Six-Winged God Di shook his wings, a hint of joking appeared on his face. 】

  【I saw him mockingly speaking in human language, the wings of the Six-Winged God's Mansion are one of the strongest things among aliens, especially the ones that can be cut off by mere swords...】

                                       ded in the sky. The Void Sword ranks among the top three in your killing methods, but it still cannot hurt him at all. 】

  【The terror of the Six-Winged God's Mansion is enough to make most golden immortals despair. 】

  【But, you didn't give up. 】

  【After entering the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art, offensive power is still not your strongest method. Your most powerful thing is your terrifying body and defense! 】

  【So, if one sword fails, you temporarily give up long-range attacks and turn to close combat with the Six-Winged God. 】

  【You use the power of space and instantly appear in front of Six-Winged God Di. Your energy attaches to your fists and blasts towards Six-Winged God Di's head. 】

  【Six-winged God Di used the wings on his back to block your punch, and there seemed to be some doubts in his eyes. 】

I saw you using a sword before, so he thought you were a sword cultivator, and in his understanding, human sword cultivators should not be good at the physical body. 】

   But he doesn’t know that swordsmanship is just one of your many methods. Your strongest one right now is your ability to fight in close combat! 】

  【The ancient witch clan used to use punches and kicks to drive foreigners out of the ten domains...】

  【A punch containing terrifying power hit the wings of the Six-Winged God, but it was like hitting an indestructible steel plate. 】

  【Six-winged God Di sneered, indicating that your attack is too weak. 】

  【You saw this but took your time. The Yuan Power in your body was released in an instant. In the Dantian, the illusory Tianyuan Divine Tree also continued to pour out Yuan Power. 】

  【In an instant, the amount of Yuan Li in your fists increased several times, and the strength of your punch also increased several times. 】

  【Yuanli is like an all-powerful sharp blade, tearing apart the wings of the Six-Winged God's Palace. 】

  【Then, the Six-Winged God Di let out a muffled groan, and was blasted thousands of meters away by your punch. 】

  【There is warm blood flowing down your fists, and two black feathers are attached to them. 】

  【This blood is not yours...but comes from the six-winged god! 】

I saw in the distance a fist-sized dent on the wings of the Six-Winged God, and traces of blood soaked the wings. 】

 Feeling the pain on his wings, the Six-Winged God Di had a look of disbelief on his face. 】

He looked at his wings and saw that he had not been injured for countless thousands of years. 】

  【Pain makes this powerful **** become angry. 】

Without hesitation, the Six-Winged God Di roared angrily, and then tore off the two wings on his back. 】

  【Just when you are doubting, a scene that shocks you appears...】

I saw the six-winged **** touching a pair of wings in his hand, and a strange energy took away all the feathers on the wings. 】

  【Then, the pair of wings actually turned into a strange-looking bone sword, its whole body turned into blood, just like the sword of judgment in Western mythology. 】

With the Bone Sword in hand, you can clearly feel that the Six-Winged God's Mansion has become something special. 】

   [Eye turned red, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth. 】

From the torn wing on its back, blood was constantly seeping out from the wound. 】

   But he seemed not to care at all, letting the blood flow down. 】

He even stretched out his left hand and touched the hands behind his back, smearing the blood on his lips. 】

  【After seeing this, you frowned slightly. The current posture of the Six-Winged God's Mansion may be quite troublesome. 】


  【However, after holding the bone sword in the hand of the six-winged god, his strength was obviously more than doubled, as if he had fallen into a violent mode. 】

   【I saw him waving the bone sword in his hand, tearing apart the Yuanli in front of you with every slash. 】

  【You don't dare to be careless when you see this, and you quickly activate your sword intent with all your strength. In conjunction with the advanced Yuan Power, the new body-protecting sword gang will protect you firmly. 】

  【The power of the body-protecting sword comes from the way of the sword and Yuanli. 】

  【Although your swordsmanship is still at the fifth level, your upgraded Yuanli has more than doubled the defense of your body-protecting sword. 】

  【Six thousand and four hundred body-protecting swords will protect your body in all directions at 360 degrees, allowing the bone sword to release terrifying power. 】

 【One sword, ten swords, one hundred swords...】

  【The six-winged god's eyes were red, and he was slashing the bone sword in his hand crazily...】

  【As you continue to slash, the protective sword gang around your body is also rapidly broken. 】

 【Six thousand four hundred ways...six thousand ways...five thousand ways...three thousand ways...】

  【This six-winged **** wielded hundreds of swords, and in the end all your protective swords were shattered. 】

  【After seeing this, the Six-winged God Di looked at your body with a look of longing on his face, as if a hunter had seen the prey he had longed for. 】

  【From his eyes, you see a hint of desire and play with food. 】

  【It seems that after losing the protective sword, you are no longer his opponent...】


  【The corners of your mouth raised slightly, just a faint smile. 】

  【With a wave of the hand, Yuanli surges out of the body like a tide, and the sword intention regroups...】

  【Six thousand and four hundred body-protecting swords reappear outside your body. 】

  【It seems that the desperate attack by the Six-winged God Mansion just now was just a joke...】

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