While Others Are Practicing Leveling, I Am Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 475: Su Xing’s trump card is the Yin Yang Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique!

Chapter 475 Awakening’s trump card, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Immortal Explosive Technique!

 At this moment, Hongyue panicked!

 He remembered the human being before him.

 Six months ago, this ant-like human came into his own abyss and killed many red-eyed aliens.

 But this human being at that time was not worthy of Hongyue's eyes...

 The only impression left is that I ran so fast!

 So much so that He was put in a different position!

Even so, Hongyue didn't take it to heart, and just gave an order casually, asking his men to kill this human being as much as possible.

 But now…

 Just over half a year.

The ants that I once looked down on have actually begun to compete with me?

 “This…this is impossible!”

“Could it be that...you are also the resurrected Daluo Jinxian?”

Hongyue was not afraid of Su Xing's strength, but was frightened by Su Xing's growth rate!

“More than half a year ago...it was obviously still the strength of the Golden Immortal that your human race calls..."

“But now, he actually has combat power that surpasses the ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal?!”

Looking at the red moon in the sky that he had been fooled by, Su Xing smiled and said nothing, his expression became more unpredictable, as if he was sure of victory.

“What you saw was half a year, but what I experienced... was hundreds of thousands of years of practice!”

 Su Xing thought to himself.

So taking advantage of this rare opportunity, we launched an offensive toward the Red Moon one after another!

 One sword, two swords...thousands of swords, ten thousand swords!

 Amidst the sword light in the sky, Su Xing and Hong Yue fought for hundreds of rounds in the blink of an eye...

 After the initial panic and disbelief, Hongyue quickly regained her senses.

 In all his long years, he had hardly ever lost his composure like he just did.

At the same time, I have never seen a living body whose strength has undergone earth-shaking changes in just half a year like Su Xing!

“So...what happened to you?”

“What amazing secret is hidden?”

The red light that fills the sky is like a spear symbolizing death, coming from all directions and constantly shooting towards Su Xing.

 In the sky, there seemed to be a faint flash of excitement in the huge red pupils.

 I can’t wait to reveal the secret of human beings in front of me!

 The figure below wakes up, or jumps a hundred miles, and the figure shuttles flexibly in the red light.

 Or use the protective sword to protect yourself firmly and resist the erosion of the red light as much as possible.

Slightly rapid breathing, showing that the current response after waking up is not easy...

 “It’s killing!”

 “The Law of Killing!”

Su Xing was convinced. After a long period of close contact, Su Xing also figured out the source of these red lights!

“The law of killing at the peak of the sixth realm... combined with Hong Yue’s terrifying mental power, and the natural talent of the Red Eyes clan?”

Su Xing thought quickly while dodging the damage of the red light.

Each of these red lights is astonishingly powerful!

If Su Xing is hit without any protection, he may be seriously injured in an instant!

Although the battle situation was difficult, Su Xing did not fall into despair.

 “But...it’s not like I have no power to fight back!”

 “The gap between me and Hongyue...is getting smaller step by step!”

“It’s just the law of killing at the peak of the sixth realm... This shows that Hongyue is still a long way from returning to its peak!”

Su Xing murmured.

The red moon, the first of the seven deadly sins, symbolizes the lord of killing!

 At his peak, his mastery of the law of killing was definitely at the peak of the seventh realm!

 But tens of millions of years have passed…

 Either because it has not been fully resurrected, or because "the Dharma cannot be practiced together"!

  The emergence of the new Lord of Killing may have weakened Hongyue's grasp of the law of killing.

 “Not enough…the attack methods are still a little simpler!”

 “The red beam that freezes people’s thoughts, plunges them into hallucinations and despair…!”

“The mental power of a single target to block powerful attacks…and the group beam for large-scale defense!”

 “In addition…the embodiment of the law of killing!”

 Su Xing secretly calculated in his mind, fighting for several hours and thousands of rounds.

The red moon only shows a few kinds of energy...

 “Did the ability get lost in the course of time?”

“Or maybe...my current temptations are not enough?”

Su Xing frowned slightly. Although the four methods were integrated into offense and defense, there was a feeling that Su Xing had no way to start.

