While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 434: Simulating for 2,800 years, the Tianji Realm is in danger!

Chapter 434 Simulation of 2800 years, Tianji Realm is in danger!

"Sure enough, after the strength has improved again, this shadow **** is no longer my opponent..."

Su Xing nodded slightly, not surprised by this.

 The Tao of the Five Elements has entered the sixth realm, the true realm of Tao!

This is Awakening’s strongest attack method so far!

 Coupled with the breakthroughs in Qi refining and body refining, Su Xing's overall strength has increased by at least 50%!

 This also means that Su Xing’s strength has truly entered the top two on the earth rankings!

 Shu Xing recalled Tang Yiyi's battle performance in his mind.

 After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and said:

“At present, Tang Yiyi and I are indeed between equals in terms of strength…”

“It’s just that Tang Yiyi is still second on the Earth Ranking... I don’t know how far behind he is from Fairy Ziling?”

 Su Xing has only seen one fight between Fairy Ziling and Xuesan. It can be seen that Fairy Ziling is close to the strength of Taiyi Golden Fairy.

But Su Xing’s cultivation was still shallow at that time, so he couldn’t see many clues.

  【When you wake up again, Tang Yiyi is still beside you, and most of your injuries have recovered. 】

 【You can check the changes in your own cultivation level immediately...】

 “Alas, what a pity...I have to find a new target to trigger the heart of the strong!”

But now, the awakening strength exceeds that of the shadow god. Such a fake match... is too obvious after all!

If you wake up and activate the "One More Shot" talent, you will definitely be able to kill the shadow god!

But if you are defeated by the shadow **** and fall into a coma due to serious injuries, you must "fake a match" to wake up.

Su Xing frowned slightly.

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt a little hot in his heart.

“As long as I can defeat Fairy Ziling, I can truly reach the top of the world rankings!”

"It seems that I have to find an opportunity to compete with Fairy Ziling... then we will see the gap between me and her!"

  【In the second year of the battle, the shadow gods gradually became familiar with your attack methods and magical powers, and began to counterattack during defense. 】

Su Xing said with some regret.

  【But your strength is not what it used to be, and in addition to the fact that you have severely damaged the shadow **** before, you still have the upper hand. 】

You know in your heart that if you continue like this, the shadow gods will never be able to help you trigger the heart of the strong. 】

 In the previous simulation, Awakening did not use the ‘One More Shot’ talent, but the Heart of the Strong was still triggered.

“Forget it, let’s give it a try for now, there’s nothing to lose anyway…”

 “But there’s no hurry for now, let’s continue to improve our strength during this period!”

  【And Tang Yiyi also took action in time to kill the shadow god! 】

 That's because at that time, his strength was about the same as that of the Shadow God.

“I wonder if such a ‘fake match’ can trigger the talent of Strong Heart?”

 Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel.

  【Therefore, you can only despise the shadow gods in battle and occasionally show flaws...】

 It's a pity to wake up, he somewhat understands the triggering mechanism of the strong heart.

  【But, what disappoints you is that your cultivation level has not increased at all...】

Shu Xing missed an opportunity once, and this time Su Xing definitely cannot miss it again!

  【The fierce battle between you and the shadow gods continues. 】

 The heart of the strong, as the name suggests, is to challenge the strongest without any regrets.

 【Finally, you were severely injured by the shadow **** and fell into a coma...】

  【The third year of the battle... You sense a familiar aura approaching, it's Tang Yiyi! 】

 How can a strong person "fake a match"?

“Although it is not mentioned in the introduction of the talent, this must be done with all one’s strength and without giving up, so that it is possible to trigger the heart of a strong person, and it is more in line with the posture of a strong person...”

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

 Even if you lose in the end, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, your strength will be enhanced!

Su Xing murmured.

【Seeing the reinforcements coming, you even more blatantly faked the match. 】

"Sure enough, fake matches can't trigger the heart of the strong?"

 Such a good experience and the baby left him again.


“It’s just that with the strength of the Shadow God… I don’t know if I can trigger the Heart of the Strong talent!”

The first one on the land list will be able to meet the master of Tianji Pavilion.

 This means that the power of the awakening is theoretically greater than that of the shadow gods.

