Young Master in the Apocalypse

Chapter 104 - Future

As the energy barrier started to envelop the entirety of the town, Viktor left in a hurry - not wanting to risk being seen and discovered.

He only ran away on instinct, but he was starting to love the idea of having a secret identity. Not only would it be beneficial for him to hide his real strength, it would also help when he decided to go to a big city in the near future.

Information is power, and if his future enemies didn't know the true extent of his power, it would be all the better for him.

As he dashed away dodging some of the abyss creatures gathering outside the town outskirts, Viktor remembered the name he gave to the kid before.

"Metal Guardian, hmm… That is not too bad of a name, I think."

Viktor murmured to himself before he took a great leap from the other side of the town. Right as his feet touched the ground, he released his [Metal Fusion] skill and made his way back to the gate, walking in a casual manner.

Hearing murmurs of the people talking about his heroic deed made pride swell in his heart. It would be a complete lie if he said he didn't like it.

"Did you see that?"

"Who is that just now!?"

"He's so powerful! He must be a strong sky realm fighter!"

"Just look at how he killed those creatures! He's so fast"

"Well, just our luck he came to help! Else we'll all be in danger right now!"

Viktor couldn't help but chuckle in his heart as he listened to their banter that continuously fanned his ego. The kid he sort-of introduced himself to before has also been promoting him to the entire town, like a new fan who found a new hidden idol for the first time.

"Oh well, I'll think of this as testing the market." He smirked as he recalled what he had just done. "I probably should make up a proper signature move next time.."

Viktor smiled in the back of the still rowdy crowds, and so he failed to notice Roman coming to approach him from behind.

"Thank you for your help. That was really a good thing you did."

".... err… What do you mean? I just arrived here… I didn't see anything."

Roman stared at him in confusion and asked. "Weren't you the metal figure that helped us just now?"

Viktor shook his head and tried his best to look clueless, as he tried to shake off Roman's suspicion. "Not really, why? Why would you think that?"

"Your movements are identical, and the weapon he used was the same as yours…"

"Err… really?" Viktor's clueless expression was replaced by confusion. "I guess my axe is just that popular…"

"I see," Roman showed a knowing smile. "I thought you didn't see anything, then how did you know he was using an axe?"

Viktor forced himself to resist the urge to slap his forehead. He was usually not this stupid. This is the consequence of doing something without much planning beforehand. As he racked his brain for a way to escape this, Roman suddenly smiled a sincere smile, much to his surprise.

"Don't worry, your secret will be safe with me. Thank you again, the town is indebted to you."

Fortunately, he did his trial run in a small town, and one person knowing his secret was still a manageable thing.

However, he apparently talked too soon, right after Roman walked away, Boris and Torri approached him. With smiles full of admiration, they said, "Young master, what you did just now was so cool!"

Not wanting to risk being discovered again, Viktor quickly tackled their shoulders and shushed them before telling them to hurry and get back in the house.

He returned, only to see Eva and Barry were sitting near each other, seemingly waiting for him to return. They stood up the moment they saw him standing in front of the door.

Now that everyone in his group were all present, Viktor immediately talked about his plan to start anew in a big city. He started to explain the details and things because he expected some resistance coming from his companions, but to his surprise, they all quickly agreed.

Nevertheless, despite her apparent agreement, Eva still has some reservations about the plan. She looked at him and asked, "What are you planning to do dear?"

When he heard the question, the first thing Viktor thought of was a mansion of parties and fun. However, now with the apocalypse wreaking havoc and chaos everywhere, the situation had changed and he needed an objective that is bigger, better, and more sustainable.

Then all of a sudden, Viktor recalled one of his fond childhood memories. The time he listened to his mother singing in the club. Something clicked in his mind, and the more he thought of it, the more he was sure this was the right course of action.

With the most confident voice and brightest smile he could muster, Viktor said.

"I want to open the greatest club in the apocalypse!"

The soulful declaration quickly stoked the flames of excitement to the other four group members.

"That sounds interesting, Master," said Barry, the two bodyguards were as excited as well. "We could be a great bouncer, aren't we Tori?" said Boris to his mate.

Eva was full of a smile, this time with even more admiration to him, she said, "When are we leaving?"

"Not quite yet."

Viktor then told them about the deal he had with Jessie and also Martha the mayor's wife.

"You all can choose to come with me to see this pillar or stay here for a few weeks until I return. How about it?"

Without hesitation, the girl smiled and said. "Of course, I will come with you." Before Viktor could ask anyone else, everyone beat him and voiced their agreements.

Now with all of the important matters settled, Viktor decided to go and look for Jessie. Considering how the energy barriers in the town were up, he wondered whether the girl already had a more definite timeline for his own project.

However, when he walked out of the house, he was surprised to see Jessie was about to barge into his door. She looked at him with an expression so serious that he couldn't help but think something was amiss.

"Viktor! Who are you, really?! Tell me!"

"Err… What do you mean?" Viktor stared at her, still confused.

Even when she was chased by hordes of zombies or risking herself to fix the reactor lest it blew up, Jessie had always maintained her calm demeanor, her smile never faltering. However, this time she acted like she had been replaced by a different person.

"Tell me the truth! Were you sent here to find me!?"

"What? Sent to find you? Why?!"

"The metal suit, the fact that you can reach high stage realms so quickly, and the most surprising, the fact that you can strengthen a metal permanently! You acted like you have no idea what a metal hardening is, yet you can do a permanent hardening?! Who the hell are you?!"

The situation turned a little confusing as Jessie continued to glare at Viktor. There was definitely something about this girl that she was hiding, and he also had the Djinn that he could not explain.

However, Viktor certainly need this Jessie, so he wonders how much should he tell her,

Now, how would he make this work…?


Author Note

Dear Reader, this concludes the first volume of the novel. Now that all the tutorials, worldbuilding, and objectives found. The real plot will be shown in volume two. hope you are as excited as I am. Enjoy. Dont forget to come to join my discord for some pictures and discussion. Link at thank you

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