 But I always have a premonition when I wake up... It seems that the red moon today has not yet used its full strength!

"No...I have no chance to kill Hong Yue now!"

"If this continues, not only will this attack yield no results, but it will expose itself in the simulation..."

 “Must, use more methods to force out the red moon, force out the red moon card!”

Thinking of this, Su Xing began to gradually give up on defense, and instead focused on the offensive in a more frenzied state!

Beams of red light penetrated the awakening body.

 Either the chest, abdomen, or thighs…

Even the vital part of the neck was pierced.

 But with the terrifying power and recovery power of Qi and blood, these serious injuries recovered quickly!

 Feeling the rapid depletion of energy and blood in his body, Su Xing did not hold back.

 The body-protecting sword, the sword of the void, and the five-element spiritual explosion!

 All kinds of attack methods were thrown towards the red moon without risking their lives.

  Completely disregarding the consumption of mana and Dao enlightenment!

 Under such high-intensity successive offensives, Hongyue's nearly perfect defense finally revealed some flaws.

Huge red eyes hang high in the sky, like a "mirror flower, water moon" that exists between illusion and reality!

 This is not the “flesh” that Su Xing has been fighting against in the past.

 He does not even bleed, and does not feel pain like living beings after being attacked.

 The only thing Su Xing could tell was that Hong Yue's aura seemed to be weaker than at the beginning.

The lowest level of the entire abyss is filled with rules and emotions such as "killing" and "anger".

 One day...two days...three days!

This battle lasted for three full days!

 As the strongest bottom layer in the abyss, it has been beaten to pieces.

 The spatial fluctuations caused by the battle almost destroyed all living creatures and spaces below the 700th level of the abyss!

 Yes, in just three days of fighting, the size of the abyss was reduced by about one-third!

This is a battle at the Taiyi Golden Immortal level!

As the battle continued, the awakened body was severely injured hundreds of times in just three days!

The terrifying law of killing crazily devoured the awakened body and blood. At the same time, it also slowed down the recovery speed of the awakened injuries.

 “The law of killing...tsk, tsk, it’s really a terrifying law!”

Su Xing skillfully dodged a red light and felt his own condition.

 “The power of qi and blood in the body... has been lost by about one-fifth!”

“Most of them were swallowed up by the law of killing!”

“And the Law of Killing makes my recovery from injuries about ten times slower…”

 Three days and three nights of fighting made Su Xing feel quite troubled.

Any law is terrifying for a monk at the peak of the sixth realm, let alone a top law such as killing?

 After entering the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique, the recovery power of the awakening is already close to that of the ancient witch clan!

Similar to a broken arm or leg, or a hole with a diameter of 30 centimeters in the chest, as long as you are willing to use up your energy and blood, these "minor injuries" can be recovered in just two or three breaths!

 But under the law of killing at the peak of the sixth realm, the recovery speed of this injury will be delayed to twenty or thirty breaths.

"The power of law is indeed the foundation... If this law of killing reaches the seventh level, I am afraid that the speed of my injury recovery will almost stagnate..."

  "When the time comes, I will be completely crushed by the red moon!"

 Su Xing kept thinking in his mind. After three consecutive days of fighting, he had a general understanding of Hong Yue's strength.

 Divided according to the four realms of Taiyi.

 The most common Taiyi Golden Immortal in the first realm refers to all Taiyi who are ranked below fifty on the Prodigy List.

Taking specific strength as an example, those who are in the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal and a certain avenue has reached the peak of the sixth realm or below.

 Now, with the dual cultivation of body and qi, coupled with the coexistence of ten avenues and top magical powers, Su Xing's strength is probably at the peak of this stage.

 The second level, Taiyi Zhenren, has reached the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal. At least one avenue has reached the peak of the sixth level. He also masters a variety of top magical powers, techniques, etc.

 Taiyi Golden Immortals who are below 20 and above 50 on the Tianjiao List are approximately at this stage. The third realm, Taiyi Zhenjun!

At least one avenue has entered the seventh realm and can be ranked above twenty on the Prodigy List.