  【After many false matches, you were gradually injured, and the battle between the two sides was even. 】

 Next, if Su Xing wants to trigger the Heart of the Strong, he must face Taiyi Jinxian-level enemies!

 “Forget it, since you can’t trigger the heart of a strong person...then continue practicing!”


  【The heart of a strong person has not been triggered, you are a little disappointed, but you quickly adjust your mentality and continue practicing. 】

  【In the following years, you and Tang Yi fought against the foreign races together, and occasionally competed, winning and losing. 】

   【In the 1010th year, you bid farewell to Tang Yiyi and practiced in seclusion alone. 】

  【This retreat lasted close to three hundred years! 】

  【The time has come to the 1300th year, and you have successfully ended the retreat. 】

  【After more than two hundred years of hard work, your cultivation has finally reached the late stage of the fourth level of the Golden Immortal! 】

  【At the same time, the tree of vitality in your body has also grown to two feet and three feet! 】

  【The scope of the spiritual realm has also increased to 21,000 miles...】

  【This year, you know that aliens from the eighth heaven will come to this world. 】

  【Facing these Taiyi Golden Immortal-level alien encirclement and suppression, you are no match...】

  【You are not willing to let this simulation end so easily...】

  【Fortunately, you already have a way to extend the time of this simulation! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

As early as in the previous simulation, Su Xing was preparing to extend the simulation time.

“Since the alien race is so powerful in the Nine Heavens, I will transform into the form of a lemure vest... This will definitely extend the simulation time!”

“The strength of the Lemur Vest has not been improved for a long time... Even if there are hundreds of years left, we cannot waste it!”

“By the way, I can also use my identity as a lemure to investigate the distribution of alien forces in the Nine Heavens…”

 Having made a decision in her mind, she looked at the simulation panel with awake eyes.

  【In the 1300th year, you choose to change into the identity of the evil demon vest. 】

  【In this year, the geniuses of the seventh heaven were encircled and suppressed by foreign races...】

  【In this battle, the genius of the human race was almost completely wiped out... Only Tang Yiyi was missing, and you did not find Tang Yiyi's body. 】

  【Soon, you will be discovered by other alien races. 】

  【These alien gods were all shocked when they saw you. 】

  【A second-level god-level lemure appeared so suddenly in the ninth heaven. 】

  【But soon, these alien gods thought of a possibility...】

  【The "Mother Goddess" visited again, and a god-level lemure was born! 】

  【As long as they continue to find strength for the Mother Goddess, a more powerful alien race will be born! 】

    Because the aura on your body is so pure that even the alien gods cannot see any flaws. 】

  【Although you are only a second-level god, the special nature of your identity as a lemure makes these foreign gods respect you. 】

About a few years later, a mysterious light fell in the seventh heaven, and then, a passage was opened. 】

  【Including you, most of the alien gods have gone to the eighth heaven! 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw a flash of light in his eyes!

“You actually went to the eighth heaven in this way!”

 With the strength of the awakening, it will definitely not be possible to reach the eighth heaven in a short time!

 But now, under the leadership of the foreign gods, we actually got the opportunity to go to the eighth heaven in advance!

"The eighth heaven...should be the main battlefield between humans and aliens...where the real top combat forces gather!"

“Besides, the seventh heaven has so many heavenly materials and earthly treasures… I don’t know how many treasures the eighth heaven can possess!”

 Su Xing couldn't wait to see the scenery of the eighth heaven.

Look at the analog panel!

  【With the blessing of this great power, you successfully reached the eighth heaven. 】

   【The place where you descend is a stronghold of a foreign race! 】

  【There are hundreds of first-level gods gathered in this base camp, and there are even three foreign main gods! 】

  【You came to the eighth heaven for the first time and saw a large number of real strong men from the alien race! 】

  【The number of strong foreigners in this base camp alone is enough to capture the Tianji Realm! 】

  【However, these alien gods gathered together just to prevent a woman from entering the ninth heaven...】

  【And this woman is naturally... the Master of Tianji Pavilion! ]    [You are very surprised. Even though the Master of Tianji Pavilion is known as the most powerful Daluo Golden Immortal in history, how can he fight against so many foreign races by himself? 】

  【Soon, you will know the answer...】

  【The Master of Tianji Pavilion is not a Daluo Golden Immortal... but a Half-Saint! 】

She is not a half-saint like Qingyunzi who failed to kill three corpses and lost her mind, but a genuine semi-saint! 】

  【Even, it is known as the existence closest to the saint! 】

  【The goal of the Master of Tianji Pavilion is to go to the ninth heaven...to attain enlightenment and become a saint! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing frowned when he saw this.

