Wish of a Lazy Otaku

Chapter 76

76 76. Willow And Message From The Goddess




” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



“So what did you want to tell me that you called me out!” Erick asked Aashi not to mind her sniffing him like a pervert.

“Hehehe! Now that I recharge my masternim energy, let’s get to business!” Aashi laughed and hid her drooling expression looking at her master’s tantalising neck and feeling of hard muscles, she let go of his neck then took him and sat down on the chairs on the open terrace.


Erick also sat beside her and enjoyed the cool breeze coming from the nearby not-so-artificial hill.

“Master, It’s not me who wanted to talk to you but her. Willow, you can say what you want, Master is here!” Aashi said out loud to someone specific to hear.

Then suddenly a gust of wind came from the hill beside the house and with leaves circling it, made a tiny fairy-like foggy appearance.

“Master!” The childish voice came from the foggy fairy like a greeting to Erick.

“Hmmn! But hey Aashi, did you call her by name!” Erick nodded in response then caught something from Aashi, how she addressed the foggy fairy with the name so he asked in confusion.

“Ohh! Well, Master always called her Will of World that so I thought why not think of a name for her, that’s how I came up with the name, Willow, for her and she even liked it!” When she mentioned Willow, the foggy fairy started to flutter around her, showing her happiness that she liked the name that was given by Aashi.

“As long as she likes it then it’s fine!” Erick smiled looking at the formless fairy and approved Aashi for naming sense.

Erick can guess why the world Will has not contacted him on the island or anywhere else from the look of her. Willow had made use of a hill beside his house as a temporary means to communicate. In this case, she can communicate with others as long as she wants to but she hasn’t made contact with anyone except for Aashi.

“Master, I found a channel which has been connected to another world recently!” Willow said with her child-like voice and flutters around above Erick’s head with her formless foggy body with leaves hovering around it.

“Ohhh! That’s something new!” Erick looked surprised hearing the news.

“Hehehe! I looked every day for any abnormalities but I only found out about it recently!” Willow laughed like a child gurgling seeing his surprised expression and proudly showing off that she didn’t slack on her job.

“Hahaha! Great job Willow!” Erick laughed and praised her for her great effort. Erick caresses the leaves around her form as a show of affection or liking for her.

Erick can take her as a little sister, as the height he would reach in the future, even making worlds would be just a matter of gesture to him.

“Master, the foreign energy has a decay characteristic so the world is most likely on the verge of destruction. Also, master, you could use this chance to break through and allow that world to be under me as a sub-world, then I can increase my growth a little!” Willow described how she felt from the energy and made a request, that if the world is bound under her then she can save a lot of time in her growth period.

“You are right about that but for my breakthrough, I would have to generate the origin from the world. That means I would have to bring the world into the next evolution and release it from its shackles after saving it from destruction!” Erick shook his head from how much he had to do for resolving the problem of that world.

“Master, you could use this time to enjoy the adventure and maybe do something you always wanted to do. I won’t be able to accompany you this time but next time I will be sure to follow you around anywhere you go!” Aashi encouraged Erick to do whatever he wants and she also expressed her sadness that she won’t be with her master this time as she has a lot of work in the Star Dust Group that required her presence but she is determined to follow along with him from the next adventure.

“Fine...fine! I can’t always put my breakthrough on hold so the sooner the better. Okay, then it’s decided that I will take this chance to adventure another world and see what else I can do about it!” Erick accepted their arrangement and decided to visit this world which is on the verge of destruction.

As Erick is not sure about the situation so he can’t guarantee that he would be able to save the world from destruction. It all depends on the situation that the world might be in.

“Ehhh!” Suddenly Aashi showed a startled expression.

“What the matter Aashi!” Erick asked, seeing her expression.

“Emmn! It’s a message from the Goddess!” Aashi said with a bright smile.

“Huh! What...!” Erick thought he heard her wrong but looking at her genuine expression he accepted her answer.

Not sure why the Goddess suddenly sent the message and what for.

“So what is the message the Goddess has for me!” Erick asked, having a small smile as nevertheless he still missed her presence after spending so much time with her.

“It says, hello dear Erick! I have been watching over you and have to say, you have become very lazy. As to not waste my effort in training you, I have specifically sent this message to inform you that you have been given a mission to eradicate any evil presence you find destroying the balance of worlds and the world itself. As a reward for your hard work, which will be given to you after you have successfully reformed a new world each time.

Also be sure to enjoy your time and remember you have promised to fulfil so I am waiting for you, don’t keep me waiting for long my dear Erick.

Your Goddess!”

“Message ends here!” Aashi read out word by word to Erick from top to bottom.

First Erick felt very happy that the Goddess addressed him as Dear on a first-name basis but the more he listened the more his back began to be drenched in sweat. In the end, he just sighed at his fate, well who can blame him for his laziness?

Erick can’t just go around showing off and fighting some characters and then inviting the wrath of some wannabe evil manipulator villain and endanger his parent’s safety.

Above all else, he just wanted to slack off. Who knew that the goddess was watching his every move?




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