Today, Hongyue’s combat effectiveness is about the peak of Taiyi Zhenjun, close to the level of Taiyi Zhenjun...

  After all, this is a main **** who has lived for countless years. Although he has died, his background is too profound.

Su Xing even suspected that Hong Yue was not far away from entering the seventh level of the Avenue of Killing and reaching the level of Taiyi Zhenjun...

Of course, this is just the division of power within the human cultivation system.

I don’t know whether the alien race is accurately awakened.

It can only be said that after several days of fierce fighting, Su Xing has roughly determined that Hongyue's combat power is at this level.

The premise is... Hongyue doesn't hide too many tricks.

 And the division of actual battles is not so absolute!

For example, if awakening stimulates "pause between breaths", it can be combined with the talents of "Five Elements Explosive Technique" and "No Martial Arts".

 Be able to threaten or even kill a Taiyi Zhenren in a short period of time!

 After all, the time-stop talent is too unreasonable.

 But this method can only be used once to wake up.

In the same way, Su Xing's "One More Shot" talent gives Su Xing more confidence when facing Taiyi Zhenren-level experts.

  After all, "two lives fight one life"!

 “Tsk tsk… what a difficult enemy!”

 “Red Moon… is indeed not a paper tiger!”

 Su Xing took advantage of the break in the battle to drink a large mouthful of fairy liquid. After recovering a little mana, he assessed his own condition as follows.

“There is still more than half of the power of Qi and blood left...On the contrary, the enlightenment of the Great Dao has been rapidly consumed..."

“The consumption of mana can still be made up, but the consumption of Dao Insight will take time…”

Su Xing estimated that in his current state, he would completely exhaust his understanding of a certain avenue.

  It will take at least three months to recover!

 After all, this is the road to the sixth realm, and even recovery is not easy...

Of course, Su Xing also discovered that "Wen Dao Pill" can speed up the recovery of Dao enlightenment to a certain extent.

“If this situation continues... we should be able to hold on for at least a week, right?”

 “The premise is...don’t use those two trump cards...”

 Su Xing quickly adjusted his state, preparing to take advantage of this rare opportunity to fight with Yue.

 After all, this is one of the few opportunities to face the red moon!

 In this way, the fierce battle between Su Xing and Hong Yue lasted for another seven days!

 It is not difficult to wake up after fighting without sleep for more than ten consecutive days.

 But the enemy is the red moon, so it is not easy to wake up.

Especially, Su Xing has almost given up on defense in the past ten days, using ultimate moves such as "Body Protection Sword Gang", "Sword of the Void", and "Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique".

  It even intensifies the consumption of awakening...

Ordinary battles between the Taiyi Golden Immortal level can last for years or decades, so how could they leave no room at all?

Of course, it was precisely because of Su Xing’s desperate offensive style that Hongyue’s defense had many flaws and had to reveal more of its trump cards.

 During the ten days of fighting, Hong Yue used more than ten kinds of abilities.

 The power of the "laws" used is no less than that of the Five Paths!

 They are all at the peak level of the sixth realm!

Of course, the four weird abilities at the beginning are the most used.

 The "blood-red light curtain" for group defense and the "absolute counterattack" that can reverse a single attack!

 The "red beam" that deprives people of their thinking and causes life to age rapidly, and the "blood rain" that is full of killing laws!

This is to wake oneself up and get a name.

 As the fight lasted for more than ten consecutive days, Su Xing also had a vague guess in his mind.

“Hongyue seems...different from the ordinary Crimson Tong clan!”

“No, maybe the Hongyue of the past belonged to the Crimson Tong clan!”

"But now, in the road of life and death...Red Moon seems to be heading to another road!"

Su Xing squinted his eyes and looked at the huge red eyes in the sky, and the premonition in his heart became more obvious.

 Shu Xing calls this path the "Law of Body"!

Hmm, it is somewhat similar to the "Sage's Way of Harmony with Heaven" spread in the world of immortality, but it is completely different!

Today's Red Moon seems to have abandoned part of its "real body" and turned into a part of the law of "killing" or "death"!

 This makes most physical attacks useless to it!

 In the past ten days, Su Xing has only tried two attack methods that can hurt Hongyue.