“The Master of Tianji Pavilion is actually a semi-saint!”

 Although, this is huge good news for the human race!

 After all, the human race finally has a saint-level combat power!

 Even if he is only a semi-saint, there is a huge difference between him and Daluo Jinxian!

“But the question is, is a sober half-saint... still not enough to protect the human race?”

Su Xing murmured.

The Lord of Tianji Pavilion, the reason why he is so eager to seek the way to sanctification.

I'm afraid there is only one reason. Half-saints are not enough to expel aliens and protect the world of immortality!

 This shows that there are definitely saint-level combat powers among foreign races!

 This idea has been in Su Xing’s mind for a long time, but now it has become more settled.

“Going to the eighth heaven, you can indeed get more information...”

“Then next, we should find ways to get more information about aliens and humans in the eighth heaven to prepare for the future.”

“At the same time, the level of the evil demon vest can also be raised to a higher level!”

The plan to awaken the lemure is about to begin, so it is necessary to improve the level of the lemure at the moment.

Look at the simulation panel.

  【After arriving at the eighth heaven, you began to inquire about the intelligence of alien races. 】

  【Soon, you learned that there are hundreds of first-level alien gods in the eighth heaven, and there are even several main-god-level beings. 】

  【Several deputy commanders of the First Legion, as well as most of the combat power of the Second Legion, are in the eighth heaven. 】

  【Because of your status as an evil demon god, you were well protected and did not directly participate in the war with the human monks. 】

  【You only stayed in the eighth heaven for a few years, and after investigating some information, you received an order. 】

 Leave the Nine Heavens Realm and go to the Tianji Realm to cultivate an army of evil spirits and help capture the Tianji Realm. 】

  【Although it is a bit regretful that you were not able to obtain more information, you also recorded the races and strengths of many foreign gods in the eighth heaven. 】

  【And in the Tianji Domain, it is more suitable for you to reproduce the lemure race. 】

  【In the 1310th year, you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

  【Your return quickly attracted the attention of the alien army in the Tianji Domain. 】

  【You have become the deputy commander of the Third Army Corps as always. 】

 【Next, you will cultivate evil demon apostles and believers in the Tianji Realm...】

  【In this way, nearly five hundred years have passed. 】

  【In the 1800th year, you have cultivated enough believers to continuously provide you with a massive source of energy. 】

  【But you are not complacent, because you know that the second war between the Tianji Domain and the alien races in the second thousand years will be a huge threat to you. 】

  【In the previous simulations, you died at this point in time. 】

   But this time, you are not going to sit still and wait for death. 】

  【You have contacted the leader of the fifth general legion. This is also a foreign main god. He comes from one of the ten major alien imperial clans, the Taolong clan! 】

  【The Taolong clan, unlike the Six Wings, Shadows, or the Crimson Eyes alien race, their race has less demonic qualities and is more "beast-like"! 】

  【According to legend, the gluttonous dragon clan eats without restraint. Their real bodies are as big as a planet. They can swallow the blood and food of hundreds of millions of creatures in one breath to strengthen themselves, and they can also devour planets and worlds. 】

The Taolong clan’s status among the foreign clans is not low. Among the ten imperial clans, they are also ranked among the top eight! 】

  【And the Taolong Lord God you contacted is the leader of the Taolong clan, and he is also the "Gluttony"! 】

  【The Taolong Lord God was very happy for your contact, and soon sent two first-level gods to personally drive the black boat to pick you up. 】

【Although the Shadow God, the commander of the third legion, is a little unhappy about this, it is not easy to offend you. 】

  【So, you temporarily left the Third Army and took refuge in the Fifth Army! 】

  【The place where the fifth legion is located is the Qingyuan Territory! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

“After going round and round, I’m back to the Qingyuan Realm!”

