You’re Beautiful When You Smile

Chapter 143 (1)

Chapter 143 (1)

After the interview, Lu Sicheng walked towards the break room for players and saw Tong Yao standing next to the door welcoming him with a glimmer in her eyes. As he walked near, she was like a bird fluttering her wings, flying into his arms. She hugged his waist and looked up at him while giggling: Ive never cooked for you.

Right. Lu Sicheng nodded: The only cooked meal we had was made by me for you, remember?

Tong Yao remembered. It was that time when Lu Sicheng was having a fever and Tong Yao was having her menstrual cramps. Only the two of them were left at the base. Tong Yao was trying to cook some porridge and he had struggled to go downstairs to grab the pot from Tong Yao to cook it for her Even though it was just a pot of porridge, Tong Yao remembered the event quite clearly-- --Because ever since then, whenever she pestered Lu Sicheng to cook porridge again, he would always say go cook it yourself or get some take out...... Tong Yao then realized that it was once in a blue moon for this man to behave so gentlemanly. She should be satisfied to see it just once in her lifetime.

Tong Yao: You were so nice to me then.

Lu Sicheng: Im not nice to you now? How many MVP interviews have I done for this season? Everytime, I was either praising you or confessing to you. I live my days around you, everything is for you.

Tong Yao: ......

She was silent for a moment. Lu Sicheng could feel her arms around his waist had tightened: Lu Sicheng, even if I can find someone better than you with a lighted lantern[1], I wont go looking.

Lu Sicheng felt like the sun had risen from the west today now that it seemed that Tong Yao had learned to prattle like a lover now.

He was pleased.

He kept his calm face and touched her head. At the same time however, he was thinking that if she had the guts to go looking, then hed burn down the lantern factories in Yiwu.[2]

But he felt it would sound too childish to say something like that out loud. So he chose to keep his mouth shut and hugged the person hanging on his waist before going back to the break room to join the rest of the team. They went back to the base together-- --Everyone was in a good mood. Little Fatty was humming. Lu Yue was repeatedly watching his brilliant plays and  arguing with Ming god that the MVP of the first round should be him, not his brother. Old K was applying bandages on Old Cats wrist. Old Cat told him to do it a little more gently and Old K accused him of being dramatic

Though the opponent of todays match wasnt particularly strong, the team was in high spirits not because they had just won the match, but also because they were finally seeing the result of their training-- --During the first round of the in-group matches, they would be occasionally bothered by Lans surprised ganks or Lans amazing speed at supporting each other and the speed they were about to carry out a game plan. However, those things didnt bother them today. They had won the match quite smoothly and won it brilliantly.

Therefore, everyone was quite happy.

That night, the team ordered takeout and ate around the dinner table. Xiao Rui told the A team that it looked very likely that the B team would move up to the major league this year. Everyone was in an even better mood. After dinner, everyone happily went back to their individual training Tong Yao didnt need to play competition matches anytime soon, but the club had higher requirements for her in terms of the time she needed to spend on ranked matches as well as her participation in skirmishes. Therefore, the total time she spent watching TV dramas from the US, UK, and Thailand on the computer grew smaller and smaller. Everyday, she would play games once she turned on the computer until she turned off the computer to go to bed. 

Lu Yue: Its not easy to sit on the sidelines, substitute.

Tong Yao: Shut up. Im the trump card which we dont want to show off too early in order to hide our real ability!

Lu Yue: Substitute.

Tong Yao: Trump card!

Lu Sicheng was fixing his eyes on his computer screen, but it didnt reduce his annoyance at the two bickering mids. He asked with a stone face: May I ask both of you when you two would like to get your graduation certificates from kindergarten?

Tong Yao replied without thinking: I wont be getting it. Ill be a baby in your eyes for the rest of my life anyway.

The clicking sound of Lu Sichengs mouse suddenly stopped. Then he slowly turned his head to give a meaningful glance at Tong Yao with a shallow smile in his eyes Tong Yao blushed from his look but still stubbornly called out: So what, so what, so what?

Its nothing. Lu Sicheng took his eyes from her and his lips slightly curved up: Im streaming.


She went on Lu Sichengs stream to take a look. The screen was covered with bullet comments like 66666 Damn, porn streamer, Ive reported you I know now that you guys havent broken up, the next couple I only want to watch someone play the game, not a Korean drama and Throwing up......Tong Yao turned off Lu Sichengs stream. In the next hour, Tong Yao automatically switched into the mode that whenever Lu Sicheng streams, I have to be dead quiet. She quietly played one solid match. Then she thought since she had to play mute, she should be doing a stream as well to get more hours. She then logged on to start her own stream-- --

[1]: Finding something with a lighted lantern is a Chinese figure of speech to indicate that something is rare to find.

[2]: Yiwu is a city famous for making small toys and souvenirs.

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