 One is Yuanli!

 Yuanli has the characteristic of "breaking all laws" after all. Even the law itself can be destroyed as long as there is sufficiently high-level and pure Yuanli!

 Secondly, it is the power of the great road!

 The magical power that contains a lot of power of the great avenue can also harm Hongyue's body!

 At least, Su Xing can feel that the breath of the moon in the sky is about one tenth lower than ten days ago?

“In death, do you abandon your body and become part of the law?”

 “In the end… I should still find my physical body again…”

Su Xing murmured.

Of course, compared to the red moon which is one tenth weaker.

  Today's awakening, combat strength is only half of what it was in its heyday.

“There’s no need to delay it any longer… With my current strength, it’s not enough to force Hongyue to use more of her trump cards…”

 “In that case, let’s give it a try!”

Su Xing took a deep breath, drank a large bottle of fairy liquid, and tried to adjust his breath.

 Su Xing hasn’t used the "Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique" for a week!

At this moment, Five Elements Avenue has basically returned to 80% of its heyday.

It’s enough, let’s use that trump card!

Thinking this way, Su Xing defended while concentrating all the mana in his body.


Nearly half of the mana in Su Xing's body was gathered in his hands and condensed into an invisible cyclone.

 Gradually, a gorgeous colorful flower appeared in the palm of Su Xing’s hand.

 This is, the extremely compressed mana and Dao perception are all exposed at this moment!

Yellow, green, blue, reddish brown, black and white!

 There are seven colors in total, representing metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, and different ultimate avenues among them!

 Su Xing calls this move the "Five Elements Yin-Yang Spiritual Explosion Technique!"

This is also the most powerful magical power that I have painstakingly studied in the past six months since I woke up!

The power is even greater than the Void Sword and the Body Protecting Sword Gang!

 After all, the essence of this magical power, the five elements and the way of yin and yang, awakening has entered the sixth realm!

 This is a magical power that can severely damage or even kill Taiyi Golden Immortal instantly!

  However, because it was developed not long ago, this magical power also has weaknesses.

 It takes too long to brew magical powers, and it also takes a certain amount of time for magical powers to hit the target!

 Hence, during this time!

 Su Xing could only defend as much as possible. Huge blood holes appeared in his chest and abdomen, and they quickly recovered under the extreme vitality.

 Finally...half a quarter of an hour later!

 Su Xing felt that the mana in his body was almost drained, and this colorful little flower finally solidified!

 The Law of the Great Way is embodied! The symbol of Taiyi Jinxian!

 After all, the sixth realm of the Great Dao is called...the true realm of the Tao!

With the appearance of this colorful little flower, the red moon in the sky also showed emotions similar to "impatient" and "panic"!

Su Xing felt a slight mood swing, and the corners of his mouth rose.

“Sure enough, you are not invincible!”

 “You also have times when you are...scared!”

 Su Xing was very satisfied with Hongyue's reaction.

 If his strongest move is not enough to pose a threat to Him, this shows that the gap between the two is still too big!

 At present, Su Xing clearly has the ability to threaten Hongyue!

 With the appearance of colorful flowers, Su Xing felt it.

 Red Moon’s attacks become more frequent!

 Even large-scale "red beams" began to appear, trying to solidify Su Xing's thoughts and reduce Su Xing's lifespan!

At the same time, a red light curtain enveloped the entire sky, and even the "absolute counterattack" that could rebound magical powers was firmly surrounding the red moon.

 At this moment, Hongyue did her best to defend herself!

 “Haha...defense is of no use!”

 There was a look of excitement and fanaticism in Su Xing's eyes.

 Following that, Su Xing used his talent, "Pause between breaths!"

 The corners of his mouth were slightly open, as if a silent character was spitting out of his waking mouth!

 The next second, the whole space became quiet!

 At the bottom of the abyss, there was no more noise.

 The magical power technique is stagnant in the air and seems to be in a state of stagnant movement!

Even the "red beam" symbolizing the law of killing is hovering in mid-air!

 In the entire space, within a radius of thousands of miles, the only thing that can move is the awakening!

 “Only...three seconds!”

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