“After returning to the Qingyuan Territory, we should be able to avoid the war between the alien races in the second thousand years, right?”

“Moreover, compared to the crisis-ridden Tianji Domain, the Qingyuan Domain is obviously safer..."

“Although believers are further away and the speed of acquiring faith will be slower, they can still live longer!”

“As for the information about the alien race, we can get it later when we have the opportunity!”

Thinking this way, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

   【In the 1850th year, you left the Tianji Realm and returned to the Qingyuan Realm. 】

  【What is different from before is that this time you serve as the temporary deputy commander of the fifth legion as a lemure vest. 】

  【For the next hundred years or so, you can safely stay in the Qingyuan Domain to collect the power of faith. 】

   Time has come to the second thousand years in a blink of an eye. 】

  【In the past one hundred and fifty years, you have collected a lot of power of faith, but it is still not enough for you to be promoted to the late stage of the second-level god. 】

  【The good news is that over the past hundred years, you have a more detailed understanding of the Fifth Legion's intelligence. 】

【The strength of the Fifth General Legion is only about 80% of that of the Third General Legion, and the hard power of the Taolong Lord God is also inferior to that of the Shadow Lord God...】

  【The power of faith has not been collected enough. Fortunately, you did not encounter much danger, so you continued to stay in the headquarters of the Fifth Legion and develop with peace of mind. 】

  【Time flies in the blink of an eye, and another three hundred years have passed! 】

  【Twenty-three hundred years, this is the longest time you have ever simulated. 】

  【While you are in the Qingyuan Territory, you have finally learned the information about the Tianji Territory where the Third Legion is located! 】

  【Three hundred years ago, the second war between the Tianji Domain and the Third General Legion was triggered! 】

  【In that battle, the human race planned to win back a city, which can be said to have extended the human race's luck for a thousand years! 】

  【Bai Di single-handedly killed three first-level gods, and even severely damaged the shadow god! 】

  【But in that battle, the human race was also seriously injured. 】

  【Two Taiyi Golden Immortals were killed in battle...one of them is someone you know, Xiao Zhanlong! 】

  【And Bai Di also lost his left arm and his vitality was greatly reduced. 】

  【But fortunately, Canglan Realm was defended. 】

  【In the Tianji Domain, the human race still occupies most of the country. 】

  【The battle between the Tianji Domain and the foreign races is still at a fierce stage...】

  【You were slightly relieved after hearing the news, which shows that the destiny of the human race has not been cut off yet. 】

   However, soon you will no longer be happy. 】

   【In the 2500th year, you learned the news that the Seventh General Legion of Alien Races has mobilized most of the alien races to leave the Southern Barbarian Territory to assist the Third Legion...invading the Tianji Territory! 】

  【The battle between Tianji Territory and the foreign races is already at a balance of power. Once the Seventh General Legion joins the battlefield... Tianji Territory will inevitably fall into an absolute disadvantage! 】

 【But at this moment, you can’t care about that much anymore...】

  【You who are in the Qingyuan Realm can only do your best to improve your realm. 】

 【In this way, more than two hundred years have passed...】

  【The 2700th year, this year you will use all the power of faith you have accumulated for more than 800 years to improve your realm! 】

  【Infused with the power of massive faith, your divine power continues to increase...】

  【Finally, you have successfully entered the late stage of the second level god! 】

 In the real world, Su Xing saw this with mixed emotions, including joy and sorrow.

 Happily, he has successfully entered the late stage of the second-level god, and is not far away from becoming a first-level god.

 But what is worrying is that the situation in Tianji Domain... is really critical!

“I don’t know what’s going on with the Master of Tianji Pavilion... Can Bai Di hold on to the Tianji Realm?”

 Shu Xing had a hunch that perhaps, the complete defeat of the human race was not far away.

“I originally thought that the human race would have at least tens of thousands of years of luck…”

“But with the Southern Barbarian Territory being completely invaded, it has become difficult for the human race to hold on to other large territories…”

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

   【In the 2800th year, you received information that the Canglan Realm in the Tianji Domain was occupied by aliens. 】

 【The Heavenly Secret Realm is in danger...】

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